The Top 21 Foods Rich In Testosterone
The foods you eat make a major difference in how much testosterone your body produces.
So you want to eat foods rich in testosterone, meaning they’ll increase your T-count every time you cook ‘em up, chop ‘em up, and grill ‘em up…
So let’s take a look at the best foods for boosting testosterone…
Here are 21 foods rich in testosterone:
1) Whole Eggs
When it comes to helping your body create more testosterone, you can’t overstate the importance of whole eggs in your diet…
HDL cholesterol found in eggs (which has been shown to improve your heart health) is a direct precursor to testosterone production.
A study published in the Journal of Vascular Biology discovered a direct correlation between the amount of HDL cholesterol a man has in his bloodstream and the health of his testosterone levels… The more HDL cholesterol, the higher the testosterone.
Also, whole eggs contain a healthy amount of saturated fats, which are necessary for optimal testosterone levels…
Studies have drawn a straight line between saturated fat intake and male sex hormone health as well.
2) Organic Bacon
Organic bacon is one of the top foods rich in testosterone that you should add to your plate of eggs everyday…
Like, eggs, bacon is filled with HDL cholesterol, which again, is GOOD cholesterol…
As I mentioned above there’s a direct correlation between the amount of cholesterol you consume and the amount of testosterone you have.
Plus, like eggs, bacon is high in T-boosting saturated fats.
So what we’ve known all along is actually true… You can’t beat bacon.
But let me add a little caveat here…
All bacon is not created equally… Some pigs are given feed that contains estrogenic chemicals. So the next time you’re at the store, make sure you pick up organic bacon that isn’t filled with female hormones.
3) Avocado
Slice avocado over your batch of scrambled eggs and bacon and you’ve got a huge testosterone boosting breakfast…
Avocados are loaded with monounsaturated fats, the second most important fat for testosterone production…
They’re also packed with more than 20 essential vitamins and minerals that have proven to be beneficial for testosterone health including vitamin A, K2, C, B2, B5, B6, zinc magnesium and copper…
Zinc and magnesium, in particular, have been shown by multiple studies to have a direct impact on testosterone levels (study, study), and unfortunately, most men are missing these essential minerals in their diets…
Add avocado, to your everyday diet… load up on the micronutrients inside... and boost testosterone.
4) Oats
Oats are a complete source of carbohydrates…
Which is the best source of carbs for boosting testosterone levels.
See when men don’t consume an adequate amount of carbohydrates each day, our stress hormone, cortisol, begins to increase.
Which is a problem because cortisol is testosterone’s kryptonite, and when your cortisol levels increase, your testosterone levels decrease.
So getting a solid amount of carbohydrates (40% of your daily caloric intake) is a great way to make sure your testosterone levels will be in good shape…
Oats are also beneficial for testosterone because they contain avenacosides, which increase luteinizing hormone (LH) and then boost testosterone.
Oats are easy to cook up and make for a great breakfast option for better testosterone.
5) Grass-Fed Beef
A list of foods that will make men more manly wouldn’t be complete without some red meat.
Grass-fed beef is packed with saturated fat – your testosterone’s favorite kind of fat…
But make sure it's grass-fed...
Studies show grass-fed beef is packed with essential vitamins and minerals that grain-fed beef simply isn’t.
Grass-fed beef contains 4x more vitamin K2, 5x more Omega-3s and 2x more CLA than grain-fed beef…
Not to mention more vitamin A, vitamin B, potassium, zinc, and phosphorus…
All of those vitamins and minerals, plus the saturated fat, will boost testosterone levels.
6) Potatoes
Any and all potatoes (except for the fried kind) will do your testosterone a load of good…
Like I mentioned above, carbohydrates are essential for healthy testosterone levels…
But not just any carbohydrates… Primarily, gluten-free carbohydrates.
Potatoes are a diverse gluten-free, guilt-free carbohydrate source that you can add to just about any meal.
Sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, Idaho potatoes, white potatoes, purple potatoes… eat all the potatoes…
And if you want to pack your potato with an even stronger anabolic punch, add some…
7) Grass-Fed Butter
Real grass-fed butter is one of the top foods rich in testosterone that you can add to just about any dish and makes just about anything taste better…
Butter is made mostly up of saturated fats, the primary fat for better T levels…
Plus, it contains testosterone boosting vitamins like K2, D, and A…
So slather some butter on your next potato or piece of whole-grain toast.
8) Olive Oil
Like avocado, olive oil contains mostly monounsaturated fats.
In one 3-week study, which tested the effects of olive oil on Moroccan men, participants saw a 17.4% increase in testosterone.
One caveat is that cooking it can burn out the nutrients inside the oil.
I recommend adding a tablespoon or two to a salad or on top of rice after you've cooked it.
