Wall Of Fame
Real Results From Real Men Proving Age Is Just A Number
Results may not be typical, Individual results may vary.*

Daniel Lost 13 Lbs Of Body Fat And Gained Brand New Rock Hard Muscle Naturally At 65 Years Old
“I may not be as ripped as some… but I made a lot of progress that I’m proud of. I went from 171 lbs to 158 lbs and have gained some muscle while trimming down. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do this because of your age…”

At 47 Years Old, Pete Is 8 Lbs Leaner And Stronger In Only 30 Days
“I’ve lost eight pounds in the first month... have gotten stronger on all my exercises… and my muscles are definitely fuller… While still eating a lot of my favorite foods as well.”

Nathan Added Size To His Chest And Arms At 50 Years Old
“Finished the first week of Ripped After 40 Phase II. I'm loving this phase so far and getting results - added 1 inch to chest this week and 1/4 inch to biceps. Also liking the drop in calories, I was struggling with the amount to eat in the first Phase but this is much easier to hit the targets without feeling over full. I have also been on point this week with the cardio and just finished the MET training which really got the heart rate going and gave me a nice burn in the legs. Once again thanks Gary Walker for the killer program!”

Darren Dropped 4% Body Fat And Is In Better Shape Than 10 Years Ago
Hey Gary - just wanted to say a quick thanks, completed your program and loved it. Dropped around 4% so not quite shredded but in better condition than I've been in 10 years ( I'm 47 now). Keep up the great work and content. I'm grateful.

Bob Went From A 2XL Shirt Untucked, To An XL Tucked In And Lost 14 lbs At 63 Years Old
Hey Gary, thank you very much, without your guidance and inspiration I never would have finished this workout series. I went from fat and out of shape, to well on my way to being back in shape. I now have the energy and desire and knowledge to keep going, thank you. Here’s the rundown on my measurements, lost 2 1/2 inches on abs, lost 1 inch on waist, 1 inch on hips, gained 1/2 inch on upper legs, 1 1/2 inches on lower legs, 1/2 inch on arms. I went from a 2XL shirt untucked, to a XL tucked in. I lost 14 pounds in total. I’m very happy with the results.

Dietmar Lost 17 lbs And Is Proud Of The Body He Has At 45 Years Old
Having followed numerous 1 on 1 programs with different coaches over the years without great effect, I knew I had to find a coach/mentor that really specializes in helping men over 40 help get the body that they desire. Being 45 yrs old now and realising how difficult it is to reduce belly fat I was thrilled to be chosen as a member of Gary's program Abs Over 40 Transformation.
From the very start the program was very clear in terms of nutrition and exercises and if there was anything you didn't understand Gary was only an email away answering your questions or queries very promptly. Gary would often explain items of the program like he was in the room with you which helped immensely to progress through the program with minimal fuss and confusion.
Without exception Gary would send through the next Phase of the program one week before starting so that you could read through it and ask any questions before starting that particular Phase. Gary would often send an email asking what changes if any he needed to make before entering the next Phase, a real caring and committed value Gary has for his clients.
Overall I would recommend Abs Over 40 110% to any one thinking about joining, and this program alone has set me up on my goal of reaching 12% body fat. I finished the program losing 8 cm around my waist and reducing my body weight by 7.8 kg. If someone tells you that obtaining a body to be proud over 40 yrs is difficult think again, obviously they haven't heard about Gary Walker's program Abs Over 40.

Add 72 Years Old Eddie Has Leaner Abs And More Muscle Definition

Harry Is Feeling The Best He’s Felt In A Very Long Time And Mentally Could Not Be In A Better Place
The feeling of having accomplished something I never thought was possible is incredible to say the least. Physically I am feeling the best I have in a very long time and mentally I could not be in a better place. I have remained focused throughout the whole process, despite a 10-day period in phase 3 when I felt as weak as a kitten. After making the adjustments to my diet, I felt a million bucks and have not looked back. I realise it’s a work in progress and that a great deal more work is needed, but I have changed so much as a person and I’m on my way. I have come such a long way and now that I’m on my way, there’s no stopping me!
Thank you for helping me to discover myself and become proud of what I’ve become.

