How To Get Fit Over 40 (Tips For Men)
Just because you’re approaching your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s doesn’t mean it’s too late to get fit, build muscle, chisel out a lean physique—or whatever other body shaping goal you have…
In fact, you can relive your glory day, just at a different age…
And here's where you can get started...
Change Your Mindset
In order to show off a killer physique...
You need to realize and remind yourself, that it’s not too late to make it happen.
You have to believe that you can achieve the physique you desire...
Because if you don’t believe it’ll happen—it won’t…
And that’s not some “rah-rah,” motivational phrase to get you hyped up.
It’s actually true…
If you don’t believe you can get a rock hard physique over-40, you
Or you’ll question whether or not training and eating right is “worth it”.
Your success all starts here...
Because as long as you stay positive and believe you can achieve your ideal physique, then you won’t stop until you get it.
Surround Yourself With Positive People
At this age, we know what it’s like to have toxic relationships in our lives, don’t we?
And most of us have probably cut ties with those people—and discovered that we’re better off for it…
As an older guy...
There will be plenty of *jealous* buddies and colleagues that chuckle and say, “You’re too old. It’s too late for you.”
But it’s not.
Don’t listen to them.
You may need to move away from negative voices for a while.
But more importantly, to get fit over 40, you want to surround yourself with positive people…
Especially other men over 40 who are dead set on getting fit, too.
And that’s why... if you aren’t an active member of the Anabolic Tribe Facebook Group, become one today.
The Anabolic Tribe is a brotherhood of exceptional men who want to MAXIMIZE every area of their lives.
And *I think* you’re one of them…
Be active in The Anabolic Tribe Facebook Group and you’ll be inspired, motivated, and encouraged daily to reach your health and fitness goals.
Progress Pictures
Progress is a great motivator...
And it’ll keep you excited and encouraged throughout your fit over 40 journey…
But here’s the catch: you actually need to see your progress in order to be motivated by it.
Here’s what I mean…
No one sees your body more than yourself...
And during the process of transforming your body into the physique you crave...
It can be hard to notice the results... because you forget what your body looked like when you first started the program…
And without your “before body” in mind, it can be hard to celebrate the incredible changes you’re making in the mirror.
Because you just don’t see them as you should...
What Miguel said about Ripped After 40:
"Phase 1 Week Two Done. First pic without a shirt in at least 25 years. lol Still got work to do! I wasn't going to post a before pic till I completed the program. Me 10/4/2019 2 days before starting Pre-Phase. I pulled an ab and fought with a turkey so I missed 2 weeks. But getting ready to start Phase 1 Week 3 Monday!! It all works!!! Trust it!!"
That’s why it’s critical for you to take progress photos beginning on day one of your fit over 40 transformation…
Because then you can constantly look back at where you were, and be motivated by where you are.
But don’t stop with your “before” photo...
Take progress pictures every month, or even every week.
This way you’ll visibly see the fat falling off your body. And ripped muscle taking its place.
If you’ve already started your fit over 40 transformation...
Take a picture today that you can look back on to measure your progress starting now.
Not only will you have a group of like-minded and ambitious guys cheering you on themselves, but your progress will inspire other members as well.
Dialed In Nutrition
Nutrition is key to getting fit over 40…
No matter what your fitness goal is, nutrition is going to be paramount in getting to wherever you want to be.
For instance…
If you’re a lean guy already...
And you want to put on some more muscle mass...
Then you’ll want to dial in your nutrition daily by eating a lot of food…
But not just any food you can find.
Instead— pack your plate with nutrient-dense foods—and load up on lean protein, gluten-free carbohydrates, and essential fats.
On the other end of the spectrum...
If you feel like you have a good muscular foundation, are strong, and have some muscle that’s covered in fat, you’ll dial in your nutrition to a steady caloric deficit.
Really, you’ll eat the same nutrient-dense foods that you would if you were bulking—lean protein, gluten-free carbs, and essential fats...
You’ll just eat less of them…
This way, you’ll melt fat without losing your hard-earned muscle.
TriCon Training
TriCon Training is the only training method of its kind created for men over 40 to get the physique you crave safely, powerfully, and in the shortest amount of time possible.
And eliminates the traditional “point A to point B” style of weight/bodyweight training that you’re used to.
During each movement of this training, your muscles learn to do all the work…
And are practically forced into growth that the younger guys know nothing about…
During TriCon Training, you use your mind-muscle connection to engage with each of the three types of contractions for maximal results.
Plus, TriCon training decreases the number of repetitions you perform in any given workout which protects your joints... prevents unnecessary inflammation... and helps you to train smarter as a man over 40.
On top of that, each TriCon exercise creates natural lactic acid production in your muscles.
This doesn’t only give you a massive pump during your workout, but also triggers an unbeatable testosterone boost that accelerates muscle growth and fat loss…
And will cause your body to burn fat and build muscle even 72-hours after you’ve finished your workout.
As a man over 40, TriCon Training is a revolutionary method of getting the physique you desire that you don’t want to miss out on.
Check out TriCon Training in my Ripped After 40 program HERE.
Next Step
There you have it…
6 surefire ways to get fit over 40…
Don’t forget about the great resources I’ve given you to make it happen.
If you haven’t already, join the Anabolic Tribe Facebook Group and be an active member there…
Also, get your hands on my Ripped After 40 program today if you haven’t already.
I created the program (featuring the TriCon Training method) for guys just like you who won’t settle for less than your full potential as a man over 40…