At Home Isometric Workouts For Insane Bodyweight Strength
Isometric workouts are insane for strength gains. Especially for those who want to get stronger without going to the gym…
(If you haven’t read part 1 of this article, here’s the link to brush up on why isometrics are so awesome).
In this article I’m giving you three at home isometric workouts using three different isometric intensity techniques.
Hmmm… I’m liking the number three today…
So I’ll give you three exercises per workout…
And you’ll complete three rounds per exercise…
Whoever said “three’s a crowd” is a liar! Okay, back to the isometrics…
Let’s first go over each intensity technique before you gander at the workouts near the bottom of this article…
Isometric Intensity Technique #1
Duration – Completion Isometrics
This is where you hold an isometric position for a duration, until your muscles “fatigue to completion.” Also known in the bodybuilding community as “failure”…
I stopped calling it failure…
A follower on my YouTube channel wrote me saying, “failure” is a negative term…
And I was like… that’s a darn good point. Props my man.
Which makes sense…
Because reaching “failure” during any exercise is a complete SUCCESS. And I want my people feeling successful… especially when pushing their body to the limit.
So I’m trying to stop using the word failure. It’s like breaking a bad habit. You slip up here and there but progress is progress…
Anyway… muscle completion.
It’s one of my favorite isometric intensity techniques.
(This guy held an isometric plank to muscle completion for a whopping 7 hours, 40 minutes, and 4 seconds… you beast)
Here’s the thing though. If you can hold a plank for 7 hours…
Heck, if you can hold a plank for two or three minutes…
You need to graduate to something a bit more challenging. Especially if you want to elicit a strength response.
(This guy’s got the right idea…)
Sure, it’s fun to see how long you can plank for before reaching muscle completion during your isometric workouts…
And I encourage you to try something like it once a month to measure the strength improvements you’re making in your core muscles…
Yet as far as hour-long planking sessions go… I wouldn’t recommend it.
Here’s another example of duration – completion isometrics.
A wall-squat and hold.
Rest your back and hips on a wall.
Lower your body slowly into a squat position. And hold…
Your legs will start to wabble at some point… you know you’re reaching muscle completion when this begins to happen.
Again, you don’t want to spend 2 minutes or more of your isometric workouts performing a wall sit… you want to reach muscle completion well before then…
Pro Tip: to make your duration – completion isometrics exercises more challenging, simply add weight.
For example, if performing a plank – strap on a backpack loaded with books.
If performing a wall sit – strap the backpack loaded with books to the front of your torso.
(or you can use a baby… whatever your preferred choice)…
You’ll reach muscle completion far quicker. Saves time. And maximizes your strength gains.
Pro Tip #2: Use progressive overload principles.
Meaning, add more weight little by little.
If last week you had two books in your backpack when performing the wall-sit… this week, add one more and make it three. Increase the resistance gradually…
(Now that I think about it… a baby works perfect for this)…
Isometric Intensity Technique #2:
MAX-OUT Isometrics
This one’s my favorite of the three. Partly because it’ll make a powerlifter cry for mercy…
You’ll need to use a towel, rope, or mechanism (see video below) to use this intensity technique in your isometric workouts…
(fast forward to 4:05 for a pretty sweet at home isometric workout tool)
Here’s a video of me using the MAX-OUT technique for three different isometric workouts (back to the numero three theme)…
Two of them use a rope… one of the isometric exercises is strictly bodyweight.
The first exercise, the bicep curl.
(skip to 1:17 of this video)…
You’ll notice I’m using rope here…
Would I use it again without wearing gloves? Probably not.
The rope tends to rip on your hands a bit and I want you to be distraction free during your isometric workouts…
Meaning, I don’t want you focusing on how much your hands are hurting.
Bottom line… caveman use rope. rope burn. caveman wear gloves.
In the exercise demo, you see I’m giving a 100% max effort on the bicep curl.
Although the rope isn’t moving up or down, I am still pulling the rope as hard as I can upward.
I’m holding nothing back.
