Anabolic Abs

NASA’s Strange TITIN Technique
Quickly Rebuilds Your Abs…
And Is Now Being Used By Hollywood Actors, “Ageless-Looking” Fitness Models, and Athletes To Sculpt A Rock Hard Midsection From Home In Less Than 18-Minutes Just A Few Times Per Week
For men over 30 who are tired of playing “hide and seek” with your abs… and want to finally show off a 6 pack, shrink love handles and make women gasp when you strip off your shirt at the beach…
Anabolic Abs is a groundbreaking new program that combines NASAs TITIN training protocol into an at home system anyone can follow to reverse age-related muscle loss in the abs and safely sculpt a rock hard midsection faster than you likely thought possible.
Men in their 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s with chiseled abs are like an “endangered species” these days. But simply by following the 3-phase protocol inside Anabolic Abs… you’ll recreate a powerful and attractive core that sets you apart from all the other guys.
Here’s What Makes Anabolic Abs
The Right Fit For Men 30 And Up:
From the time you are born to around the time you turn 30, your muscles grow larger and stronger. But at some point in your 30s, you start to lose the muscle mass and function you enjoyed when you were younger.
This is due to sarcopenia… which is a big word that means age-related muscle loss. Harvard University Medical School confirms sarcopenia is the real reason your body gets soft over the years and the latest research shows age-related muscle loss happens to just about everyone. Even worse, studies show age-related muscle loss begins in your abs.
You can’t escape it. But you can reverse it. However— you can’t use the same old techniques you used when you were younger. Because after you hit your 30s that style of training doesn’t have the same effect like it did before.
And Here’s Where NASA’s TITIN Training Comes In…
Studies show because there’s no gravity in space and astronauts experience a “micro-gravity” induced form of sarcopenia.
Basically, they lose muscle mass at rapid speed while in space— similar to what happens as we age on earth… except a lot faster. In fact, studies show astronauts can lose up to 8% of muscle mass and strength in just 8 days of space travel.
That’s why NASA adopted TITIN training.
TITIN training is a sarcopenia-fighting protocol that beats micro-gravity related muscle and strength loss. But it doesn’t just work for brave astronauts. It can also make the abs of everyday guys like us “reappear” no matter what your age, current shape or even if you’ve never worked out a single day in your life..
Studies show because there’s no gravity in space and astronauts experience a “micro-gravity” induced form of sarcopenia.
Basically, they lose muscle mass at rapid speed while in space— similar to what happens as we age on earth… except a lot faster. In fact, studies show astronauts can lose up to 8% of muscle mass and strength in just 8 days of space travel.
That’s why NASA adopted TITIN training.
TITIN training is a sarcopenia-fighting protocol that beats micro-gravity related muscle and strength loss. But it doesn’t just work for brave astronauts. It can also make the abs of everyday guys like us “reappear” no matter what your age, current shape or even if you’ve never worked out a single day in your life.
Scientists call TITIN training a “muscle growth multiplier.” And a research group from the University of New Mexico confirmed TITIN training is “better than traditional exercise to beat age-related muscle loss and strength loss” because it’s been proven in more than 70 studies to be the most powerful way to stimulate abdominal muscle fibers.
In fact— researchers from Northern Arizona University call TITIN training a “kind of hack” to reverse age-related muscle loss… even going so far as to call it a “prescribed treatment” for sarcopenia, which makes it the perfect protocol to reshape your midsection into your 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Inside The Anabolic Abs Program:

Anabolic Abs Rapid Start Plan
The first thing you want to do is watch what’s been called “the fastest how-to video ever made”... also known as the Anabolic Abs rapid start plan.
This video is only five minutes and will give you everything you need to get started using TITIN training in your very first workout. So if you’re like me and you’re in a hurry, this video alone is worth its weight in gold.

Anabolic Abs Training Manual
Inside the Anabolic Abs Training Manual, you’ll get every exercise in all 3 phases… every detail spelled out so there’s absolutely zero guesswork on your part… and you’ll always know exactly what to do and precisely how to do it.
This manual is your 6-pack encyclopedia. Beginning with the very first exercise you’ll recreate your abs when you follow the super simple, common sense, no BS-style instructions inside.
Plus you’ll also discover the traditional abs training methods that you absolutely must AVOID if you want to actually get a great-looking midsection.

Anabolic Abs Nutrition Code
The Anabolic Abs Nutrition Code is a drop-dead simple nutrition blueprint that maximizes your results with TITIN training and the Anabolic Abs protocol.
Inside you’ll discover the 3 WORST nutrition tips that are keeping you fat… or maybe more frustrating… are making it impossible to get rid of the final 5-10 lbs of flab in the lower “pooch” area…
Plus you’ll find 2 strange tips to get you ripped abs FAST… while still enjoying the foods you love… including beer, wings, steaks, fries, and just about any other food you can think of.
You’ll also get an entire “power meals” section which are the perfect meals for men that contain ample portions of all the essential male nutrients… that works almost like a cheat code to build muscle, destroy belly fat, and keep your T-levels pumping like a college jock.

Anabolic Abs Walkthrough Videos
I’ll be your personal trainer for every exercise and every workout in all 3 phases of the Anabolic Abs program.
Inside each video I will break down every exercise inside Anabolic Abs to support guys of all different fitness levels… so it won't matter if you’re just starting out… you’re fairly experienced… or perhaps you’re a fitness pro. Everyone from newbie to natural pro athlete is covered in these videos.
When you follow along with the Anabolic Abs Walkthrough Videos… you can be 100% confident you’re using TITIN training properly to unlock an amazing set of abs at any age.

Anabolic Abs Total Training Videos
The Anabolic Abs Total Training Videos contain a ton of tips that I’ve gained with over 25 years of experience to get you the most out of every second you spend with your workouts.
No spinning your wheels. No trying to figure out the best way to dominate this program and see rapid results…
With these videos you’ll get in and out with your workouts in only 18-minutes and can be confident and excited you’re building ripped abs faster than any other guy you know.
Plus You’ll Get A Free Bonus: Total Body TITIN Training Program
($147 Value FREE!)

Body TITIN Training Program
Inside the Total Body TITIN Training program you get 12 weeks of full body TITIN workouts… that fit like a glove with your Anabolic Abs protocol.
It’s super simple to follow and comes complete with high-def exercise execution videos to walk you through each exercise and explain the critical cues for each movement.
This way you’ll unlock the most growth out of every set and rep for MAXIMUM muscle development and fat loss after the age of 30.
These exercises won’t beat up your joints. You won’t live in the gym. Or spend an entire week being sore. Total Body TITIN Training is fast, efficient, and will get you the total body transformation to go along with your new set of rock-hard abs.

Here’s why I have such an outrageous try-it-on-me triple guarantee…
1) I only want the men in my Anabolic Abs tribe who are willing to work their butt off for a short period of time at home. Yea, I said it. “Work.” Sure, it’s super fast, and it only takes 18-minutes a workout…
But it’s a challenging 18-minutes… and quite frankly, some guys just aren’t willing to work… and I want nothing to do with those guys. I’ve been a trainer for over 25 years and seriously, there’s no getting through to them. I hate that it’s this way, but it’s true.
So I actually want to give guys like that their money back. I don’t want lazy sheep around a pack of wolves. That’s why I give you a full year on me to figure out if you have 18-minutes of badass in you. If you don’t, I’ll refund you every cent of your measly investment without giving you a hard time.
2) If you don’t think this is the most incredible abs workout breakthrough ever, then you deserve your cash back. It’s that simple.
3) And this one is just about as crazy as it gets…
Even if you don’t like the colors that I use in my Anabolic Abs manuals… or you don’t like the fonts I use… or the way I talk… you name it…
If for any reason you don’t feel as if this was the single best investment you’ve made in yourself, send me an email through the support center and I’ll send back every penny of your $79 investment. I’ll even let you keep the killer Total Body TITIN Training bonus too.
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