2 Effortless Steps To Raise Testosterone Naturally
When you start a project, the first few steps are typically the easiest ones…
“Lay this piece flat.”
“Take off hubcaps.”
“Put oil in the pan.”
But even though the first few steps are the easiest ones, they’re also the most important ones…
And when you get a grip on the first couple of steps, you can usually get a good hold on the project altogether…
The same can be said about your testosterone levels.
The basic blocks for building testosterone are also the most important ones if you want to get a grip on your T-levels as a whole.
Do you want to know what they are?
Eating and sleeping.
Easy and important.
If you take hold of your eating and sleeping patterns, you’ll undoubtedly get a grip on your testosterone levels…
And here’s how:
Anabolic Sleeping
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…
If you don’t sleep your testosterone will suffer…
In fact, if your sleep isn’t on point, you can forget about boosting your T-levels altogether.
But this step is actually really simple, isn’t it?
The simplicity of this step is the fact that it’s a part of every 24-hour day…
I mean, you’re going to sleep at some point, right?
So because you’re going to sleep you might as well do it right.
You might as well sleep to your testosterone’s advantage.
Quantity of sleep
First, focus on the number of your daily sleep patterns…
Most of your testosterone is produced in your testicles while you sleep…
This study, involving 10 healthy young men, reported that when their sleep was cut from almost 9 hours a night to about 4.5 hours a night (over the span of 1 week), their testosterone levels plummeted…
The scary thing about this study is that for most men, this isn’t just a lab test to look at…
This is real life.
You may be reading this, and you’ll readily admit that you’ve only been clocking in about 5 hours a night for the last year due to work/home responsibilities…
And even though I’m sympathetic to a busy life, and respect a man that does what he needs to do…
You need to find ways to sleep longer at night…
Your testosterone is important to your quality of life…
The longer you sleep, the more work your testosterone factory is going to get done…
So get more of it.
Quality of sleep
The second aspect of testosterone boosting sleep is the quality of your sleep…
You know the difference between a good, uninterrupted night of sleep and one where you seem to wake up every hour or so for no apparent reason…
Well, let me give you some reasons…
It could be that you flip through your phone before bed…
Maybe your bedroom is too warm…
Maybe you like to fall asleep to a movie or television show…
All of these hinder a night of anabolic sleep.
I go into detail on sleep disruptors here.
In a study involving 10 healthy men, researchers tested the subjects’ testosterone levels during a 14-hour period of intentionally broken sleep…
And to no one’s surprise, they found that sleep fragmentation blunted the nocturnal rise in testosterone, which makes resoundingly clear that quality of sleep is even more important than quantity of sleep, even though the quantity of sleep is essential to healthy testosterone production as well (which I covered above).
You need both a healthy quantity and quality of sleep…
If you really want to get a grasp on your sleeping, check out my Anabolic Sleeping program…
In it, you’ll find not only the best ways to skyrocket your testosterone while you sleep, but also ways to build muscle, burn fat, and boost your sex drive while you’re in la-la land.
You’re going to sleep anyways, right?
Might as well boost your testosterone while you’re at it.
Anabolic Eating
Eating is just like sleeping…
It’s a natural element of your day…
A life essential that can be leveraged for better testosterone health.
If you get your eating right, you’ll get a solid grip on your T-levels…
No questions asked.
So how do you do it?
If you’ve been reading my posts for a while this comes to you as no surprise…
The best way to boost your testosterone is to stay out of the kitchen for a while…
A simple 16-hour fast, which is possible within every 24-hour period, has been proven to boost testosterone levels by almost 200%.
Even better, a full 24-hour fast completed once a week can bolster that number by 10x.
A 24-hour fast will naturally boost your anabolic hormone by 2000%!
It’s one of the staples in my Anabolic Eating program in which I give you all the tips and tools you need to spike your testosterone levels to ridiculous heights through fasting and eating…
And speaking of eating…
This is going to sound backward to everything you know about nutrition…
But here goes…
Eat plenty of fats…
And plenty of carbs…
Meanwhile, lower your protein content…
That is if you want to boost your testosterone.
Healthy fats and gluten-free carbs are the most advantageous foods to testosterone health…
If you’re a numbers guy, here’s what your macronutrient split should like when you aren’t fasting:
20% of your daily calories from protein.
40% of your daily calories from fats.
40% of your daily calories from carbohydrates.
Also, make sure you eat plenty of greens to get those testosterone boosting micronutrients in your system.
If you want to bring me into your kitchen for a few minutes, I go into more detail on the most advantageous way to eat in this video.
Like I said before (and mention in the video), my Anabolic Eating program will give you the foundation you need to get going on both fasting and eating so that you’ll make the most of the foods you’re putting into your body and when you’re putting those foods into your body.
Both are important to increase your testosterone levels.
So there you have it…
Eating and sleeping…
They’re the 2 easiest AND MOST IMPORTANT ways to get a grip on your T-levels.
If you get a grasp on these two everyday elements of your life, you can take your testosterone to the next level…
And the more consistent you are, the more natural it’ll become.
Remember to check out my Anabolic Sleeping program here.
And my Anabolic Eating program here.
– Joe LoGalbo