9) Blue Cheese
Blue cheese is packed with testosterone-boosting saturated fat…
But there’s a reason why blue cheese has made this list of foods rich in testosterone while the others haven’t…
Blue Cheese contains probiotics and healthy gut bacteria.
See, your stomach health has a direct impact on the way your brain communicates with the rest of your body – including the signal that improves testosterone production.
Plus, when your gut’s in disarray it causes cortisol levels to increase due to inflammation, which then lowers testosterone.
So to keep your gut healthy and prevent inflammation, sprinkle blue cheese on a salad or a baked potato.
10) Salmon
Salmon is a fatty fish that’s high in good cholesterol and packed with protein…
But those aren’t the only reasons why salmon made the cut on the 21 foods rich in testosterone list…
Salmon is high in selenium, a mineral that most men, unfortunately, don’t get enough of…
Selenium has been shown to increase the testosterone levels, which should make salmon a staple food in your day-to-day…
11) White Rice
White rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates, which you need to boost testosterone levels…
But unlike brown rice, white rice won’t suppress your testosterone from becoming your body’s most potent form of testosterone (dihydrotestosterone).
So instead of passing on rice because you think the carbs won't do you any good...
Feel free to eat rice once a day if you'd like.
12) Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are the best nut you can snack on to improve your testosterone levels.
Like salmon, they’re packed with selenium.
In fact, just 2 Brazil nuts have been shown to provide you with an entire day’s worth of selenium… an important T-boosting nutrient.
Brazil nuts can be difficult to find in their own container, but they ARE out there. Sometimes they're lumped in with peanuts in a nut mix, but you want to avoid those because peanuts are NOT good for testosterone levels.
Your best bet is to look at the raw nuts section in your grocery store.
13) Spinach
Spinach is a staple in any T-boosting salad.
It lowers estrogen levels because of its chlorophyll content while also boosting testosterone with its magnesium, vitamin C, and vitamin E content.
14) Broccoli
Broccoli decreases estrogen levels and increases testosterone levels by 50% if you eat it regularly…
Plus it tastes great when seasoned and grilled as an entree side.
15) Onions
Onion juice has made some waves recently as a potent testosterone booster.
One study that tested the effects of onion juice on male rats discovered a 300% increase in testosterone as a result…
So if you’re not up for chugging a cup of onion juice every morning, it’ll do you some good to add onions to your salads at least.
16) Pomegranates
One study revealed that pomegranates can increase testosterone levels by almost 25%...
They're also known as an aphrodisiac...
Because pomegranates increase nitric oxide production and blood flow for harder erections and improved sex drive.
17) Raisins
Raisins are packed with resveratrol – a testosterone boosting antioxidant found in red grapes and wine…
Plus, they contain boron, which is a rare testosterone boosting trace mineral.
18) Honey
Honey is also full of boron, which, like I just mentioned, boosts testosterone…
Plus, it improves nitric oxide production, which will open up your blood vessels for better erections and better sex.
19) Pumpkin Seeds
Pumpkin seeds are loaded with zinc, which has been shown on multiple occasions to directly increase testosterone levels…
Pumpkin seeds are also packed with magnesium, another mineral that helps raise testosterone and other growth hormones such as IGF-1...
Which will improve muscle growth and fat burning...
Which then increases your testosterone levels even more.
20) Black Beans
Like pumpkin seeds, black beans are filled with zinc, the essential T-boosting mineral…
Plus, black beans contain plenty of vitamin D, which has been shown to increase testosterone levels as well.
Black beans are one of the most diverse foods on this list of foods rich in testosterone. Add them to your eggs, shredded chicken tacos, or as a side dish to your grass-fed beef.
21) Hot Sauce
A recent French study showed that men who consume spicy food...
Have higher testosterone levels when compared to men who don't.
Hot sauce is an easy way to get a spicey testosterone boost.
Plus, it's a "thermogenic food" meaning it burns a decent amount of calories while your body digest it— which helps with fat loss.
Dump it on your eggs, in your potato, or on a batch of rice.
Your Next Step
So there you have it, my friend…
21 foods rich in testosterone. Simply by making these foods staples in your weekly diet, you’ll notice some major improvements in your T-count.
But here's the deal...
I know making a lot of changes to your diet can take some time so as a part of this list, I want to give you a 10-second trick to boosting testosterone immediately each day.
ANABOLIC RELOAD is 100% natural testosterone booster packed with 6 powerful ingredients that increase FREE testosterone in the body (the most bioavailable form of testosterone) so you can an instant and lasting testosterone boost.
So make some changes to your diet and eat more of the foods I mentioned above...
And take ANABOLIC RELOAD with it and you'll notice some incredible results in the mirror, how your clothes fit and generally feeling more confident and energized.