Stress Less; More Sex: 9 Ashwagandha Benefits For Men
So if you’ve been around for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about ashwagandha in the past…
And if you’ve been around for a short while, you know that I don’t waste your time or mine talking about anything that won’t naturally help you to have a better quality of life – whether through boosting testosterone, building muscle, improving sleep or taking an herb.
Which is why I bring up ashwagandha again…
The truth is I’ve only scratched the surface of all the benefits this ancient Indian healing remedy has to offer you.
It’s a tried and true maximum testosterone booster that’s finally getting some attention in the western half of the world.
So let’s take a closer look at all ashwagandha has to offer and where you can pick some up for yourself.
Here are 9 ashwagandha benefits for men:
1. Boosts Testosterone
Just in case you missed my last post about ashwagandha, I want to remind you that ashwagandha is one of the best testosterone-boosting herbs on the planet…
But it works a little differently than you might think…
Ashwagandha is known as an adaptogen – a term used to describe an herb that helps the body regain hormonal balance when it’s faced with stress.
You know how old-school family party games used to require a small “hourglass” as a timer (now we just use our cell phones)?
The sand would start clumped up at the bottom of the hourglass until you flipped it on its head, and then the sand would flow the other way…
That’s how adaptogens work…
So imagine ashwagandha as the hand that flips the hourglass of your hormones from overwhelmed by stress hormone to being balanced with high testosterone.
For example, one 60-day human study of ashwagandha effects on adults concluded this herb was shown to reduce cortisol levels by 27%…
And as a result, testosterone increased by 15%.
So if you want to boost testosterone levels by putting a stop to stress, check out ashwagandha here.
2. Helps You Stress Less
I touched on this above…
But I want to take a more in-depth look at the effect of ashwagandha on stress…
Because one of the best ashwagandha benefits for men is that it helps you to stress less and enjoy life more as a result.
Like I’ve mentioned before, ashwagandha isn’t an herb only for those who casually stress-out from time to time…
It’s an herb for those who chronically stress-out all the time, too.
In one study that looked at the effects of ashwagandha on rat brains, researchers noted that this powerful herb blocked stress pathways by balancing chemical signaling in the nervous system.
In the same 60-day study that I mentioned in the first section, which involved 64 people with chronic stress, those who were given ashwagandha reported a 69% average reduction in both anxiety and insomnia…
The placebo group only reported an 11% reduction.
In another 6-week study, 88% of participants in ashwagandha treatment saw a reduction in anxiety.
So if you’re a guy who’s been known to be a little high-strung, ashwagandha supplementation will do you some good.
3. Increases Fertility
Whether you’re looking to add one to the team or start building your team by drafting your first member, ashwagandha can help improve your chances of making it happen…
One of the major ashwagandha benefits for men is that this ancient herb improves fertility.
See, stress actually injures your reproductive health; reducing your sperm count and motility…
Which is why the hormonal regulating effects of ashwagandha are so important to your legacy…
In a study of 75 infertile men (mostly due to stress and anxiety), the group that was treated with ashwagandha had significantly lowered oxidative stress levels, improved levels of antioxidants in their bloodstream, and saw improved semen quality.
In another recent study, men who received Ashwagandha to treat stress and stress-related infertility had become dads 3 months after their trial.
So if you want to boost testosterone, decrease stress, and add to your legacy by turning the guest room into the baby’s room, grab some ashwagandha for yourself here.
4. Reduces Inflammation
If you work an active job, like to workout, or love to chase your kids around the backyard from time to time, you know that inflammation can cut the fun short in a hurry…
But ashwagandha can help with that.
The term inflammation covers a wide variety of physical conditions such as swelling, pain, infection and so on…
Physical conditions that can wipe you out if you don’t take care of them…
However, several rat studies (1, 2, 3) have concluded that ashwagandha combats inflammation, improves antioxidant health, and even reduces arthritic activity.
Ashwagandha has also been shown to reduce C-reactive protein, an indicator of inflammation that has also been linked to heart disease.
When you take ashwagandha, you’ll be more active in the everyday stuff of life: Playing with your kids, going on adventures with your wife, back-ache free while you break your back at work for those you love, hitting the gym and really, just being pain-free in the regular rhythms of life…
You can’t put a price on that. Check out ashwagandha here.
5. Fights Cancer
Ashwagandha doesn’t only protect you from short-term aches and pains, but it can also keep you in better health for the long haul…
After all, men, we have one eye on the long haul, don’t we?
Providing for the future of our families, sharing a crown of gray-haired wisdom with our children and their children, leaving a mark in the world that’ll last for generations to come…
This moment isn’t the only moment that matters…
Which is why it’s important for you to take care of your health now… So that you can enjoy many more moments in the future.
