How To Stop Age Related Muscle Loss
Muscle is the “fountain of youth” for men. The more muscle you have, the younger you’ll feel.
The problem is, as you get older, you suffer from age-related muscle loss.
Age-related muscle loss is a natural decline in muscle mass, which makes you skinnier in your arms and legs, chubbier around your gut, and overall weaker and more fragile.
Losing muscle robs your quality of life. It can cause low libido and low energy. Plus, it’ll get harder to do the things you need to do on a daily basis — like mowing the lawn or lifting heavy luggage when you travel.
And let’s face it, muscle loss strikes a blow at your self-esteem, too. Because it’s hard to feel good about yourself when you don’t feel good about the way you look.
But the good news is, you can reverse age-related muscle loss starting today.
We’re all getting older, but that doesn’t mean you need to become scrawny and chubby.
So today, I’ve got 5 tips that’ll help you stop age-related muscle loss. And if you implement these changes, you’ll see a dramatic change over the coming months.
Tip #1: Resistance Training
Any kind of resistance training can help stop age-related muscle loss. It doesn’t matter if you use barbells, dumbbells, resistance bands, machines, or even your own bodyweight.
The point is, you need to force your muscles to get stronger.
The best way to do that is to follow a professionally designed workout program. While doing some push ups and squats is great… following a program will give you the biggest bang for your buck.
But tread with caution. You want a program that’s made specifically for older guys, because “young guy” programs can have a negative affect on our hormones as we get older.
=> Looking for a workout program for guys our age? Check out Fit After 50
Tip #2: Eat More Protein
If you want to see the best results from your resistance training, then you need to eat plenty of protein.
When you lift weights, you damage millions of tiny fibers in your muscles. That’s a good thing, because damaging these muscle fibers is step 1 in the muscle building process.
Step 2 is repairing those muscle fibers with protein.
When you eat enough protein, your body makes those muscle fibers a little bit bigger and stronger, which prevents age-related muscle loss.
How much protein should you eat?
Aim for 0.5 - 0.7 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight.
So if you weight 200 lbs, here’s what your protein goals would be:
200 x 0.5 = 100 grams of protein
200 x 0.7 = 140 grams of protein
Your goal in that case would be to get between 100-140 grams of protein per day in order to build muscle and reverse age-related muscle loss.
Tip #3: Try Supplements
All supplements are NOT created equally. So I’m not suggesting you try just any supplement.
I’ll recommend one I use every morning. It’s called Anabolic Reload and it’s our nature-based testosterone booster.
If I had to pick just one supplement to take, it would be this one because studies show that after turning 30, our testosterone levels drop by 1-2% every year.
So after 20-30 years, that drop really adds up!
And because testosterone is our chief muscle-building hormone, it makes sense that as our testosterone levels drop, our ability to build muscle drops, too.
But that’s why it’s so important to support your testosterone levels with a nature-based formula like Anabolic Reload.
All of the ingredients in our formula have been shown to support your body’s natural production of testosterone. And when combined together, they can help your testosterone return to youthful levels.
You can try Anabolic Reload risk-free by clicking the link below.
=> Try Anabolic Reload risk-free for up to 29% OFF today
Tip #4: Move More
One of the biggest challenges most of us face is having a job that involves sitting at a desk, looking at a computer screen for 8-10 hours a day.
A study from the American Heart Association found more than 80% of American jobs are sedentary.
And we don’t just sit at work. We spend a majority of our day sitting. We sit in the car, at lunch, while watching tv, at our kids’ sports games...
And all of that sitting can’t be undone by a half hour of resistance training.
So to battle the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, find fun ways to move more. Take your dog for a walk. Ride your bike. Mow the lawn. Whatever you decide to do — staying active adds up.
And by staying active, you’ll lose more fat, and the less fat you have, the easier it is to build muscle.
Tip #5: Sleep
For most guys our age, we don’t need to work late like we used to.
We have a choice every night between getting roped into the news or a television show, or going to bed at a time that supports muscle building.
Sleep is important because it’s when your body recovers from your workouts, rebuilds muscle, and recharges so you have tons of energy the following day.
It’s also when your body produces most of its testosterone and growth hormone — the two most important hormones for building muscle.
(One study found guys who slept 8 hours a night had more than DOUBLE the testosterone of guys who slept 4-5 hours a night).
So if you don’t get enough sleep, you’re missing out on a lot of benefits.
You need 7-8 hours of sleep per night to get the best results. And I dare you to try getting that amount every night for a month and see how much of a difference it makes.
Putting It All Together
If you want to see big changes to your physique, then follow these tips for at least a month.
Honestly, these should become daily habits, because fitness isn’t something you start doing and then stop doing.
If you want to prevent age-related muscle loss, look good and feel great about yourself, then you need to always stick with it and never give up on yourself.
You can do this.
And if you’re interested in learning more about our nature-based testosterone booster, Anabolic Reload, click the link below.
=> Try Anabolic Reload risk-free for up to 29% OFF today
Here are some testimonials from guys who are raving about this formula: