10-Second Daily Ritual Of A
Half His Age...
What if I told you that a simple 10-secret ritual I do first thing every morning...
Has me running circles around U.S. Marines half my age— even at 57 years old...
Despite being in the worst shape of my life just a few years ago? I’ll also reveal a new testosterone breakthrough... That goes to work in seconds to skyrocket your natural production... Regardless of your age or current shape. And how starting today, right now...
I know that’s hard to believe...
So in a few minutes I’ll show you proof of me training with REAL Marines.
WITHOUT lighting a fire in your joints...
Or being laid up in bed exhausted with ice packs on your knees and elbows.
So if you want to get the old you back...
And the boundless energy you thought was reserved for young guys...
Your time will be no better spent than stopping everything you’re doing right now... and reading this special report.
Because minutes from now...
I’ll show you the shocking research…
Of A Sneaky Testosterone Trapping Protein Being Produced In Your Liver Right Now…
Accelerate aging… make you weak, old and sick...
And cause embarrassing “man problems” that leave you feeling smaller than an ant.
This defect in your male biology is NOT your fault...
And the powerful solution you’ll discover— backed by the latest science— is safe... easy and will fix the broken link inside your body and will get you feeling like you again— but much better.
Now I’ll warn you...
This special men’s health report is radically different from anything you’ve been told about low testosterone... because the research is so new.
So if you’re skeptical, I get it.
After all— you’ve likely seen those ads on T.V. or online or in the newspaper about low-T…
Saying it’s a problem all guys are doomed to face.
That’s pure baloney…
And unleashes your natural testosterone production so you can reclaim the youth you thought was lost forever...
Without prescription drugs or gels...
Wasting money on useless supplements. Or even exercising if you don’t want to.
I’m super excited to reveal the key to banish this testosterone Trapping protein...
And how you can...
Reclaim Your Manhood And Boost Performance In A Matter Of Minutes
But before I do…
Let me introduce myself…
And show you how this new testosterone breakthrough has me running circles around U.S. Marines half my age...
Then reveal how you can unlock this same kind of energy, stamina and performance regardless of your age or current shape...
Using a very simple but powerful trick that goes to work instantly.
Hi. My name is Mark Mcilyar...
And over the past few years I’ve helped tens of thousands of men over 40 ditch the dad bod…
Build lean muscle…
And reclaim the fitness, energy and performance they thought was lost forever.
I also have a fitness YouTube channel that gets millions of views every month and thousands of new subscribers...
So you could say I’ve dedicated my life to helping guys our age never slow down...
Get our mojo back...
And build strong, sculpted and fit physiques no matter your age.
So now that you know who I am...
Let me share how I stumbled on this exciting new testosterone breakthrough...
And how you can use it today to end to your man problems…
Boost your energy and focus...
And give you an edge that will reshape your physique in the coming weeks.
See— I have a few buddies in the United States Marines.
One of them is a good friend of mine named Austin...
Who Happens To Be A Badass
Officer In Damn Good Shape
And one day I thought I’d tag along with him for one of his workouts…
Well— it was a TOTAL FAIL.
And I get it...
Austin is a U.S. Marine. So I wasn’t expecting to keep up with him entirely.
I was huffing and puffing in the first five minutes like the wind was knocked out of me… dripping sweat. I couldn’t finish the exercises...
My joints felt like I lit a match and set them on fire.
It took me almost a full week to get over the pain and recover. I felt old. Weak. Dog tired...
It was like a cruel wake up call that my glory days were over.
But now?
My Marine Buddies Don’t Think I’m Some Old Fuddy-duddy...
They Actually Nicknamed Me The “Ripped Grandpa”
And in a minute I’ll share how the latest testosterone research…
Led me to discover an all-natural anabolic loophole...
That triggered an explosion of youth hormones...
And gave me an unfair advantage guys at ANY age would kill for.
And how you too can replace a tired, achy body with more energy and stamina...
Have amazing workouts that show up the young guys in the gym…
Hit personal bests every week with the weights...
And look and feel at the top of your game whether you’re 33 or 72.
To be honest— I NEVER would have guessed I’d be this in-shape and feel as great as I do at 57 years old.
Because just a few years ago…
I had one of those soft looking dad-bods with squishy, weak muscles.
Living in pain all the time...
And I had no lasting energy to get me through the day.
I remember like it was yesterday...
I was at my 30 year high-school reunion… looking around at old friends of mine…
Guys who were athletes and once in great shape...
And now they had big bellies and almost no visible muscle. I could hardly recognize them.
And that’s when I looked down at my own belly and realized…
I’m Just Like All The Other Guys In The Room
Down With Age...
Tired. Lacking motivation. Holding onto more fat than I’d care to share. Looking and feeling weak from all the muscle I’ve lost over the years.
I was in BAD shape.
I started looking at myself and didn’t like where I was.
Maybe you know what I’m talking about...
Looking in the mirror and being able to poke, prod and grab a bunch of fat around your midsection.
Or you feel tired and out of breath all the time...
Or you don’t have energy to push through your workouts like you used to.
Maybe you have a hard time keeping your focus at work... or paying attention when having a discussion with others.
Maybe the worst part is the bone-chilling fatigue.
Where it seems like no matter how much you sleep… whether it’s been 12 hours… or your second nap of the day… you’re never fully rested.
I know how you feel.
And I wish I knew then what I know now...
See all the aches and pains…
The low energy and sluggish libido. The lack of drive and results from your workouts is controlled by one hormone.
Here’s the most frustrating part…
The Testosterone You’re Producing Right Now...
Is Being Neutralized By Testosterone Trapping Protein That Literally Captures Your T-Molecules and
Holds Them Hostage...
And when that happens…
It won’t matter how old you are…
What kind of diet or workout you try...
Or even if you’re on testosterone replacement therapy (which is more often known as TRT)...
Your body won’t be able to use your testosterone like it needs to.
So your entire world caves in…
Because the biological essence of what makes you a man goes missing.
