The Scary Dangers Of Cell Phones On Your Testosterone And Manhood
The technology evolution has grown to almost miraculous proportions over the last 20 years or so…
Think about it…
Snail mail has become cheetah mail through instant messenger…
Landline phones grew legs and started walking with us everywhere we go with the introduction of cell phones.
And you basically have a laptop cooking away in your crotch pocket…
With access to any bit of information at any time and in any place…
Like I said, it’s practically miraculous.
Now, we probably won’t be on earth long enough to see what the repercussions of the machine influx turns into…
But we do have some straight facts regarding how this technology influences your testosterone levels.
Particularly, that piece of technology that burns fumes by your balls everyday…
Your cellphone.
So do yourself a favor and pull your iPhone out of your pocket, set is across the table and check out the scary dangers of cell phones on your testosterone and manhood.
Cell Phones Lower Testosterone
If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you’ve probably noticed that I mention a lot of testosterone studies done with rats…
And when I do that, I’m not trying to pull the wool over your eyes and make something out to be legit that’s actually questionable…
The fact is that doctors experiment on rats for an important reason…
Because a rat’s biological makeup is similar to ours…
In my opinion it’s a gift from God to have these little guys (some would call pests) to study so that we can understand what affects our testosterone levels positively and negatively…
And guess what this gift has provided us with today?
The potential dangers of cell phones on your testosterone.
In this recent study, researchers studied the effects of electromagnetic radiation generated by mobile phones on serum testosterone levels in rats…
A total of 34 rats were tested…
One group was a control group…
The other was exposed to cell phone radiation for 30 minutes a day…
And the third group was exposed the cell phone radiation for 60 minutes a day…
The results?
The rats that were exposed to cell phone radiation had a significant decrease in their testosterone levels…
30-60 minutes a day, fellas…
Lower testosterone levels.
How many of us are guilty of having our phones next to our balls for hours on end at work, or on a date, or just because we forget it’s there while watching a few hours of football on a Sunday afternoon?
Low testosterone is dangerous for men, and it’s one of the prime dangers of cell phones.
Cell Phones Lower Sperm Count
If you’re looking to start a family, it’ll do you some good to not keep birth control in your pocket…
Your cell phone, I mean.
According to Devra Lee Davis, PhD MPH, president of Environmental Health Trust, “If you take two samples of sperm from the same man, and expose one to cell phone microwave radiation, the cell phone exposed sperm die three times faster and have many more markers of damage. A number of studies show that men that keep a phone in their pocket for over four hours per day have half the sperm count of others.”
Basically, cell phones could be one of the reasons why sperm counts have halved in the last 40 years.
Recent studies from Australia’s famed Research Council Center of Excellence have also produced laboratory studies, which confirm sperm that has been exposed to cellphone radiation have three times more DNA damage than unexposed sperm, and are handicapped when it comes to producing offspring.
When it comes to your sperm, cell phones are a liability for disability, making the dangers of cell phones not only dangerous to you, but threatening to your family legacy as well.
Cell Phones Cause Erectile Dysfunction
Even though the studies are in the incubation stage, there is reason to believe that cell phones can cause erectile dysfunction…
Which is a big deal considering that ED has been on the rise (no pun intended) for both young and old men in recent years…
Hence, the variety of blue pills lined up on the bottom shelf of the supplement aisle at your local drug store…
You already know that I provide you with plenty of resources to boost testosterone so you don’t need to spend the cash on a smoke and mirrors pill…
And hey, one more way you can beat ED is by taking your cell phone out of your pocket.
A pilot study involving 20 men discovered that men who had a serious case of erectile dysfunction were almost 3x more likely to carry their cell phone in their front pocket.
Worth the risk?
Hmmm, ask you wife.
Your Next Step
Guys, the evidence is in…
There are some big dangers of cell phones on your testosterone and your manhood.
I understand that technology is important in today’s day and age…
But you don’t need to keep it next to your baby maker…
And testosterone producer…
You need to keep your cell phone as far away from the things that biologically make you a man as possible, because well, it’s doing your manhood damage.
Simply being more mindful is a good first step.
I also recommend reading a book called The Non-Tinfoil Guide To EMFs.
Basically, it’ll help you dramatically cut down your EMF exposure from cell phones and other technology without feeling like you’ve taken a time machine to the stone age.
On a more basic level…
Consider keeping your phone in your briefcase…
Or a backpack…
Or leave it in the other room when you decide to spend time with your wife and kids…
I’m sure they’d appreciate your full attention, anyways.
– Joe LoGalbo