The World’s Best Fats For Testosterone
When it comes to eating fat, there are plenty of nay-sayers…
Mostly ill-informed nay-sayers…
But nay-sayers nonetheless…
And sure, if you’re a lady trying to slim down 3 weeks before summertime, I wouldn’t recommend a beefy diet to you.
But for men looking to boost testosterone, a diet that’s high in fat is always a good thing…
And I’d say the freedom to enjoy lots of fats is one of the perks being on a diet that is built around boosting your testosterone levels.
But just like carbs and just like protein, not all fat is created equally.
You want to focus on two types of fats…
Saturated fats and monounsaturated fats…
And luckily for us, these kinds of fats are so diverse that we really couldn’t ask for any better options.
In this article, I’m going to give you a taste of what I’ve written in my 97 Foods That Boost Testosterone E-book, a resource I created to give you everything you need to turn your kitchen into an anabolic abode.
So let’s take a closer look at the best saturated and monounsaturated fats you can add to every meal to boost your testosterone.
Saturated Fats
Grass-fed Beef
Beef just feels like a manly thing to say doesn’t it?
Say it with me: Beef.
But when you throw “grass-fed” in there, it feels like the word kind of loses its punch doesn’t it?
Well, when it comes to your testosterone, it sure doesn’t…
Grass-fed beef is better for boosting your testosterone levels than grain-fed beef because grass-fed cows aren’t fed with grain that is packed with estrogen.
And even though you’re the top dog on the food chain, you’ll eat up some of that estrogen if you eat just “beef.”
Make it grass-fed…
Studies have shown that grass-fed beef also has 4x more vitamin K2, 5x more Omega-3, and 2x more CLA than grain-fed beef…
It’s also packed with more testosterone-boosting zinc…
As a side note, you don’t have to search for lean cuts of beef anymore…
Get a fine cut of 80/20 or 75/25 beef and your beef won’t only boost your testosterone better, but it will taste better as well.
Whole eggs are the best breakfast meal you can have…
Or even breakfast for dinner…
Or lunch…
Or a snack…
Basically, you can’t go wrong with eggs.
Eggs aren’t only high in fat and protein, but they also have plenty of HDL cholesterol, which directly correlates to healthy testosterone production…
They’ll fill you up and give you a powerful boost of testosterone.
Pro Tip: Have some eggs a couple of hours before bed every once in a while. Because your body makes most of its testosterone while you sleep, and uses HDL cholesterol to make testosterone, by eating eggs before bed, you’ll help the process along. You’ll probably wake up with a testosterone burst if you know what I mean.
Salmon tastes great and makes for a great testosterone boosting main course…
Like eggs, salmon is high in good cholesterol and healthy fats…
Not only does the saturated fat content boost testosterone, but the HDL cholesterol gives your body plenty more cholesterol to turn into testosterone overnight…
But that’s not all…
Salmon is high in selenium, a proven testosterone booster.
Foods high in selenium have been recommended as a good bedtime snack for the same purposes as I mentioned above for eggs…
Because when you sleep your body produces most of its testosterone.
Saturated fats, HDL cholesterol, and selenium – salmon is a three-headed monster for your testosterone health.
Monounsaturated Fats
Olive oil
Throw away the cooking spray and start cooking your food in olive oil…
Olive oil is a proven testosterone booster…
Mainly because it’s a monounsaturated fat, which is proven to take your T-count up a few notches.
A study conducted with healthy Moroccan men showed that consuming olive oil daily will increase testosterone by 17-19% in as little as 3-weeks…
That’s a major increase for something that you’re merely cooking your food in…
There is also an animal study that suggests olive oil can help testicular Leydig cells convert more cholesterol into testosterone…
So, a shot of olive oil before bed?
If you’re man enough, sure…
I have to give you a dry-heave warning though…
Maybe just cook your eggs and salmon in olive oil instead.
Macadamia nuts
Stop listening to people who say that all nuts are good for you…
They aren’t if you’re looking to boost your testosterone levels…
Most nuts are loaded with polyunsaturated fats, which are disadvantageous to your testosterone health.
But some make the cut when it comes to boosting testosterone.
And macadamia nuts are one of the finer nuts out there…
The high monounsaturated fat content in macadamia nuts (and low in PUFAs) is what makes them so great for elevating your testosterone levels.
Bring them to work as a testosterone-boosting snack…
Heck, a few before bed can help you out, too…
Maybe even before the lights are low and you and your wife want to call it quits for the evening…
Or so you say…
Brazil nuts
The Brazil nut is essentially tailor made to boost your testosterone levels…
Like salmon, they’re stuffed with selenium…
Which has a direct correlation to your testosterone health…
Just 1-2 of these nuts has enough selenium to meet your recommended selenium intake for the day…
Talk about a testosterone-boosting snack.
And of course, they’re rich in monounsaturated fats, which is the thrust of this list.
Just a few Brazil nuts are full of healthy fats and selenium, making it a go-to to snack on throughout the day.
Saturated fats and monounsaturated fats…
They’ll take your testosterone to a whole new level…
Find creative ways to get these foods into the kitchen…
I’m sure you’ll find it’s not difficult to make these foods a part of your daily routine…
Remember, if you want to get an in-depth look at nearly 100 testosterone enhancing foods, take a look at my 97 Foods That Boost Testosterone E-book.
Soon enough you’ll be able to turn every meal, every snack, and every garnish even, into an anabolic advantage.
– Joe LoGalbo