Cistanche Benefits For Men

Cistanche Benefits For Men

There’s a lot to be said about the diversity of ancient herbs…

When you put them down on paper, their benefits seem almost, well, endless…

And when you decide to introduce these herbs into your supplement stack, it’s as if they take root in the soil of your life and spring up with fruit here, there, and everywhere.

Cistanche, an ancient herb of the East is no different…

But it’s got some very unique benefits of its own.

From the bedroom to the ball field, and the boardroom to the bench press, cistanche benefitsmen big time.

So let’s take a look at what cistanche is, what it’s benefits are and where you can grab some for yourself.

What Is Cistanche?

You wouldn’t think that something as simple as an herb could have a fascinating story behind it…

I mean, it’s a plant…

But the legend of cistanche is about as interesting (and kind of gruesome) as a tale as I’ve ever heard…

You know, for a plant.

Legend has it that in 1190, Genghis Khan, the first Great Khan of the Mogul Empire, was trapped on a plateau with the rest of his army in the ‘Battle of the Thirteen Wings.”

In perhaps a daze, a trance, or reality (?), the story goes that Khan and his men saw white horses came down from the sky…

The men slaughtered the horses, and out from their blood grew cistanche…

Which they then consumed, replenishing their strength for battle and igniting the fires of motivation for the army to continue to fight and eventually win the battle.


Bloody legend aside, we now know cistanche extract to come from a yellow desert hyacinth flower…

It’s a parasite plant that grows on roots and shrubs in Africa, China, Iran, India, Mongolia and other Eastern regions.

Cistanche is scarce, but it’s packed with powerful benefits for guys like you and me.

Check out these 6 cistanche benefits and how this legendary plant can impact your everyday life.

Enhances Bedroom Performance

From the early 1000’s to now, cistanche has developed quite the reputation for helping guys perform better in bed…

According to herbalist Ron Teeguarden, “cistanche is one of the more popular, and more potent, yang tonic herbs and is found in many formulas designed to strengthen performance in the bedroom.”

In fact, cistanche is one of the main ingredients found in one of Thailand’s most renowned blue pills…

And though many cistanche studies have been conducted on rats, it’s important for you to note that rats have similar DNA to you and I (which is why we use them in studies).


One study, conducted by the Food and Health Engineering Research Center in China studied the effects of cistanche in a group of castrated rats…


Castrated means what you think it means…

These rats had no balls…

Not “no balls” as in, no courage

No balls as in, no balls.

When some of the rats were given cistanche, researchers noted that the rats had stronger erections and more frequent erections when compared to the control group.

If cistanche can give these eunuch mice stronger and more frequent erections, you can rest assured that it’ll do the same for you, too.

Another study also proved cistanche to be a vasorelaxant…

Meaning one of the major cistanche benefits for your bedroom performance is that it reduces tension in the walls of blood vessels, which encourages better blood flow throughout your body, including your hard-on when you and your wife decide to turn out the lights…

Not to mention that cistanche also increases nitric oxide production, also a helpful component of better erections.

So clearly, cistanche was created with a purpose…

To help guys have a healthier sex life…

And if you can use a boost in the bedroom, I recommend you check out cistanche for yourself here.

But that doesn’t wrap up our list of cistanche benefits for men…

The list has only just begun…

Naturally, there are other parts of your manliness that are going to improve from an herb like this one.

Boosts Testosterone

Cistanche doesn’t just make you better in bed, but it also boosts your testosterone levels…

Which is important for every area of your manliness outside of the bedroom (and inside as well).

Like pine pollen, cistanche possesses androgenic properties…

Which reliably boost testosterone levels.

In a recent study involving rats (with balls this time), researchers in China and Canada wanted to test the effect of cistanche on male sex hormones…

And the results were convincing, to say the least.


Virtually all of the rats in the study saw improvements in their sexual and hormonal health…

  • The rats had an almost threefold increase in their sperm count
  • The rats had a 1.5 increase in sperm motility
  • The rats’ “abnormal sperm” decreased by up to 40%
  • The rats had an increase in progesterone and testosterone

So the cistanche benefits for men are pretty convincing at this point: Better bedroom performances, stronger erections, more testosterone, better sperm count, and activity…

To add on these daily benefits to your life, especially between the hours of 9pm-11pm, check out cistanche here.

Testicular Health

We’re not done down there just yet…

Another one of the cistanche benefits for men like you and me is an oft-overlooked one…

But an important one, nonetheless.

Cistanche acts as a toxin shield – keeping your testicles toxin-free and performing at their best.