In a minute I’ll show you exactly what this testosterone Trapping protein is…
And why it’s the...
#1 cause of declining testosterone…
Backed by research from universities like Harvard and Johns Hopkins University. Plus...
How a powerfully natural 10-second testosterone trick…
You can do first thing in the morning…
Will increase your strength and stamina. Boost your sex-drive. Give you boundless energy. And help you sculpt a lean and hard body faster...
So you can get the respect and status that’s reserved for men with high testosterone.
Now back to the story about me and my Marine buddy...
He was a couple of days from deployment.
So I challenged him that when he gets back... I’m going to kick his ass in a workout.
He Laughed At Me And
Wrote Me Off...
People do that to you more as you get older...
But he just saw me struggle through a workout and lay on the floor gasping for air like a fish out of water...
So he had every right to think I was all talk and no walk.
But I was dead set on proving him wrong.
The major problem was...
I didn’t realize how hard it would be to get back in shape.
My body wasn’t responding like it used to when I was younger.
I used to make quick increases in strength...
But now I felt like a stalled car gaining rust on the side of the road.
Like no matter how many days a week I went to the gym...
I couldn’t make any progress. I had to try 10 times harder to see a tiny bit of gains. And my joints would kill me after a workout.
I tried dieting— but my body wouldn’t shed the fat.
I felt stringy and weak... and depressed too.
I wasn’t oblivious to what was going on...
If you’re a guy my age…
Even if you’re a guy who’s 30 years old…
Your testosterone levels aren’t what they were.
For the first time in history— guys are getting diagnosed with low testosterone in their twenties. 5
And the CDC has downgraded the “normal testosterone” level from 600 just 50 years ago... to only 300. 6
It’s like they’re...
Supporting The “Girly Men” Agenda…
Forcing Us To Be Half The Men Our Fathers And Grandfathers Were
That is NOT okay or normal.
It’s the leftist agenda and I refuse to give in.
So knowing I was at a big disadvantage... (figuring my Marine buddies were younger and had a lot more testosterone than me)...
I decided to have my T levels checked...
To see if there was anything I can do to increase my T...
So I can dominate my workouts...
And regain my energy and all-day stamina so I’m not low on motivation or feel like I need a cup of coffee every two hours.
But the doctor’s opinion was...
Aside from TRT or other “unnatural methods”...
There’s no real shot at increasing my testosterone levels.
I’m not surprised by his answer. But I wasn’t having it...
According to a recent news story featuring a renegade doctor and professor of urology in Chicago, Illinois
TRT prescriptions are driven by the bottom line of an already booming 3 BILLION dollar industry...
That’s making an enormous profit off men in a desperate situation. 7
And while TRT may have its perks...
It has serious downsides.
A professor of medicine at the University of Colorado... who was also a former Mayo Clinic doctor says…
TRT makes your testes forget how to produce testosterone.
Which causes your testicles to shrink...
And sometimes, get permanently damaged.
A recent publication in Urology Times also states…
“Testosterone replacement therapy can cause testosterone dependency”. 8
Meaning once you start on testosterone injections or a patch or gel you...
Sign Your Name In Blood To Big Pharma
As Their Lifelong Cash Cow...
Or— for as long as you want to have normal T levels and feel like a man. Because once you get off their plan…
Whether the $400 dollars a month is eating up your savings for retirement…
Or your insurance drops your coverage...
Or you just don’t want to rely on injections or creams to feel and perform like a real man...
You’ll have no testosterone to draw from. Because your biology will have forgotten what to do.
And as bad as all of this sounds… it’s not even the worst of it.
TRT has terrifying side effects.
The FDA reports men taking testosterone replacement therapy have...
Even their “minor” side effects are humiliating.
Like acne… estrogen imbalance that causes man-boobs... and shrunken testes. 10
TRT can even cause infertility. 11
So basically— this possibly lethal injection... strips your ability to do the one thing you were created to do as a man.
So TRT is a decision you can make at your own risk... but it’s not for me.
There is a better way...
Because in a moment I’ll share why you don’t need dangerous and expensive methods from greedy Big Pharma companies to get back your mojo.
All you need are a handful of potent ingredients...
That are backed by science and picked right from God’s green earth to...
Your Male Performance
In The Gym... At The Office...
And In The Bedroom
And will make it so much easier to ditch the belly...
And build hard muscle like you had years ago.
They’re affordable too...
And don’t have any side effects.
More on that in a minute.
But you could say I decided to take my natural testosterone production into my own hands.
I went to a local supplement shop and bought a few different testosterone boosters...
I changed up my diet…
Continued with my workouts…
I’d go to sleep early hoping that when I’d wake up my body would finally snap out of the sluggishness... and I’d get my energy and drive back.
But it never happened.
Even after months of weight training...
I wasn’t able to increase the amount of weight I was lifting. And despite intense cardio workouts... intermittent fasting and following a strict diet... I hit a wall with my weight loss.
All I noticed was my bank account dwindling and my confidence was shot.
And that’s when I stumbled on some incredible research from Harvard University…
That showed me what the REAL problem behind my testosterone levels was...
And is the problem behind your plummeting t-levels also.
Chances are you’ve been doing a lot of the right things to keep your testosterone levels healthy…
Maybe you’re doing 99% of everything right…
Like eating healthy and exercising but you still don’t feel like yourself.
It doesn’t matter if you sleep for 5 hours or 10 hours… every day feels like you get no sleep. You lose focus. And can’t remember what you were doing earlier in the day.
You drop strength and endurance quickly too...
Like if you missed a couple training sessions it will take weeks to get back to where you were.
Or maybe you’re one of the few who feel decent... like your testosterone isn’t completely in the gutter...
But you want an edge that most guys are missing so you can get more out of your gym sessions and maximize your performance at work or during sex.
But according to the latest research it’s vital you...
Protect Your Testosterone From The “Trapping Protein” Being Produced In Your Liver Right Now...