Therefore I’m experiencing a MAX-OUT isometric contraction.
It’s not often you get to put your body through an all-out contraction like this… especially with such little risk compared to a max effort squat, deadlift, or bench press for example.
It’s maximal muscle fiber recruitment like this that really explodes your strength levels and takes your physical transformation to the next level.
What I love even more about this intensity technique (and like all of these, really) is they work based on YOUR current fitness and strength level…
One person may be able to curl 100 lbs for a bicep curl and the other only twenty…
Yet, with an immovable object like a rope, it doesn’t matter. Just apply the greatest amount of force YOU can create.
That my friend… is called winning.
Here’s an example of a MAX OUT isometric exercise you can perform without any equipment… these exercises don’t come by often… they’re kind of like a rare Pokemon…
(Skip to 5:29 in the video)…
I think you’ve got the gist by now…
By the way… these isometric workouts tend to be shorter as they’re at the highest intensity.
Isometric Intensity Technique #3:
Intermittent Isometrics
This one is a combination of traditional isotonic exercises and isometrics.
Mixing up the two makes for some super-intense at home workouts.
Here’s a great example of intermittent isometrics…
(start at 0:57 for the push up demo and 2:14 for the pull-up demo)
Basically, break up your normal sets with intermittent isometrics.
Sure, it may not be considered one of your full blown isometric workouts, yet it will add a brand new challenge to your routines.
Imagine that… simple isometric pauses making your workouts more exhausting and beneficial.
It’s amazing what a small technique can do to give you an entirely new experience during exercise.
If you skipped the video… here’s an example of intermittent isometrics.
Say you’re performing a bodyweight dip…
Complete five repetitions of the dip, then on the sixth, pause at the bottom of the movement…
Hold that position for five to ten seconds…
Then continue. Performing five more dips.
Followed by the 5 to ten second intermittent isometric hold.
And so on… until you reach muscle completion. (I’m getting better at not saying “failure” anymore, huh?)…
Three At Home Isometric Workouts For Insane Strength
Workout #1: The Duration – Completion Workout
Plank: 30 seconds (use resistance if your bodyweight is not challenging enough)
Pro Tip: make this exercise even more challenging by squeezing your glutes, quads and hamstring and pressing your elbow backward, toward your abs (without actually moving them)…
Pike Push-up: Hold until muscle completion (should be between 30 and 60 seconds)
Close handed push-up: Keep your elbows tucked into your side. Hands about four inches apart.
Lower your body to the floor and pause. Hold your body an inch or two off the floor for 30 – 60 seconds.
Repeat entire workout in this order, three times.
Workout #2: The MAX-OUT Workout
Using a towel, perform:
Towel bicep curl: one max contraction for a 20 second hold – 100% effort
Towel row (video demo in part I): one max contraction for a 20 second hold – 100% effort
Towel pull: one max contraction for a 20 second hold – 100% effort
Grip a towel in front of you. Elbows straight. Palms down. And pull the towel as if trying to yank the towel apart.
Repeat entire workout in this order, three times.
Workout #3:The Intermittent Isometrics Workout
Bodyweight Squats: perform 10 bodyweight squats (five-seconds lowering and five-seconds raising your body – do not lock out your knees at the top).
After completing 10 bodyweight squats, lower your body one more time and hold the squat position for 20 seconds before moving to the next exercise.
(you’ll feel the burn like crazy on this one…)
Right leg lunge: perform 10 lunges on your right leg. Followed by a 10 second hold in the lunge position. Then switch.
Left leg lunge: perform 10 lunges on your right leg. Followed by a 10 second hold in the lunge position.
Repeat entire workout in this order, three times.
There you have it. Three high intensity at home isometric workouts for some serious strength and muscle toning gains.
If you enjoyed the article, on these at home isometric workouts, you’ll like the Isometric Secrets of Old Time Strongmen Report in this link. In it, you’ll discover proven isometric exercises used by some of the world’s strongest individuals, that will help you build insane strength WITHOUT stepping foot in the gym. Just click the banner below.