How To Regain Sex Drive For Older Men
Your sex-drive and car are a lot alike…
Think about it…
The moment you drove your brand-new car off the lot, there was no end in sight. You thought, “I’m gonna drive this forever.”
It had power. It had vigor.
But 10 years later it’s become a whole new animal altogether. I mean, it’s aged just fine. It’s not like you haven’t taken care of it. But it’s still aged…
Sound familiar?
Well, your car and your sex drive have a lot in common…
Because as you age, your sex-drive ages, too…
But here’s the difference – you can’t just drop your sex-drive off at a used lot and go buy a new one. You need to work with what you’ve got.
If you do exactly what I’ve laid out for you in this article, you’ll perform better than you have since your early 20’s…
And make sure you read to the end because at the bottom of this page I have a 10-second morning trick that'll skyrocket testosterone and sex drive with almost no effort.
Check it out…
How To Regain Sex Drive For Older Men
Your daily eating habits have a MASSIVE impact on whether or not a romantic dinner for two will turn into a night of fun…
Here’s the deal. The kitchen is your #1 sidekick for raising testosterone levels and kicking your sex drive into gear…
And if you fill your cupboards and refrigerator with foods that have been proven to get the job done, you’ll be all set for a joy-ride whenever your wife tosses you the keys and gives you “the wink”…
Here’s what you need to understand:
Your testosterone levels have a major impact on your sex-drive – not the other way around.
Meaning that if your testosterone levels are off in a ditch somewhere, your libido is right there with it…
So when asking the question of how to regain sex drive for older men, it’s crucial that you keep a few things in mind.
One groundbreaking study published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry discovered that low-fat diets cause testosterone levels to plummet in men…
Which is good news for you and me because that means we can eat all the foods we love: beef, steak, burgers, bacon, and so on…
And to get even more fat into your diet, get used to slathering butter on your potatoes and eggs and adding a tablespoon of olive oil to salads— because those are simple ways to increase dietary fat intake.
Keep your fat intake at around 40% of your daily diet and you'll send your T-count through the roof…
Your doctor may have told you to stay away from eggs a while back because they're high in cholesterol…
But he may not have known that by cutting out high cholesterol foods, you’d actually be shriveling up your testosterone levels at the same time…
According to an eye-opening study that measured the cholesterol and testosterone levels of men, researchers discovered that men with higher levels of HDL cholesterol also have higher levels of testosterone than those with lower HDL cholesterol levels.
In fact, there was a direct correlation between cholesterol and testosterone…
The reason is that while you sleep, your “testosterone factory” is actually converting cholesterol into testosterone for the following day…
So naturally, the more cholesterol it has to work with, the more testosterone you’ll produce.
And just as a side note...
Studies have shown that HDL cholesterol is “healthy cholesterol” and actually reduces your risk for heart disease…
So by eating more eggs (packed with HDL cholesterol) not only will you have healthier testosterone, but a healthier heart as well… Plus you’ll regain the sex drive that you’ve been missing for years.
Carbohydrates are a deal-breaker when it comes to boosting testosterone.
The problem is over the last couple of decades, carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation for “making you fat.”
But here’s the deal… If you ditch carbohydrates altogether you can kiss your testosterone levels goodbye because carbohydrates are necessary for testosterone production…
Now, just to be clear...
I’m NOT talking about simple sugar carbohydrates from donuts and candy.
In order to boost testosterone levels, you want to eat plenty of gluten-free carbohydrates…
Gluten-free carbohydrates are chock-full of essential micronutrients that boost testosterone levels in men – vitamin A, B, C, D3, zinc, and magnesium…
Plus they’re complete with antioxidants and nitrates that will increase both your sex drive and your performance between the sheets…
So if you want to know how to regain sex drive for older men, get plenty of potatoes, berries, and greens of every kind.
Now that you’ve laid the foundation for healthy testosterone levels and a high-powered sex drive, it’s time to add specific libido-boosting foods to the mix…
And soon you’ll be primed and ready to go “all night long.”
Because there’s one simple “quality” that you want to look for in any food that’s going to boost your sex drive – nitric oxide…
One of the main causes of lowered libido and even erectile dysfunction in men is poor blood circulation…
And nitric oxide, which is used in just about every over-the-counter “libido booster” on the planet, opens up your blood vessels so that circulation remains at its best throughout the day…
By eating foods that are high in nitrates (which convert into nitric oxide in your body, you’ll improve circulation everywhere, including your "manhood."
Next Step (10-Second Morning Trick)
The answer to the question of how to regain sex drive for older men is pretty simple…
Change the way you're eating in the kitchen and you'll notice some incredible results. Also, get your hands on the testosterone and libido-boosting foods that I’ve mentioned throughout this article.
But here's the deal...
I know making a ton of changes to your diet can be a challenge. And there are some days you may want to give yourself a little wiggle room.
So I want to give you a simple 10-second morning trick that'll help you achieve the testosterone and libido-boosting benefits you're after.
Here it is: Take ANABOLIC RELOAD in the morning.
ANABOLIC RELOAD is our 100% natural testosterone booster packed with the best herbs, vitamins and minerals for boosting testosterone and sex drive. Guys like you are raving about it.
Check out more about ANABOLIC RELOAD and grab your supply here.