Or You’re NEVER Going To Get The Old You Back
That is unless maybe you go the route of steroids or TRT.
But the dangerous and embarrassing side effects and expensive cost just isn’t worth it.
But look...
Even if you are on some sort of TRT…
You’re not experiencing the results you could be when you eliminate this Testosterone Trapping Protein…
That’s robbing you of energy...
Winding-down your performance...
And killing the youth-like sex-drive you and her could be enjoying right now.
So by now you may be wondering what this testosterone Trapping protein is and how you can fix it.
Shockingly— It has NOTHING to do with your actual testosterone production.
In fact right now... you’re likely producing enough testosterone to crush your workouts... have all-day energy... and get your youthful sex-life back.
But your testosterone must be “bioavailable” or “useable” in your body. See…
There Are 2 Types OF
Testosterone In Your Body...
Free testosterone is the available testosterone your body can actually USE.
Free testosterone is the most important of the two.
It’s free testosterone that gives you the feeling of being young and alive.
But new research shows there’s a sneaky protein made in your liver...
That literally attaches to 98% of your total testosterone molecules and traps them… so your body can’t use those testosterone molecules at all.12
Meaning only 2% of the actual testosterone your body produces is being used.
So imagine how great you will feel…
When you free even just 2% more of the testosterone that’s locked up right now. The biological benefits are HUGE ...
How much better will you perform with your workouts...
How much easier will it be to get rid of your belly and build lean muscle…
And have the energy to go all night long when you...
It’s a complete game changer.
And I’ll show you how on this page...
But you may be wondering what this enemy to your testosterone is.
Doctors call this testosterone trapping protein “sex hormone binding globulin.” Or SHBG for short.
SHBG helps regulate your hormones. So it’s not a bad thing.
But with environmental factors we can’t control like the exposure to super-estrogens…
Which are shown to lower testosterone… cause impotence and infertility 13
That are found in plastic containers... deodorant... soap, shampoo...
Even contaminating our own water supply...
Or daily problems you can’t get away from…
Like stress at work…
Even exercising for too long or going on a diet… can cause an overproduction of SHBG in your liver that causes low testosterone.
It’s something you can’t run from.
And according to the latest research from Harvard Medical School...
SHBG is responsible for the testosterone decline that happens with age. 14
And research from one of the largest male aging studies shows that every passing year… your SHBG levels go up 1.2% on average.
And guess how much on average your testosterone drops per year? 1.2%.
Do you see the connection?
Scientists involved in this study at the New England Research Institute agree SHBG levels are likely the cause of the testosterone downfall we’ve been experiencing as a country. 15
So getting SHBG... the Testosterone Trapping Protein… under control is a HUGE opportunity to boost your male hormones so you can...
Reclaim your manhood and feel like the Energizer Bunny.
In just a minute I’ll show you how using a handful of natural ingredients will...
Testosterone-Binding Protein Like A SWAT Team Sweeping A Building And Taking Out The Bad Guys...
When that happens... you’ll unleash your testosterone... and feel like you can run laps around the old you and get your life back.
So now that you know the hidden cause of low-testosterone...
And how this Testosterone Trapping Protein is holding your T hostage…
When you eradicate this protein…
Your testosterone will be set free to do what it is supposed to do in your body.
Help you burn belly fat easily while sculpting lean and rock hard muscle...
Ignite your libido and passion…
And supercharge your body with energy that doesn’t fizzle out in the middle of the day.
Until now...
The only available option was testosterone replacement therapy…
But we already talked about the serious risks when you replace your natural testosterone with artificial testosterone... plus it’s so dog gone expensive.
But the good news is...
Doctors from the Integrative Medicine Center of Western Colorado have found a handful of breakthrough ingredients…
That dramatically lower your SHBG levels… 16
And boosts your free testosterone…
So you can feel like a beast with your workouts...
Get stronger pushing the weights...
Supercharge your sex-drive…
And enjoy nonstop energy and focus to be more productive during the day instead of crawling to the couch for a nap.
One of the ingredients is a special mineral called Boron. Which you’ve likely heard of before...
But the answer isn’t as simple as running to the grocery store to buy a bottle of boron pills...
That’s actually a giant waste of money.
Because boron has to be combined with a little known ingredient to enhance its absorption…
So it can infiltrate your bloodstream and take out the SHBG in your liver.
See— boron is a trace mineral that fights off SHBG...
And boosts your free testosterone.
It also blocks excess estrogen... increases your lean muscle… and soothes your joints... all are great benefits for guys our age. 17. 18. 19
But the latest research shows boron deficiency is at an all-time high. 20
One of the reasons is because the soil in our country is degrading... and doesn’t carry the nutrients… including boron... like it used to.
Here’s the connection...
Men’s testosterone levels were 57% higher just 70 years ago when our fathers and grandfathers were eating fruits and vegetables from boron-rich soil...
Our soil doesn’t contain much boron because of modern-day power farming. 21
Now don’t get me wrong...
I’m all for the hard-working farmers of our country... but this new process is stripping away the nutrients from our food.
So former boron-rich foods like avocados, celery, spinach, and onions... don’t have the testosterone boosting benefits like they used to.
That’s why spending money on “boron-rich” foods is a total waste.
And this key nutrient... that is vital for us guys to lower SHBG and boost our free testosterone...is practically missing from our diet.
And the greedy head honchos at Big Pharma would HATE for you to figure this out.
But again— boron itself is only a small piece of this huge low-testosterone puzzle.
There are a handful of other natural ingredients…
That you’ve likely NEVER heard of before that are...
Testosterone Boosters Backed By NEW Research And REAL Science
I’ll list all of them for you by the end of this letter.
But it was boron…
And 5 other ingredients that I’ll reveal soon…
That I ordered off Amazon or picked up at a local supplement shop... and mixed them together to see if it would really make a difference with my workouts and overall energy.
But to be honest I didn’t feel much.