Kirk Got Ripped And Now Has 6 Pack Abs At 46 Years Old

Lyman Built A Leaner, More Powerful Physique At 39 Years Old

Miguel Lost The Gut And Got Lean At 51
Phase 1 Week Two Done. First pic without a shirt in at least 25 years. lol Still got work to do! Wasn't going to post a before pic till I completed the program. Me 10/4/2019 2 days before starting Pre-Phase. Pulled an ab and fought with a turkey so i missed 2 weeks. But getting ready to start Phase 1 Week 3 Monday!! It all works!!! Trust it!!

Jason Turned His Life Around At 61, Lost 125 lbs, And Can Now Climb Down And Up His 30 Stair Apartment Building Without Using A Railing
From August 1st, 2017 to February 1st, 2018 I was hospitalized for 6 months due to a severe heel ulcer from Type 2 Diabetes that required 2 surgical debridements. My a1c was 22 mmol. I was on 2 types of Insulin. When I was discharged on February 1st 2018 I weighed 368 lbs.
I couldn't walk 2 steps without my walker, or climb even ONE stair without holding on to the railing with both hands for dear life.
I began eating a Keto diet, and incorporated Intermittent Fasting 4 to 5 days per week for 18 - 23 hours always skipping Dinner, & usually also lunch.
A few months later after watching Gary Walker's LIVE ANABOLIC videos on Tri-Con training I began to add this to my regiment.
Working out at home without a bench, using Dumbbells I began working out using Tri-Con training 3 - 4 x per week first thing in the morning at the end of my fast to burn the most fat possible. Thanks in large part to Tri-Con training I have been able to GREATLY IMPROVE my balance, strength, consistency of working out ( instead of having to take days off due to muscle soreness), energy, and just overall feeling of well being.
I also now climb down and up the 30 stairs in my apartment building 5 days per week WITHOUT using the railing or any other assistance, to check my mail.
I still use my wheeled walker when I need to walk longer distances because of balance issues, and because of tightness in my abs & lower back area when I walk unaided.
Thanks to my lifestyle changes - including in large part Tri-Con training - I have gone from 368 lbs to 243 lbs, my a1c has gone from 22 to 4.8 (for 18 months), and I'm off all insulin. I turned 60 this past October, and feel better at 60 than I did at 50, and even 40!

Mark Got Rid Of His Gut And The Mrs Is VERY Happy
Ok fellas, these were taken 8 weeks apart. RA40 was what caused the transformation. Still got a way to go, and Christmas didn’t help, but the new year means I’m back on track and looking for more. Most importantly, I’m still enjoying the trip and Mrs S is VERY happy!

Billy Lost 35 lbs And Several Inches Around His Waist!
I started Gary's SBSS program on January 1st and after that went to his RA40 program. When I started the programs I weighed 197 lbs, after the first month with the SBSS program I had already lost 10 lbs and my pants were falling off. (I started out wearing 36 waist). The SBSS program was my godsend; it gave me the correct ways in eating and the videos Gary posted was just what I needed. I made it through week 2 of Phase 2 on the RA40 program before the gyms closed but have been doing his compound 20s and TCs with 25 lbs DB 3 days a week. I am now down to 162 lbs and I bought a pair of 34s jeans and even they are very loose. The advice from the Live Anabolic Tribe, Gary and Mark on health, different workouts and stretching have been great. I turn 46 in July and have a 6 year old son I am now able to keep up with better even after a long day of work. In short thank you all for changing my life and God Bless