Ashwagandha can potentially help you to live for more moments…
According to animal and test tube studies, ashwagandha has been shown to increase apoptosis, otherwise known as “programmed cell death” of cancer cells…
And the same studies have shown that Ashwagandha helps to block the growth of new cancer cells as well.
Also, other animal studies suggest that this ancient medicinal herb is beneficial for treating several types of cancer such as breast, lung, colon and brain cancer.
Men, don’t only consider yourselves when it comes to the anti-cancer benefits of ashwagandha…
Consider that this herb may be a great benefit for your wife as well…
After all, you’re the one who is called on to provide for her and protect her…
In one study, mice with ovarian tumors were treated with ashwagandha either alone or with another anti-cancer drug, and saw a staggering 70-80%reduction in tumor growth…
And even more astounding is that the treatment also prevented the spread of cancer to other organs.
Of all the ashwagandha benefits for men that I’ve listed so far, the fact that it fights cancer is easily one of the most powerful and important ones that every guy needs to consider. Just in case you’ve missed the links so far, check out ashwagandha here.
6. Increases Strength and Muscle Mass
Ashwagandha won’t only help you to feel good in the ordinary stuff of life…
But it’ll also help you to feel stronger in the gym…
And to pack on slabs of muscle mass while you’re at it.
In an 8-week study of 57 men from ages 18-50 years old, some were given a placebo supplement while others were given Ashwagandha…
And the Ashwagandha benefits proved to be massive…
The 29 subjects who were given Ashwagandha saw an increase in muscle strength through 1-repetition max bench press and leg extension movements.
The same group also saw an increase in arm and chest size over the 8-week ashwagandha supplementation period…
But that’s not all…
The participants in this study also saw a reduction in body fat…
So let me break down what ashwagandha will do for your workouts: It’ll increase strength, build muscle and burn fat; the hat-trick of any supplement…
Results like this will shape your physique in prominent ways – giving you broader shoulder and a smaller waist, or in other words, a v-taper…
Which, according to studies, has been shown to be one of the top physical traits that women look for in men, asserting both attractiveness and dominance.
So don’t miss out on the v-taper, get ashwagandha.
7. Improves Brain Function
We’re not all brawn and no brain here…
A well-rounded man isn’t only going to have rounded shoulders…
He’ll have a sharp mind, too.
Another one of the impressive ashwagandha benefits for men is that this medicinal herb can reduce memory loss and other brain function issues that are symptomatic of disease and injury…
Well, ashwagandha increases the amount of antioxidant activity in your body, which in turn protects your body from free radicals that cause oxidative stress, everywhere.
One study examined the effect of ashwagandha on rats with epilepsy saw an almost complete reversal of spatial memory impairment, which has major implications for a human’s memory as well…
Spatial memory is the part of your memory that is responsible for recording information about your environment…
Almost like your mind’s navigational system, or as some call it, your cognitive map.
Spatial memory helps you to remember who and what is familiar to you…
Which is certainly an important role in your everyday life.
8. Relieves Depression
Depression can be debilitating if you don’t deal with it…
So you need to deal with it.
If you’ve found yourself struggling with bouts of depression from time to time or even chronically, ashwagandha can help reduce and potentially remove them altogether.
I’ve already noted that ashwagandha is a major player in stress and anxiety reduction in men…
Which can translate into depression relief as a result.
One 60-Day study measured the effects of Ashwagandha on 64 people diagnosed with chronic stress…
The study resulted in a 69% average reduction in anxiety and insomnia compared to others in a placebo group who only saw an 11% change in symptoms of depression.
Consider also how massive of a turnaround going from insomnia to sleeping like a baby is…
And the effects that’ll have on someone who struggles to get a good night of sleep…
Cleared brain fog, relaxed mind, better testosterone, better muscle recovery, and a better mood in general.
Those benefits all contribute come from a good night of sleep and contribute to depression relief. Grab some ashwagandha here.
9. Boost Sex Drive
Best for last?
I guess it depends on who you ask, but hey, a better sex drive is a perk no matter what…
Ashwagandha developed a reputation in the ancient world as an aphrodisiac…
An herb that stimulates sexual desire.
According to studies, Ashwagandha stimulates the production of nitric oxide in your body, which causes a greater increase in blood flow “down under.”
The result of course, is a revved up libido and stronger/longer erections…
Meaning also that ashwagandha is a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.
So if you don’t want to worry about under-performing in the bedroom, ashwagandha could be the way to go from now on.
Your Next Step
So there you have it…
9 ashwagandha benefits for men…
And fellas, one glance at this list and you’ll notice that these aren’t some small benefits…
This herb is packed with benefits that can make some major improvements on your physical, emotional, and sexual health.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grab onto all of these benefits for yourself…
Pick up ashwagandha today!
– Joe LoGalbo