I noticed some energy. And I could go an extra five minutes with my workouts. But it wasn’t great.
My recovery was still slow as a turtle crossing a busy highway…
My joints hurt. And I still didn’t have the energy to make it through the day.
I’d workout and just want to sleep after. And being an older guy with responsibilities... we don’t have time for that.
So I visited a local naturopathic doctor here in Austin, Texas...
And brought all my bottles of ingredients and bags of herbs and asked him why these weren’t working...
I didn’t know if it was just me… my age... and there really wasn’t any hope for me...
Or if I was doing something wrong and there was a way to get these ingredients to go to work in my body and get my mojo and performance back.
It turns out the way I was going about fitting these herbs, vitamins and minerals into my day was all wrong...
I was using cheapo store-bought vitamins…
And big ol’ bags of herbs ordered online...
That were getting destroyed by my stomach acid before my body could absorb the nutrients. Plus the quality of ingredients weren’t top notch.
The herbs weren’t potent enough.
Because like most supplements…
There are diluted forms of ingredients… or they’re grown in mass farms with pesticides and GMOs and aren’t the real good stuff that actually makes a difference in your body other than a placebo effect.
I didn’t want any of that fake feeling stuff.
I want a noticeable difference...
An edge I could count on...
To get my body back... have tons of youthful energy and Wolverine like recovery. And keep up with my Marine buddy when he got back from deployment.
So my naturopathic doctor recommended a few manufacturers he personally trusts and uses...
To produce these herbs, vitamins and minerals in their highest quality...
Plus another key ingredient to pair up with these nutrients so my body can absorb these anabolic ingredients FASTER so they don’t get burnt up in my stomach.
It wasn’t easy to get a hold of these guys…
And even then I had to still spend a lot of money and tested out which ones worked best... because I was dead set on raising my testosterone to life.
And the only reason I’m standing here in front of you today…
Is because after almost a year of trial and error...
And battle testing these ingredients in the trenches…
I found a solution that works. And gives me a serious edge with my workouts… I feel 15 years younger. Boosted my endurance and energy. And am more focused toward my goals.
And the LONGER I took this combination of ingredients…
The BETTER I felt as the months went on.
My Marine Buddy Was
By How I Could Keep Up With His Intense Military-style Workouts
We were bear crawling… doing push-ups… pull-ups… high intensity interval training.
And I went all the way to the end without having to stop short.
Now don’t get me wrong...
I didn’t whoop his butt like I wanted.
But I was able to hang in there with him...
And me being 57 and him a 25 year old Marine stud... I’m not going to be too hard on myself.
I still workout with him regularly...
Just the other day we went a round on the mat with a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu workout...
And while I don’t know much Jiu Jitsu...
With a few months of training… I’ll get him to tap out one of these times.
You’d think after a few workouts like that I’d be lying up in bed with ice packs on my knees and elbows...
But my joints feel great.
I have tons of energy…
And I’ve unlocked a sniper-like focus. Which opened up the door for me to have a lot more fun in life.
I’ve gone on massive hikes in the mountains with these Marine buddies of mine…
We’ve gone on backpacking and camping trips…
And I’m not slowing anybody down. Sometimes…
These Hot Shot
Marines Have
To say I feel like I’m 30 again— is an understatement.
I have the experience of a guy in his 50s...
With the performance and energy of a young buck…
Without any signs of slowing down. And that’s like winning the lotto for guys our age. Look...
Whether you’re 30 years old and you want to unlock an unfair advantage with your workouts and get stronger in the gym...
Or you’re in your 70s and you want to look and feel 10 years younger...
Wake up with more get up and go...
Wipe away brain fog and have laser sharp focus...
Starting right now, today...
You can use this simple 10 second trick…
Supported by real science...
And used by thousands of other men like you…
To transform your testosterone. Reclaim your manhood. And run laps around your old self.
Myself and team have pulled out all the stops...
And are excited to bring you this new
testosterone breakthrough...
A safe and natural free testosterone boosting combination of vitamins, minerals, and anabolic herbs...
Plus a fast-acting nutrient-absorption system...
To skyrocket your master male hormone and restore your youth.
You’re going to love how these ingredients go to work INSTANTLY to turbocharge your T...
I already told you about boron…
And why it’s one of the missing nutrients in your biology… that neutralizes the testosterone trapping protein SHBG.
And how research published in the Journal of Trace Elements In Medicine and Biology…
Show boron can increase your free testosterone by 28.3% by lowering your SHBG levels 22 However...
You don’t want to stop at boron.
Because there’s another ingredient…
Recently reviewed in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-control study… and published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine…
That will drastically lower your SHBG levels 23…
And skyrocket your free testosterone.
This ancient herb was even used by the Mongol legend, warrior and emperor Ghengis Khan...
To boost his energy and vitality...
Conquer East Asia and run the largest empire in the world until his death.
And during that time he was said to have...
the most
Sex Life Of Any
Man In History
With the rumored fertility of an Ocean Sunfish— the most fertile backboned animal on the planet...
And the virility of a teenager at the peak of puberty.
In fact Ghengis Khan’s DNA is tied to over 16 million men in the world…
And scholars attribute this powerful herb to Khan’s raging vigor and seemingly endless vitality.
This anabolic super-herb is called Fenugreek.
However— we didn’t want to give you plain old fenugreek...
Because a lot of the fenugreek formulas... aren’t potent like the kind Ghengis Khan enjoyed picking fenugreek seeds straight from the plants in East Asia.
But after doing some digging...
We found a local company here in the United States... with an innovative technology...
That extracts the #1 active anabolic ingredient inside fenugreek called protodioscin and increases its absorption…
So you can experience fenugreek’s test-boosting benefits— almost immediately.
Which results in tons of energy... vigor... and a massive boost in your free testosterone…
The innovators call this new potent formula— Furosap.
It’s Like Fenugreek
“On Steroids” But Completely
Safe And Natural
And backed by incredible research.
A study on Furosap was published in the International Journal of Medical Sciences...