Jon Lost 34 lbs Of Fat While Gaining 9 lbs of Lean Muscle In Only 12 Weeks!
Just finished the twelve weeks of Fit After 50 and could not be any more pleased with the results. Between the Nutrition Guide (Intermittent Fasting and Saturday Fasting) and the Monday through Friday workouts I have dropped 34 pounds (31 pounds of fat and 11 pounds of water retention gone while gaining 9 pounds of muscle). Starting a second cycle of FA50 tomorrow morning to achieve desired body weight and composition. Started at 204 pounds on 2/28 and finished the first cycle at 171 pounds. Only need to drop another net 20 pounds (less fat, more muscle). In short thank you all for changing my life and God Bless

Phil Looks and Feels Better Than He Has In Years!
I have been following Gary and Mark’s recommendations for the past 5 to 6 months. I will be 57 years old this August. Both gentlemen have helped me to understand my body at this point in my life. I used to exercise with my 17 year old son and I saw no real change in the appearance of my body. This is because the exercises of a 17 year old is actually harmful to a 56 year old. Here is a picture I took this weekend. I look and feel better than I have in many years.

John Lost 30 lbs, Leaned Down and Got In Great Shape At 58 Years Old
I have been working on getting back in shape for years now. I started the Fit after 50 at the beginning 2020 and have dropped 30 pounds. It has really helped me lean out and get in shape. The before photo is from 2017. Baby steps is what it takes. If I can do this at 58, anyone can do this.

At 60 Years Old Randy Lost 16 lbs In Just The 1st 30-Day Phase Of Fit After 50!
Ok FA50 Phase 1 Burn complete. Stayed with Diet and lost 16 lbs. 208 at the start, now 192 at 6ft tall.. Ps I'm 60 yrs old. Starting Phase 2 Monday.

Brett Lost 12 Pounds And Packed On Lean Muscle At 54 Years Young!
Finished RA40 this morning. Before and after pic. Lost 12 pounds. Still have some love handles but pretty happy with these results!

Henry Now Feels Good, Blood Work Is On Point, And Lost 46 lbs Despite Prior Knee Issues and Weak Hips!
Finished FAF 50. I had 4 goals for this program. 3 were achievable and the 4th will happen.
Goal 1 - feel good -- achieved
Goal 2 - get my blood work in line for my physical - achieved that as not 1 item tested was out of line and my overall cholesterol is 100 - and almost a perfect split between the good and bad cholesterol.
Goal 3 - started at 273 pounds and wanted to hit 235 by the time I had my annual physical last week. I am at 227 so that was achieved .
Goal 4 - I want to get down to 195lbs - I will be doing the last 2 weeks of Phases 1, 2 and 3 before starting Phase 4. With good dieting- I have a shot at hitting that by the end of Phase 4.
I loved the program - loved Phases 1 and 2 and despite knee issues and weak hips, survived Day 5 of Phase 3.
Scott Peers - age 50
I had such an awesome transformation being in your program. Not only did I see a physical change but I also had an emotional paradigm shift in how I feel about myself. I am 50, 2 young children and busy with my job as an aviation medical retrieval clinician. I travel a lot and my diet and exercise regime suffered. Under your guidance, we were able to tailor a home workout program and eating regime that I could follow. The goals were achievable and through your program and encouragement I was able to hit my goals. Throughout this transformation I learnt the value of self love, and the power of discipline. I thought all I needed was “motivation”. However it turns out motivation comes and goes and the real power is in routine, discipline and “grinding it out”.
I thank you Gary for having you on “team Scott”. Your wisdom and program refocused my energy and resources into achievable outcomes which I previously have been unsuccessful. I now have more self confidence and belief in myself which radiates to my family.
My apologies for being long winded, however when it comes to life changing moments in time, it’s impossible to sum it up in one sentence. Thank you Gary and thank you for your program.
Wendell Brown - age 43
Gary's Live Anabolic workout is by far one of the best I have ever done. It is challenging and difficult without being too overwhelming. The workouts hit hard and every body part thoroughly and always left me feeling a great pump. It is especially great for hardgainers like myself in constant search of getting bigger legs. Combined with the nutrition plan I would highly recommend this plan to anyone looking to add lean size.