Does A Vasectomy Affect Testosterone Levels?
The title question probably made most of you guys cringe…
There’s something about the thought of snipping and tying down there that makes us all a little squeamish…
Even though, if we’re being honest, we’re being a little overdramatic.
However, the question is a good one to ask…
Does a vasectomy affect testosterone levels?
Well, let’s take a closer look.
What is a Vasectomy?
Well, in order to answer the question of, does a vasectomy affect testosterone levels, we need to first understand what a vasectomy is…
A vasectomy, also known as male sterilization (cue heebie-jeebies), is a surgical procedure that is meant to permanently protect a man and his spouse from pregnancy.
After a consensual decision between both adults, and a house that somehow exploded like a confetti egg of kids (potentially), the male goes in to see the doctor, who then cuts or blocks off the small tubes in the scrotum that are responsible for carrying sperm…
As you’d expect, when the tubes are blocked or cut, sperm can’t leave his body and cause make another confetti egg.
The exit tubes in your scrotum that are blocked off during this procedure are the vas deferens, hence the term, vasectomy…
A vasectomy is very effective in preventing pregnancy with an almost 100% success rate.
And some more good news is that a vasectomy doesn’t take away from the pleasures of sex…
Everything in that regard remains untouched.
So what’s the deal?
The sperm can’t leave your body…
You’re getting an incision or two here and there in your testicles…
Does a vasectomy affect testosterone levels or not?
Does a Vasectomy Affect Testosterone Levels?
Short answer.
But hang on for the long answer…
Because it might surprise you…
A vasectomy blocks the exit of sperm from your testicles, but it shouldn’t have any effect on the production of testosterone because a vasectomy has nothing to do with your Leydig eggs…
Because, good for us, and thanks to the way we’ve been created, Leydig eggs are outside of the sperm-producing tubes.
One study, published in the Journal of Urology, examined the serum testosterone levels, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone levels of 91 pairs of men who did and did not undergo a vasectomy…
And the results of this study were fascinating, to say the least…
Men who underwent a vasectomy between 10-19 years before the data was collected were found to have higher DHT (the most powerful form of testosterone in your body) than those who didn’t have vasectomy…
Even further, men who underwent a vasectomy 20 or more years before the data was collected had higher testosterone levels than the control group as well…
So, get a vasectomy to boost your testosterone levels?
Eh, I wouldn’t go that far…
But when it comes to the question of, does a vasectomy affect testosterone levels, you can rest assured that it doesn’t negatively affect them…
And, it could even benefit them in the long run.
What To Do About Low Testosterone
Now, it’s important for me to add a little caveat here…
Your testosterone lowers as you age…
And even though a vasectomy doesn’t cause low testosterone, when your body goes through changes, naturally, you feel the repercussions of those changes.
But the best way to battle against low testosterone or even to relieve symptoms of anxiety from a procedure such as a vasectomy is to actively work towards boosting your testosterone levels.
Here are some recommendations:
Anabolic Running
One of the easiest and best forms of testosterone-boosting exercises you can participate in is Anabolic Running.
Anabolic Running only takes 16 minutes of your time a week, which is super beneficial to those guys that have a house full of loving kids that don’t always let you get to the gym because they want to spend time with daddy.
This type of training has been shown to boost growth hormone by 530% and also gives your body a surge of testosterone.
Whether you’re a younger man or a man who’s been around the block a few times, anabolic running will take your testosterone levels up a few notches.
Anabolic Eating
Anabolic Eating is based on a mixture of fasting, and eating big…
The standard protocol is to fast for 16-hours a day, which has been proven to increase testosterone levels by 180%.
You can even throw a full 24-hour fast in the mix here and there to give yourself a 2000% increase in testosterone.
Check out my in-depth post called, Full Day of Anabolic Eating for a closer look at the process, and grab the Anabolic Eating program for yourself here.
Get Some Sun
Rays of sunshine are great for your testosterone levels…
Doesn’t that sound like something Bobby Boucher’s mama would say?
Because they’re packed with vitamin D.
A recent study explored the testosterone levels of 2,299 men over the course of a year and discovered that testosterone levels followed a seasonal pattern – peaking in the summer months and falling in the winter months.
Research also shows that early morning sunlight exposure increases luteinizing hormone, a precursor to testosterone, by almost 70%…
So get out in the yard more…
Spend some time sunbathing with your wife.
Sun will do your testosterone levels some good.
Journaling is a relaxing way to start your morning, close out your evening, and boost testosterone…
How does journaling boost testosterone exactly?
Well, when you wake up and get right to work, or you go to bed without dumping some thoughts on a sheet of paper, you’re actually allowing your body to slip into a state of stress…
And when your stress levels rise, your testosterone levels plummet.
Your body spends all night producing testosterone, so it would be a shame to waste your morning testosterone boost (hence morning wood) because you jumped out of bed and dodged traffic to get to the office…
It’d also be unfortunate to go to sleep with every anxiety from the day cranking through your head like an old-time videotape because you want your testosterone levels to be as high as possible before bed so that your body will make even more testosterone will you sleep.
So grab a pen and paper…
Jot down some thoughts.
Create a legacy your kids can look back and learn from.
And hey, boost your T while you’re at it.
So, we’ve answered your question.
Does a vasectomy affect testosterone levels?
No (see extended answer above).
We’ve also looked at natural ways to maintain healthy testosterone levels…
Get on those today and stay manly!
– Joe LoGalbo