That took 50 male volunteers who were given Furosap for 12 weeks.
The men were aged 35 to 65 years old...
And the results showed...
Men who consumed Furosap increased free testosterone by a whopping 46% in 90% of men in the study.24
Meaning 45 of the 50 men taking Furosap got a HUGE boost in free testosterone.
Doctors also noted these men gained more mental alertness and improved their mood…
Plus— they had better heart health and libido was “significantly improved”. 25
Another recent study published in Functional Foods In Health and Disease…
Measured the effects of Furosap in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study of 40 men over 12 weeks...
And here are the results taken directly from the report…
Additionally, Furosap-treated subjects elevated serum testosterone levels...
Furosap supplemented subjects also exhibited a tendency towards lowering blood pressure during exhaustion. No adverse reports were reported.
Given the improvements of lean body mass and serum total testosterone following intervention with Furosap, Furosap likely has benefits for exercise endurance and sports medicine.” 27
So if you’re a man who wants to up your game in the gym…
Build muscle easier and get lean...
Or you want more energy and motivation to feel great throughout the day and get more done...
This ingredient will be a game-changer for you.
Now here’s where this testosterone breakthrough gets even better...
Now that you’ll be combating SHBG with a couple of key vitamins and minerals…
It’s time to up the ante and take your free testosterone to the next level.
So you can boost your male youth hormones to heights you couldn’t have imagined.
To do that you need…
Combination Of
Anabolic Herbs…
One of them being a little-known herb called Withania somnifera.
Now— I bet you’ve not heard of withania somnifera before...
But new research shows this ancient herb…
Used in Eastern Medicine to promote youthful vigor, enhance muscle strength and endurance and reverse low-t… 28 ,29
Can boost your testosterone levels 17%. 30
And get this…
I’ve found a way to get your hands on the highest concentrated and most bioavailable form of withania somnifera.
Which took 14 years to develop…
And is now the FASTEST absorbed withania somnifera on the planet.
This anabolic herb was tested and published in the American Journal of Men’s Health with some amazing results… 31
In a 16-week double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study— which is the gold standard of reliable research…
Scientists tested the effects of withania somnifera on fatigue, vigor, and hormones in overweight men aged 40-70 with mild fatigue.
Half the group was given a placebo…
The other half was given withania somnifera.
And after 16 weeks… the group taking withania somnifera boosted their testosterone almost 20%...
And the participants reported more energy... increased sex-drive... and overall improvements in mood and well-being. 32
And there were ZERO side effects.
Plus... withania somnifera decreases cortisol caused by stress. 32 ,34
Which is key because when cortisol levels go up… your testosterone levels drop. Just like a seesaw.
So withania somnifera is helping you in more ways than one.
There’s another anabolic herb called Forskolin.
Which Is The
Free Testosterone
Boosting Herb...
Remember— there’s a difference between free and total testosterone.
Total testosterone is the amount of testosterone circulating your body...
And a very small amount of that testosterone is being used by your body because of high SHBG... cortisol levels that are increased by stress… and other factors.
However this all-natural tropical herb…
That’s been tested in the trenches for thousands of years...
Has been shown to boost free testosterone levels in overweight and obese men by 34%. 35
So you don’t have to be in good shape…
Or even exercise if you don’t want to... and you’ll still enjoy a BIG boost in your male youth hormones.
Here’s how the experiment went down...
30 overweight and obese men were given a forskolin supplement... or a placebo for 12 weeks…
And may I remind you there were NO changes to their diet...
Nor did they exercise.
And after the 12 weeks…
The out of shape men who consumed the forskolin supplement had a…
“Significant Decline
In Body Fat Percentage”36
Lean muscle mass increased. As did free testosterone.
There were no negative side effects either.
So this natural boost in testosterone is safe… and you can rest easy with the peace of mind these ingredients support your manhood without the risky side-effects from other treatments.
Now there are two more ingredients...
One you’ve likely heard of before...
While the other ingredient is one you’ve likely NEVER heard of…
That gives your body the ability to absorb all of the herbs, vitamins and minerals I’ve mentioned FAST so you can feel the difference almost immediately.
The first being Vitamin D.
According to the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism… 75% of American men are deficient in Vitamin D. 37
So it’s no surprise as to why low testosterone is at a record high...
Because according to the European Congress of Endocrinology and researchers at Johns Hopkins University… you need Vitamin D to lower the testosterone trapping protein in your liver 39
Vitamin D is also shown in the same studies to boost free testosterone… (cite)
Which is no surprise after what you’ve learned regarding SHBG… and how reducing this emasculating protein will finally free up your testosterone...
So you can have an abundance of useable anabolic hormones flowing through your veins and making a real difference in how you look, feel and perform.
And get this…
Men who don’t get enough of this vitamin are more likely to be overweight or obese.
So if you’re struggling with belly fat that won’t go away no matter what you try...
Or you pile on weight easily...
Chances are you’re lacking this key nutrient.
Now before you go buy some generic vitamin supplement like I did… which was a huge waste of money...
Getting more vitamin d is a fraction of the answer.
So I want to introduce you to the final and maybe most important ingredient…
That uses a special delivery mechanism…
That you combine with the anabolic herbs, vitamins and minerals I’ve shared with you… to turbocharge their effectiveness and give you a big boost in your testosterone.
Not just on your lab work...
But you’ll FEEL the surge of energy rushing throughout your entire body fast...
You’ll finally melt belly fat…
Pack on lean muscle and get stronger in your workouts...
Skyrocket your sex-drive and enjoy piston-like stamina to go all night long.
And it only gets better from there…
Because these benefits compound over time...
For an even greater boost in male performance weeks and months from now.
As you can see...
The real magic happens when these ingredients get into your bloodstream fast.
Which is why…
Myself and team have bent over backwards to find a way to add this quick delivery absorption system to Anabolic Reload called Bioperine. 40
An all natural black pepper extract…
That acts as a shield around each ingredient…
To increase the delivery and absorption of these herbs, vitamins and minerals for maximum effect.
