5-minute Bicep and Tricep workouts that boost testosterone
When it comes down to building mass and boosting testosterone, Bicep and Tricep workouts have gotten a bad wrap…
But let’s be fair. It’s not their fault…
Bicep and Tricep workouts have amassed a bad reputation because of beach-ready bros with bantam level legs and almost combustible arms.
It’s the dude who stares at himself after each set of hammer curls that you’re mad at, not the Bicep and Tricep workouts themselves…
Don’t get me wrong; we all want to have big arms.
But the best way to get big arms is NOT to crank-out countless Tricep-pulldowns and bicep-curl sets to failure… heck, you don’t even have to lift weights to get big arms.
All you need is a simple, yet powerful 5-minute Bicep and Tricep workout that will not only build inches around your arms… but also boost your testosterone.
So what’s the trick for killing two mass building birds with one stone?
It’s a technique known as blood flow restriction training.
What is Blood Flow Restriction Training?
To restrict a muscle, you have to wrap it.
Blood Flow Restriction Training is a method whereby you wrap the top portion of the limb that holds the muscle group you’ll be working in order to keep blood flow to that specific muscle group mostly contained.
For example, if you’re focused on my 5-minute Bicep and Tricep workout, you will wrap just below your shoulder and just above the top of your Tricep (pic below)…
This will keep your blood flow mostly isolated to your Biceps and Triceps as you perform your exercises.
Keep in mind as you wrap your arms that you want the wrap to be tight… but not too tight.
Wrapping your arms too tightly can actually debilitate muscle growth.
PRO TIP: On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being very loose and 10 being as tight as you can wrap, wrap your arm at a 7 for the best results.
Then, you’ll perform your exercise as normal. However, this Bicep and Tricep workout will be far superior in efficiency and production that any Bicep and Tricep workout you’ve done in the past.
What are the Benefits of Blood Flow Restriction Training?
Blood Flow Restriction Training is the prime way to work out your Biceps and Triceps.
This type of training is safe for your joints, considerate of your time, and exceptional for your growth hormone.
Joint Success
If you’ve been involved in weight training for some time, you know the feeling of putting a little too much weight on the bar when you’re performing bicep curls or triceps extensions.
You recruit your back for some help on your Bicep curls and tag in your shoulder for Tricep extensions.
When you recruit help from other muscle groups during your Bicep and Tricep workout, you hinder the effectiveness of your workout.
This leads to one of the great benefits of using Blood Flow Restriction Training for your arms…
When you use Blood Flow Restriction Training during your Bicep and Tricep workouts, you’ll eliminate the temptation to draft other muscle groups, and the star players, your Bicep, and Triceps will take on the workload themselves.
Simply put, when you hold less weight, you’re body won’t move as much during the exercise…
A still body is one of the keys to having an effective Bicep and Tricep workout…
Focus on squeezing your muscle at the top of the movement, which is also much easier to do when you’re holding less weight.
This practice alone will create BIG results for your arms.
Additionally, a hidden benefit of lifting lighter weight during Blood Flow Restriction Training comes when you consider the time you’ve skipped workouts due to a sprained wrist or elbow…
When you strain a joint, you can’t work out a muscle group as effectively as you’d like to, if at all.
Blood Flow Restriction Training for your arms reduces the risk of joint strain because, naturally, as you’re lifting a lighter weight you’re able to stabilize your wrists more directly and keep your elbows from flaring out or slicing in during your movements.
With lower weight and wrapped arms, you’ll protect yourself from dragging other muscle groups into your isolated movements and also from putting a strain on your joints.
Short and Sweet
Long workouts aren’t what they seem. They do more harm than good for muscle growth and testosterone health.
That’s why I recommend Blood Flow Restriction Training for your 5-minute, testosterone boosting Bicep and Tricep workout.
Simply, it’s the most time efficient way to get the best results.
The science behind it is simple…
By restricting part of the blood flow from your arms to your heart, you will cause blood to fill up your muscles…
This increases the amount of lactic acid, which in turn, causes muscle growth. Or in other words, when your muscles are pumped, they grow.
The most efficient way to get this pump during your Bicep and Tricep workout is through Blood Flow Restriction Training.
What would normally take several warm-ups and working sets in a traditional workout only takes seconds when you wrap your arms in a BFR workout. Because of the restriction, your blood flow is mostly trapped in the isolated muscle group from the moment you begin the movement.
Also, you can toss your warm-up sets off to the side, too.
Because you lift less weight with Blood Flow Restriction Training, you won’t need to warm up your muscles for heavy sets.
See? Efficient.
Hellooo, Human Growth Hormone
Blood Flow Restriction Training is the most effective training if you want to increase your human growth hormone…
Which, let’s be real, you do. We all do.
And this boost in growth hormone also increases your testosterone levels naturally…
On top of all its other benefits, Blood Flow Restriction Training for your arms truly is the fastest way to grow bigger arms.
In fact, growth hormone levels are 170% higher after Blood Flow Restriction Training than traditional resistance training!
When you limit oxygen to your arms, you recruit Type II, or “fast twitch” muscle fibers.
Fast twitch muscle fibers directly influence your strength and as a result, muscle growth.
These muscle fibers are activated through powerful movements over a short period of time.
Consider the difference of body type between a sprinter and a long distance runner.
A sprinter is geared up with mostly Fast Twitch muscle fibers (which is a benefit of Blood Flow Restriction Training) compared to a long distance runner whose muscles are mostly made up of Slow Twitch muscle fibers.
Clearly, in order to amass bigger arms, you want to get after those Fast Twitch muscle fibers.
Bicep and Tricep workouts using the BFR technique will help you achieve this in no time.
When you wrap your arms, limiting the oxygen your Biceps and Triceps receive during your workout, you are getting explosive results both in the strength and the size of your muscles.
Sample BFR Bicep Workout (bodyweight version)
ATTENTION: Perform all exercises with upper arm wrapped
Inverted Bicep Curls:
Set 1: 30 repetitions (rest 30-45 seconds)
Set 2: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 3: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 4: 15 repetitions (rest 10 seconds then unwrap arms)
(you can perform this on a stable bar also – TRX not required)
Sample BFR Bicep Workout (weight lifting version)
ATTENTION: Perform all exercises with upper arm wrapped
Cable Bicep Curls:
Set 1: 30 repetitions (rest 30-45 seconds)
Set 2: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 3: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 4: 15 repetitions (rest 10 seconds then unwrap arms)
Sample BFR Triceps Workout (bodyweight version)
ATTENTION: Perform all exercises with upper arm wrapped
Bodyweight dips:
Set 1: 30 repetitions (rest 30-45 seconds)
Set 2: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 3: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 4: 15 repetitions (rest 10 seconds then unwrap arms)
Sample BFR Tricep Workout
ATTENTION: Perform all exercises with upper arm wrapped
Tricep press down with cable:
Set 1: 30 repetitions (rest 30-45 seconds)
Set 2: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 3: 15 repetitions (rest 30 seconds)
Set 4: 15 repetitions (rest 10 seconds then unwrap arms)
There you have it.
Pretty simple, right?
On your next Bicep and Tricep workout tap into these movements using the BFR technique.
It’s the exact workout you need to get big arms without being a “bro” about it. In fact, you’ll be able to teach ‘em a thing or two.
The bottom line is that Blood Flow Restriction Training for arms is the most efficient arm growth technique known to man – 5 minutes – massive arm growth – increase in GH – you can’t beat it.