In one study, which thankfully involved mice rather than people, researchers gave the test subjects, hydroxyurea, a drug that’s been known to cause reproductive toxicity and testicular atrophy…

Some of the mice were then given cistanche, while the others were left to impending shrinkage…

The result?


Well, the mice that didn’t receive cistanche treatment grew lesions on their testicles, suffered less sex hormone production, and the peanuts shrunk…

However, the group that did receive cistanche supplementation were essentially just fine…

Their sex hormone levels were unaffected, and even more fascinating, those mice that were given the highest dosage of cistanche saw a 25% increase in the size of their balls…

Which is kind of a big deal when you consider that the mice were fed, um, testicular poison first.

Now, you may not think that this applies to you…

I mean, when’s the last time you ingested ball poison…

Well, about that…

You probably did yesterday.

Maybe even today.

You ever heard of BPA (bisphenol A)?

BPA is all around us: in water bottles, canned foods, food storage containers…

And it absorbs into our food as a result…

So I’m going to leave this one on the table for you…

You’re ingesting testicular poison all the time if you aren’t BPA conscious…

And even then you’re still at risk because large corporations don’t care that BPA is dangerous.

They just want to save a few pennies on the cheap stuff.


But the good news is that you don’t have to be subject to this madness.

A 2016 study has confirmed that cistanche is a proven way to protect against the effects of BPA on your body.

So cistanche plays a heck of a lot of defense for your testicular health.

Based on the facts, if you want a bigger package that’s strong against toxins you should grab some cistanche here.

More Energy

If you consider the many aspects of your life, I’m sure there’s one thing you could probably use a lot more of…


You’ve got work. You hit the gym. You run around with your kids. You spend time with your wife. You participate in hobbies and adventurous activities…

Some more energy will do you some good… Always.

Plus having more energy to be more active throughout the day will help you to sleep like a baby at night.


Studies have shown one of the big cistanche benefits for men is that it stimulates ATP production – your body’s natural energy source.

As a result, your body enhances antioxidant properties, which keeps you looking and feeling young and also protects your immune system.

In ancient times, Chinese healers considered cistanche to be a sort of all-around replenishing tonic…

So if someone’s strength was lacking, was diminished in energy, or if they were generally struggling with sickness, these ancient doctors suspected that it might be due to deficient “yang”—that is, the inborn energy of a healthy body and healthy organs.

So if you’ve found yourself struggling somewhere along the same vein, cistanche could be a great option to turn those low energy levels upside-down.

Emotional Health

Now, a lot of the above-mentioned cistanche benefits will contribute to stronger emotional health for you.

This powerful herb boosts testosterone, improves your performance in the bedroom (we’ll call that a morale booster), protects your body against threatening toxins, and provides you with more energy…

All of which improves mood and fights off depression.

But that’s not all…

Cistanche has been shown to improve mental clarity and memory.


And in a 2017 study, cistanche was given to mice in order to combat symptoms of depression…

The results showed that the mice who were given cistanche saw an increase in dopamine production, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate emotional responses to stress as well as your brain’s reward and pleasure centers.

So if you struggle with depression or any depth of anxiety, cistanche may be a good option for you to try…

Like I said, it’s not only the dopamine-enhancing qualities of cistanche that make it a powerful herb for better emotional health, but it’s also backed up by hormone regulation and “morale.”

Grab some cistanche for yourself here.

Builds Muscle

Let’s round out this list by rounding out our biceps, shall we?

First of all, we already covered how cistanche improves energy production in men…

Which will naturally transition into more energy and better performance in the gym…

Also, because cistanche is a testosterone booster, you can expect that one of the many cistanche benefits is going to be better strength and bigger muscle growth…

Because for men, testosterone is the most crucial aspect of packing up slabs of muscle mass while also staying lean.

Cistanche also assists in building muscle and strength by enhancing glycogen stores in your muscles, which helps with amino acid absorption so that your muscles recover quickly after a workout.

Cistanche which, as we’ve learned is a natural defender of your overall health, also protects your body against muscle breakdown.

This herb plays both offense and defense when it comes to building muscle and boosting your strength in the gym.

So if you want to cover all your bases, check out cistanche here.

Your Next Step

This unique herb has it all…

An epic tale…

Ancient medicinal prowess…

Impressive studies…

Cistanche has made a name for itself, and for good reason.

I recommend trying out cistanche for yourself.

It’s proven to impact every area of your life…

From the bedroom to the ball field, and the boardroom to the bench press, cistanche benefitsmen big time.

Pick some up for yourself here!

And until next time, keep up the hard work!

– Joe LoGalbo

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