Plus— Bioperine awakens their active ingredients and makes them more bioavailable in your body for an even greater effect. 41
So you get the most out of each test-boosting ingredient.
It’s this combination of ingredients…
That lower the testosterone trapping protein SHBG...
And increase your free testosterone levels safely, naturally and effectively.
To give you a boost in male hormones that will turn fat into muscle...
Have you feeling like a piston in the bedroom...
And boost your energy and performance so you can show up the young bucks at the gym and at work.
And my team and I made sure to put each dose of the science backed ingredients inside Anabolic Reload… with all of it’s SHBG-killing and testosterone-boosting ingredients...
Into one easy to swallow capsule...
That you take just once a day. That’s it. And watch...
These Powerful Anabolic
Herbs And Minerals Go To Work
NONE of the studies I mentioned in today’s report...
Say you have to workout or go on some disgusting diet to reap the testosterone boosting effects that will change your life for the better.
However— when you use Anabolic Reload along with a workout program and some healthy eating...
The sky's the limit of what you can achieve in the coming days, weeks and months.
And look…
If you’re still skeptical if this testosterone booster really works…
Keep in mind…
All of the research I’ve shown you today is...
Backed By REAL Science...
Using ONLY Human Studies
Not animal or petri-dish studies other companies use to inflate their claims…
That would never translate to real results in the body of a grown size man like you and me...
Which is why we only use ingredients that have been tested with a high success rate on men ages 30-75… with all different body types and fitness levels.
Because we’re all in different stages of life... and it’s important to keep that in mind.
We only use the clinically-effective doses too.
Not some lab rat microdose… or cheap diluted formulas crooked supplement companies use to make a few extra bucks.
Now if you’re wondering why you haven’t heard all this information before…
It’s because many of these cutting edge studies are brand new...
And it’s good you’re hearing about them now... and I hope you take action right away...
Because this new testosterone breakthrough is going to blow a massive hole in the pockets of million-dollar Pharmaceutical companies...
So you better believe they will do everything in their power to shut this site down.
We’ve already seen Google censoring holistic doctors..
And naturopathic websites because it doesn’t fit the agenda of the powers that be.
So there’s no reason we can’t be next.
And with how quickly this website is going viral...
And getting in front of hundreds of thousands of men a day…
You will want to act right now...
Because aside from the risks of this site being closed down by drug pushers in lab coats...
Out Of Stocks Are A Very Real Risk And We Only Have A Limited Supply
Our team has made it our duty to bring you the most powerful testosterone boosting formula…
Gifted to us from God’s green earth and backed by real science...
To make a huge impact in your hormones, performance and health.
And it wasn’t cheap or easy to get our hands on these ingredients...
In fact— we’ve spent thousands of dollars…
Hundreds of hours in research and development...
And went on numerous trips testing out different manufacturers to make sure you are getting the most potent natural testosterone enhancement formula that really works and gives you the results you crave.
And after all of that work and what we know now…
We refuse to use less than the effective dosages... or cheaper, more available versions of these ingredients.
So if our manufacturers run out of supply...
We could be backed up for weeks. And I would hate for you to come back to this website later...
To see we’re out of stock.
And the truth is...
The Longer You Wait— The Worse Your “Man
Problems” Get
Fat will continue to pack around your belly and chest...
Which kills your confidence... plus a big belly is one of the leading causes of cancer... heart issues... a nosedive in sexual performance… and a lot more.
And you’ll likely keep running out of energy before the day is over...
And feel like a sluggish old grump in the bedroom which isn’t fun for you or her.
And if I was you— I wouldn’t be able to stand another day feeling stuck and exhausted.
And sure...
You have other options to try and fix this…
Like signing up for expensive testosterone replacement therapy…
Which costs around $400 a month... and is rarely covered by insurance.
Plus you run the risk of a ton of scary and dangerous side effects like high blood pressure... stroke... or heart attack… that could put your family in a bad spot.
Or buying steroids…
Which are just as dangerous, expensive, and illegal too.
I’ll warn you…
Once you start either one of those options there’s no going back.
You become a lifelong cash cow for Big Pharma…
The government has you right where they want you... and if you ever decide to stop... your body will have forgotten what it’s like to produce testosterone.
So you’ll be worse off than when you started.
So I want to save you time from spinning your wheels…
Or signing up for a procedure that’s expensive and dangerous and spending all of that money...
Because the real secret to lowering your SHBG...
And increasing your free testosterone safely and naturally is found inside of Anabolic Reload.
It’s safe. Easy. Affordable. And goes to work instantly. So...
Here’s What To Do Next...
If you were to purchase all of the ingredients inside of Anabolic Reload on their own…
It would cost you somewhere around $149.
And even then... you run the risk of buying the wrong kind of ingredients or doses that aren’t backed by real clinical studies.
We wanted to save you time, money and a whole lot of frustration.
By getting your hands on these breakthrough ingredients in their purest and most potent form...
And striking a deal with our manufacturers to cut us a major discount so we can get Anabolic Reload to you at the most affordable price possible.
And while the retail price of Anabolic Reload is only $79...
On this page only during our special pre-release discount…
You can claim your specially discounted bottle of Anabolic Reload for only $49 while supplies last.
But it gets better…
Because we want to reward serious action takers and give you an even bigger discount right now. See...
Every study that we’ve mentioned in today’s special men’s health report... lasted for at least 12 weeks.
Meaning... the men in these studies who took these ingredients for at least 3 months… saw amazing results.
And it’s for that reason…
Myself and team made it a priority to get each bottle down to the lowest deal possible when you order 3 or 6 bottles of Anabolic Reload today.
Which is why...
When you order 3 bottles of Anabolic Reload—you’ll save an extra $35 per bottle…
And when you truly decide to take advantage of the compounding effects of Anabolic Reload...
