The Celery Testosterone Connection – Is It Real?
Sometimes it seems like testosterone has a mind of its own…
One kind of exercise increases it, while too much of another exercise decreases it…
Drinking filtered water out of a glass cup increases it, but drinking water out of a plastic bottle decreases it…
And to add to the list of corky nuances...
Today we get to take a look at arguably one of your anabolic hormone’s favorite types of food…
But before running out to the store and filling up your cart with celery stalks, let me tell you a little bit more about the celery testosterone connection.
But first let's look at the celery testosterone connection.
The Celery Testosterone Connection
We all know celery as that food that takes more energy to chew on and digest than what’s inside the celery itself…
Which makes it a great food if you're trying to lose weight and boost testosterone at the same time.
When you’re overweight, your testosterone levels dip and your estrogen levels increase…
And that imbalance causes your body to hold onto even more fat, and like I’ve mentioned here, can cause symptoms like gynecomastia (man boobs) and a squishy gut…
And according to a study published in Medical Hypotheses, this increase in estrogen can also lead to coronary disease, hypertension, depression, insomnia, and erectile dysfunction…
But by simply replacing an unhealthy snack with celery, you’ll shed off some pounds and some unwanted estrogen with it.
But that’s not the only impressive feature in the celery testosterone connection…
Celery is also full of vitamin K…
In fact, just one small cup of celery will provide you with 25% of your daily vitamin K needs for the day…
A study published in Biochemica et Biophysica acta, tells us there is a direct correlation between your vitamin K intake and your testosterone levels...
And if you don’t get enough vitamin K into your diet, your testosterone levels will drop and your estrogen levels will be back on the rise…
So more celery is a must.
But listen, those are just the basics of the celery testosterone connection…
Let’s get into the weirder stuff…
Celery and Your Stones
Eating celery is beneficial to your testosterone health as well as to your testicular health…
A study published in the Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine sought to find the benefits of celery on men’s sperm health.
Through this study they discovered that...
Celery provides antioxidant effects that fight against free radicals which can cause damage to your testicular membrane…
Through this antioxidant process, some even consider celery to be a medicinal herb against infertility…
Celery and Sex
Celery was known as an aphrodisiac to ancient Greeks…
And for men, it was known to increase libido…
In the Greek legend known as Homer’s Odyssey, the nymph, Calypso lived in an island cave surrounded by irises and wild celery…
And one theory holds that her capture of Odysseus and their subsequent five-year-long love fest had a lot to do with a high-celery diet.
In the 12th-century legend of Tristan and Iseult, the ill-fated pair falls madly in love after drinking a love-potion containing celery juice.
Madame de Pompadour, the mistress of Louis XV, fed the king on lust-provoking celery soup and the legendary 18th-century Italian lover Giacomo Casanova reportedly ate celery to ensure sexual stamina.
So what’s the connection here?
See, celery contains androsterone, a powerful pheromone that naturally attracts women…
Essentially, it’s released through sweat and women can smell it on you… kind of like nature’s most appealing cologne for men.
So by adding a few cups of celery into your diet, you won’t only shed some pounds and boost your testosterone levels, but you might also spice up your sex life while you’re at it…
Your Next Step
I told you the celery testosterone connection was solid…
So your next step is to eat more celery. But...
If you want to boost testosterone, increase libido, and have an easier time losing belly fat...
Even better than celery...
Try our science-backed 100% natural testosterone booster Anabolic Reload.
Anabolic Reload is packed with the world's best ingredients for taking your manhood to the next level. Just take one dose in the morning and it goes to work almost instantly boosting testosterone and keeping you at your best all day.
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