5 Tips To Boost Testosterone Without Diet And Exercise
Testosterone is crucial for your performance as a man over 40...
You already know the best ways to maintain healthy testosterone levels as you get older is with diet and exercise...
But those aren’t the only ways to increase testosterone.
I know that sounds a little weird (after all, we are a fitness and nutrition company for mature men)...
But today I want to give you 5 quick and simple ways to increase your testosterone levels naturally without diet and exercise. Now…
There isn’t one single tip that holds the answer all by itself.
Each one of the tips I give you today are puzzle pieces...
And when you put the pieces together, they’ll all help support healthy testosterone levels.
Let's jump into it...
Tip #1: Sleep
Our body produces more testosterone at night when we sleep than it does during the entire day when we’re awake...
So if you aren’t getting deep restful sleep every night...
You’re killing your body’s ability to maximize testosterone production.
Your body and mind are focused on so many different functions throughout the day... and increasing testosterone just isn’t at the top of the list.
However, when you’re asleep and your body is at rest...
It can focus its efforts on increasing testosterone.
=> If you want to maximize the amount of testosterone you produce while you sleep, check this out
Tip #2: Keep “The Boys” Cool
This is kind of a funny one, but it really works...
If you want to boost testosterone, keep your “boys” cool.
Studies show our balls produce more testosterone when they’re cool as opposed to when they’re warm.
So one easy way to keep them cool is to wear loose boxers instead of tight briefs. In fact, this is what doctors recommend if guys are having a hard time in the fertility department — because there’s a direct link between keeping it cool down there and testosterone.
So this is really simple:
Wear boxers...
Sleep naked at night if you want...
Do things like that to keep your boys cool...
Gradually over time that’ll help boost your testosterone levels.
Tip #3: Reduce Stress
Stress increases the stress hormone “cortisol.”
Studies show that when your cortisol levels are high, your testosterone levels are low. And vice versa. Now…
One day of being stressed isn’t gonna kill ya.
But consistent, cumulative, long-term stress really takes a toll on testosterone levels.
So whatever you can do to reduce stress is going to help.
Exercise does reduce stress. But you don’t need to do intense exercise to lower stress.
Going for a walk or a casual bike ride can help reduce stress.
Spend time on your favorite hobbies.
Read. Journal.
Do anything that helps you relax to boost testosterone.
You can also STOP doing non-essential things that stress you out...
For example, you can stop watching the news or stay off of Facebook for a while.
Eliminating those extra stressors is a real simple way to improve testosterone health.
Tip #4: Get Some Sun
In order to produce as much testosterone as possible, your body needs vitamin D. The best source of vitamin D in the world is sunshine.
So get outside.
You don’t need to go for a run outside or do anything intense.
You don’t need to get sunburnt either...
You can mow the lawn. Work in the yard. Walk the dog.
Being out in the sun is going to boost your vitamin D levels and increase your testosterone as a result.
Studies show that just 15-20 minutes of sun exposure will work wonders for your testosterone...
The more skin you can show outside, the better.
So if you feel comfortable, then take your shirt off outside...
If you have a little more body fat than you want, wear shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt to get plenty of vitamin D.
Tip #5: Try Supplements
Supplements don’t always work fantastic for everybody. But they do work amazingly well for some people...
And it’s impossible to tell in advance whether a certain supplement is going to work for you or not.
My personal belief is that guys who don’t get enough vitamins and minerals in their daily diet will benefit most from supplements...
And honestly, this is a lot of guys.
Because lots of guys have nutrient gaps they don't realize.
When it comes to supporting testosterone... we have a fantastic supplement designed to naturally support your body’s total production of testosterone, called Anabolic Reload.
And more importantly...
The ingredients inside Anabolic Reload have been shown to target your body’s production of “free testosterone.”
I’m not going to get into the details here...
But the reason boosting “free testosterone” is so important is because that’s the form of testosterone your body uses to build muscle, burn fat, boost your sex drive and energy, and all that good stuff.
That’s why we chose the specific ingredients inside Anabolic Reload...
It’s designed to target free testosterone while also boosting your total testosterone.
So give that a try.
Some guys are going to go bonkers over Anabolic Reload...
Other guys are going to feel a little something... but the effect might not be so great that they want to continue taking it.
But you’ll never know unless you try…
=> Click here to learn more about Anabolic Reload and claim your supply
There's plenty of reviews at the link above to see if it's for you.
So there are your 5 tips for how you can boost your testosterone without diet or exercise.
Like I mentioned at the beginning...
It’s not just one single tip here that’s going to make all the difference in the world.
But when you start adding all these little things up, after days and weeks and months, you really start to feel a difference.
It won't happen overnight...
But if you take my advice, stick with it, and never give up on yourself, I promise you’ll love the results.