Biggest Over 40 Workout Mistakes That Kill Your Testosterone
40 is a badge of honor for a man…
You’ve lived, and you’ve got plenty more living to do…
You’ve learned and you’ve got plenty more learning to do.
Your crown of wisdom is probably coming in nicely, too…
But I have a question for you…
How’s your testosterone doing?
See, an unfortunate side effect of being a high-mileage guy is that your testosterone begins to dip…
In fact, it started dipping at age 30 and has only lowered since.
So what’s causing the low testosterone epidemic among men in their 40’s and up?
Well, one of the most likely causes is probably the least likely you’d expect.
Your Workout.
That’s right…
The very thing you’re doing to boost your testosterone is probably lowering it.
So what exactly is killing your testosterone in the gym?
That’s why I’m writing you today.
Here are the biggest over 40 workout mistakes that kill your testosterone and what to do about it.
Cortisol Tipping Points
Think of your workouts like a bathtub…
When you workout, your bloodstream fills up with the stress hormone, known as cortisol…
And that’s okay because you need cortisol to respond to the stress of lifting weights.
However, just like filling your bathtub up with too much water turns into a problem, so does filling your body with too much cortisol.
Because cortisol is your testosterone’s kryptonite.
And too much of it will make you look and feel more like Lois Lane than Superman.
See, when your body reaches its cortisol tipping point, it floods with this anti-testosterone hormone and forces you into a catabolic state rather than an anabolic one, which will leave you feeling weak, fat, unmotivated, and potentially put on the physically unable to perform list in the bedroom.
All of this can happen from too much cortisol output, which is really the result of too much exercise…
Which is the first over 40 workout mistake – too much exercise.
Something that was meant to be helpful for your testosterone levels actually made a disaster for them.
Long Cardio Workouts
You probably feel pretty accomplished after a long run…
I know I have before…
An hour of pounding the pavement or twisting through trails can make you feel pretty good about yourself afterward…
But unfortunately, while you were feeling good about yourself during your marathon cardio workout, your testosterone was feeling like crud.
In fact, your testosterone probably quit and went home about 20 minutes into your run…
Studies have shown that endurance training lowers testosterone levels in men, which makes long cardio workouts one of the big over 40 workout mistakes that thousands of men are making each day.
Well again, this goes to back to cortisol…
The longer your body is under physical stress, the more cortisol your body produces, and as a result, the lower your testosterone levels will be.
So, for example, running an hour straight places your body under an hour of steady stress…
And in order to confront the stress, your stress hormone, cortisol, floods into your bloodstream and drowns out your testosterone.
For an obvious picture, compare the difference between a sprinter’s physique and a long distance runner’s physique…
A sprinter has larger muscles, is more shredded, and is clearly loaded with testosterone…
While an endurance athlete typically wears the skinny fat look.
The difference?
One trains for short periods of time with all-out, explosive intervals, while the other trains for an extended period of time with a steady state effort.
The former boosts testosterone production…
The latter kills it.
Too Many Sessions At The Gym Per Week
Sometimes you just have to admit that you’re not as young as you used to be…
And if you won’t, you put your testosterone levels in severe danger.
One of the biggest over 40 workout mistakes is hitting the gym too many times in any given week.
Research suggests that recovery time between workouts slows down with age…
Meaning that the older you get, the more rest you’ll need in between gym sessions.
Which isn’t a bad thing…
It’s a good reason to rest more…
And as you rest, your testosterone levels and your muscle size will increase.
But if you still want to workout like you’re 22 just to stoke your own ego, you won’t leave any room for stoking your testosterone.
Training too frequently (more than 3 times a week) can lead to overtraining syndrome, which I’ve written about at length here.
Overtraining syndrome is disastrous to your testosterone levels, and can keep you in a constant state of fatigue, sleep depravity (which lowers your testosterone even more), sickness and can even cause injury.
All of which steal from your ability to train and more importantly disrupt your quality of life
Your Next Step
So what’s next?
You know the biggest over 40 workout mistakes that kill your testosterone levels…
But what step can you now take to change your workouts and take your testosterone to the next level?
I have a solution for you.
I want you to check out a program called Anabolic After 40.
This program was created to help men like you boost your testosterone levels and build muscle fast.
Whether you’ve exercised your entire life, or you’ve never touched a weight Anabolic After 40 will put father time in his place and help you to get stronger and more ripped than ever before…
Also, because Anabolic After 40 helps to improve your testosterone levels, your spouse will be sure to notice the difference, too…
And not only in the bedroom…
But everywhere.
Because better testosterone means better libido, a higher sperm count, sharper brain function and more confidence.
Anabolic After 40 is an incredibly affordable and effective program that I hope you won’t miss out on today…
Grab it for yourself here.
And keep up the hard work!
– Joe LoGalbo