By bundling up with 6 bottles of this
breakthrough formula...
you’ll save $44 per bottle.
A total of $264 in savings
or an extra 56% off discount.
So you could say smart men buy more…
Especially while we are still in stock and giving this supply away for a massive discount on this page only.
And one more thing…
When you order Anabolic Reload on this page…
We will take care of the shipping cost...
On This Page You Get
FREE Shipping
(Saves You Another $14.95)
As you can see we’re serious about getting Anabolic Reload into your hands at the most affordable price possible.
So here’s what to do next...
If you’re serious about reclaiming your manhood...
Turning fat into muscle...
And regaining your youthful energy and vigor…
The 3 or 6 Month Discounted Supply Of Anabolic Reload (Or Whatever Option Works Best For You)
You’ll then be taken to a secure order form that takes just a few seconds to fill out...
Click the buy button…
And we will ship your order right away and your bottles of Anabolic Reload will arrive to your door in the next 2-5 business days.
Anabolic Shield 365 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
And if for whatever reason you aren’t happy with your bottles of Anabolic Reload…
No sweat.
You’re backed by our 365 day money back guarantee.
Meaning you have a full year to try Anabolic Reload.
And if you aren’t satisfied simply send us an email... and we will refund your every penny. No questions asked.
There are no hassles. No long annoying return process with a bunch of papers to fill out or having to call in and speak to our customer service team.
You won’t even have to return the bottles.
So as you can see there’s no risk and no hassle on your end whatsoever.
With that said…
I doubt you’ll want a refund.
You’re going to have an amazing experience with Anabolic Reload...
And within days you’ll feel your energy and sex-drive booming back to life…
You’ll gain a noticeable boost in performance and stamina...
And watch ugly fat and squishy arms and legs get replaced with rock-hard muscle.
You’ll feel like you’ve gotten a new lease on life...
And can run circles around the old you with all the new energy you’ll have.
So here’s what to do right now before supplies run out… and while this special discount and free shipping offer is still available…
Choose Your Supply Of Anabolic Reload Below To Boost Your Free Testosterone Safely And Naturally Right Now...
Reclaim your manhood. Boost your sex drive. Ramp up performance. Crush your workouts. And enjoy the life reserved only for men with high testosterone.
Here's What Other Men Are
Saying About Anabolic Reload:
“I feel strong and I have more energy.”
"I'm a 60-year-old man that in the last 10 months lost over 60 lbs. I felt really good about myself but when I looked myself in the mirror I noticed I looked skinny and weak. During my stretch of losing weight, I also lost some muscle. So, I decided to join a health club and start lifting weights. I struggled tremendously. I was lifting very little weight and the most I could work out was for only 20 minutes. I was sore and tired. I was discouraged and had no desire to continue weightlifting.
Not wanting to quit I looked for a tool that will help me with my weightlifting journey. So I was told by many to try taking ANABOLIC RELOAD as a supplement. Since being on ANABOLIC RELOAD supplement I have increased the weight I have been lifting substantially and also my weightlifting duration went from 20 minutes to over 1 hour. I feel stronger and I have more energy.
ANABOLIC RELOAD has been a blessing for me. I am now looking forward to my weightlifting workouts, Thank you ANABOLIC RELOAD for getting me pumped up."
Manny L. 61 (verified customer)
"I Feel As If I Have Gone From 44 To 19..."
"Now that I have added Anabolic Reload, I feel as if I have gone from 44 to 19. I have noticed a large sex drive increase. I have also noticed additional energy versus what I have experienced in the past. Another attribute that I wasn’t expecting is better sleep. I am waking up more rested of late where I use to consistently wake up in the middle of the night and hit the morning tired. A lot of times when you take a supplement it can be hit or miss. Not the case with Anabolic Reload. The effects were fast and have been sustained. I’m excited to see the results that come over time from this product."
Brandon M. 44 (verified customer)
“More Energy And ‘Morning Wood’ Almost Instantly!”
"I noticed results from Anabolic Reload almost immediately. Mainly with my energy at work and in the gym. And even more so with "morning wood." Here's what I mean. In the past, if I ate sweets before bed (I have a horrible sweet tooth), I NEVER woke up with morning wood the next day. But since taking Anabolic Reload, I wake up with morning wood more often than not, no matter what I eat before bed. I'm not saying I'm going to keep eating this way because I know I shouldn't. But it's nice to know that if I do, Anabolic Reload is there to catch me when I fall."
James L. 30 (verified customer)
“"I have so much energy my dog can't even keep up..."”
"I didn't change my diet or anything when starting with Anabolic Reload. I wanted to make sure the results were real and nothing else could take credit. I really noticed the effects after day 3. I'm a carpenter and even after a full day of work I have tons of energy. I get more done at the house. And I've been going on trail hikes with my Border Collie morning and night and for the first time he can't keep up with me. Anabolic Reload is a winner."
Tony G. 63 (verified customer)
There Are Only 3 Options
Of Where To Go From Here…
And if you’re still here wondering if Anabolic Reload is for you... there are only three options.
One— you can forget all of the information you learned in today’s presentation…
Ignore the latest research from Harvard University about low-testosterone... and how it’s caused by a sneaky Testosterone Trapping Protein being produced by your liver right now.
You can dismiss the natural breakthrough solution…
That’s been confirmed by dozens of University backed studies and publications in some of the world’s top men’s health journals...
To unleash your free testosterone…
And get your energy… drive… and male performance back.
All while the problems with your testosterone get worse.
You’ll continue to struggle with bone-chilling fatigue.
And no matter how much sleep you get... you will never feel truly rested or wake up with morning wood because your hormones are out of whack...
Which doesn’t just keep you down for the day...
It causes problems with your spouse or partner.
Because while she’s up getting things done… you’re still laying in bed waiting for your body to wake up and not feel so painfully tired.
And maybe right now…
Your libido isn’t completely dead.
But at times you look at your significant other and realise you haven’t had sex in a while.
