Does Smoking Weed Lower Testosterone?
I guess it’s just a symptom of the times we’re living in…
That this is one of the questions our generation of guys is asking…
More specifically, guys who are looking to boost their testosterone levels.
But it’s not a bad question by any stretch of the imagination…
Nor do I have anything against guys who actively smoke weed…
I think I just grew up in a time that makes this question seem ironic.
But hey, times change so let’s get after it.
Does smoking weed lower testosterone?
You’ve probably heard an array of answers when it comes to anything marijuana/fitness related…
And if you’ve ever asked a bro at your gym the question, does smoking weed lower testosterone, he’s probably given you the same answer a teenage girl gives her pop when he asks if she’s going Justin Timberlake concert coming to town next week…
“Uh… duh.”
But I’m going to give you some more meat to chew on throughout this article.
First, let’s start with a question that’s probably going to earn me the same look from you guys reading this as the teenage girl gave her dad after the J.T. question…
What is Weed?
Weed, also known as Marijuana, Mary Jane, Grass, Ganja…
I’m sure there are some I missed…
I’m trying to recall all the names I learned in my 7th Grade Health class.
Weed is an herb…
A greenish-grayish mixture of dried flowers of Cannabis sativa that people like to roll up in cigarettes and smoke.
That’s all we’re dealing with here.
Is this herb going to diminish all things testosterone like an unstoppable rebel force?
Eh, it’s unlikely…
But let’s get to the facts.
Does Smoking Weed Lower Testosterone?
Short answer.
Long answer.
Well, let me start by asking you a question…
Have you ever heard of something called, gynecomastia?
Have you ever heard of man boobs?
Gynecomastia, often referred to as “man boobs” is the symptom of a hormonal imbalance in men…
Basically, your estrogen levels are too high and your testosterone levels are too low…
Which is why many older men struggle with man boobs – because their testosterone is naturally diminishing with age and they aren’t taking steps to increase the testosterone capabilities that they have.
Studies have shown that smoking week may cause an increase in estrogen production in men.
In studies (1, 2) conducted with rodent cells (which have a similar biological makeup to you and me), research showed a correlation between supplied marijuana extract and increased estrogenic effects.
But keep in mind that this isn’t a trump card answer to our question, but it is a study that has found a link between estrogen and weed.
In another study, however, published in the NISA Research Monograph, the active ingredient in marijuana (THC) was found to have a variety of effects on hormones…
In this study, researchers noted that THC blocks the production of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, and as a result, lowers Leydig cell production – a necessary aspect of your body’s process to create testosterone…
The same study also found that THC can cause reduced sperm count, which probably harkens back to the lowered testosterone.
Another study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, tested 20 men ages 18-28 who smoked weed at least 4 days a week for 6 months…
The testosterone levels of these men were significantly lower than those in a control group.
And another study showed the same result…
Four healthy males were tested before and after smoking weed, and the study concluded that after puffing the magic dragon, cortisol levels were elevated and testosterone levels plummeted.
So the science is in on the subject…
Does smoking weed lower testosterone?
Yes, it does.
Now What?
I’m sure if you’re reading this post today, you’re either just interested in the topic, a full-blown pot-head or somewhere in between…
So I want to point you to a silver lining if you will.
A study published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology shows that it takes about 24-hours for your testosterone levels to return to normal after you’ve smoked weed.
Now, I’d caution you to consider that wasting your testosterone in a day and age when testosterone levels are continuing to tailspin, isn’t really worth it…
At least, in my opinion, it’s not.
If you smoke week 4 times a week like the study I mentioned above, that’s 4 days that you’ve decided to bury your testosterone in the sand instead of put it to good use.
But just as with anything else, it’s your call, brother.
For ways to boost your testosterone level, I’d recommend checking out my Anabolic Runningprogram for exercise, Anabolic Eating for a testosterone-boosting diet that doesn’t include eating while having the munchies, and my Anabolic Sleeping program so that you can elevate your testosterone levels while you sleep.
After all, your testosterone needs a little TLC if you’re going to reach your max potential.
I’ll end with a quote by Ben Stiller’s character, Greg, from Meet The Parents (I’ve been quoting the movie throughout the article if you haven’t noticed) after Robert De Nero’s character, Jack, a former operative spy, asks him…
“Are you a pothead, Focker?”
To which Greg responds, “No! No. What? No, no, no, no, Jack. No, I’m – I’m not – I – I pass on grass all the time. I mean, not all the time.”
Jack: Yes, or no, Greg?
Greg: No. Yes. No.
I guess Greg’s answer tells Jack little bit about his testosterone levels, too.
– Joe LoGalbo