And maybe you try to get hard but nothing happens.
You feel like you should be having sex...but you miss the connection.
Like your flame has blown out… and your marriage has just a few embers left to rekindle your passion before she leaves for good or finds someone else.
There’s the mental side of things too...
You can keep letting low testosterone steal your focus.
And make your brain foggy at work. And keep you from performing at 100%.
And watch while the young guys in the office move up the ladder...
While your boss writes you off as the old guy who doesn’t “got it” anymore and is replaceable.
And get this...
Research from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences... shows men who wake up with lower testosterone levels... make less money than guys with higher T. 42
Now I’m not saying more testosterone will make you rich... but as a man and a provider... making a bit more money is always nice for you and your family.
It’s amazing how testosterone can make your life a living hell when you don’t have it.
Plus— the longer you let SHBG shackle-up your free testosterone... you’ll always struggle to lose your belly and build lean muscle.
Because testosterone is the master male hormone that controls your body and performance.
So if you’re okay with walking into the gym already behind the eight ball...
Spinning your wheels with your workouts and unable to increase the weights you lift...
Or despite all the cardio you do you hit a wall with your weight loss that you can’t get over…
And you’re fine with staying stuck in the exact same spot a month from now… six-months from now… or even years from now…
I won’t stop you.
A lot of guys settle. Give up on their marriage. Quit on their body and health. And chalk it up to age...
And you can join them.. And trek that hard and bumpy road if you want to.
But because you’re still here reading this special report…
I’m willing to bet you want to get this low-t nightmare taken care of, right?
There is always option 2…
You can take everything you’ve learned today…
Spend thousands of dollars of your own money…
And take hundreds of hours of your time that would be better spent with your family or on a fun hobby... trying to put the perfect combination of these ingredients together yourself.
And run the risk of ordering the wrong kind of anabolic herbs or minerals...
Or using weak, ineffective doses that don’t give your male hormones the treatment it needs to make a huge difference with your workouts and everyday performance.
The trickiest part is getting your body to absorb these nutrients instead of getting fried in your stomach acid...
Which myself and team have made the contacts and figured out for you.
We’ve taken the risks…
Spent the money…
Dug into the research and consulted with countless manufacturers so you don’t have to...
We’ve put in the sweat. Negotiated the deals. And made it affordable to access the purest forms of these science-backed ingredients...
To boost your T-levels in their research-backed doses.
And now that the hard work is done on our end...
All you have to do is take 2 capsules... once a day... and your body will automatically shrink the SHBG production that’s robbing you of free testosterone.
Plus— with the anabolic herbs and natural nutrients inside…
That’s being quickly absorbed into your bloodstream thanks to the patented Bioperine nutrient delivery system in Anabolic Reload. You’ll...
So if you consider yourself wise and efficient...
And you want to avoid all of the hassle… ups and downs… sleepless nights and thousands of dollars spent to capture this testosterone breakthrough in a bottle...
There’s one final option…
Which is the smartest option with zero friction...
And that is to order your supply of Anabolic Reload today...
And that’s when things really get exciting...
Because it only takes 10 seconds a day first thing in the morning to get these ingredients activated and going to work in your body.
And imagine how great you will feel when these ingredients act in full force...
And you get your libido back to your pre-college days...
You feel the warm rush of hormones pulsating throughout your body when your wife calls you to the bedroom...
Or you get your passion back and notice her like you did on your honeymoon… giving her compliments... initiating sex... and performing like a rockstar in bed.
What kind of impact would that make on your relationship and zest for life?
And how great will it feel when you wake up and feel fully recharged and ready to tackle the day head on…
To spring out of bed like a kid on Christmas... because you have a ton of energy and are having more fun.
You won’t have to block out 2 hours in the middle of your workday to take a nap... or fill up on coffee to handle the second half of your day.
Because now that you’re taking Anabolic Reload…
You get the deep sleep you need for laser-like focus…
And more done throughout the day because you have plenty of energy for work and play.
And starting right now, today you can push through your workouts and show guys half your age who the real alpha male is...
You can gain muscle without gaining fat...
Ditch the belly and get lean without losing your gains...
Be stronger pushing the weights around without the burning sensation in your joints or having to recover for days afterward ...
And you’ll have the stamina to go longer and harder.
You’ll feel like you’ve stepped into a testosterone time machine and are better than you were 15 years ago...
All because of this simple 10-second routine of taking Anabolic Reload first thing in the morning.
But like I mentioned earlier…
We are at the mercy of our manufacturers...
So when they run out of supply... which does happen...
We could be backed up for weeks. I hate that it’s this way. But we refuse to use less than the effective science-backed ingredients we shared in this video.
So here’s what you need to do right now while we are still in stock…
The one bottle option will get you started...
The 3 bottle option will give you a massive boost in your energy and performance...
And you’ll start feeling like a new man with a whole lot of vigor and drive for life in the coming weeks.
And the 6 bottle option will maximize the compounding effects of Anabolic Reload...
And set you up for the testosterone transformation of a lifetime... that’s safe, natural and comes with zero side effects... plus you will get a 63% off discount plus FREE shipping that will save you over $278.
You’ll then be taken to a secure checkout page where you will complete your order…
And in the next 2-5 business days... your discounted supply Anabolic Reload will be dropped off in a discreet package at your front door.
And again... you get FREE shipping to save you an extra fifteen bucks.
Plus you have a full 365 day 100% money back guarantee... so there’s no risk involved.
Take advantage of today’s discount while supplies last…
Order your supply of Anabolic Reload now… skyrocket your testosterone and change your life for the better.
I am excited for your results… and I can’t wait to hear about it.
We’ve made it possible for you to get in touch with me personally and tell me how much you love Anabolic Reload after your order today.
So please know we are available for you... and here to help you along your journey.
I’m truly thankful for you reading this special men’s health report and I look forward to seeing you on the other side of your order.
Mark Mcilyar
1) https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/testing-your-testosterone-its-tricky
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