7 Signs Of Low Testosterone In Males And What To Do About it
Small testosterone levels pose a big problem for men…
A big problem that literally seeps into every area of your life…
From your sex drive to your mood, to your production at work, your performance in the gym, and everywhere in between, low testosterone will bring you down.
Now I can warn you about the dangers of low testosterone all I want…
But if you can’t self-diagnose your testosterone levels, the chances of stumbling out of low testosterone are slim to none.
So what comes with the territory of low-T?
Please, allow me to enlighten you.
Here are 7 signs of low testosterone in males…
And what you should do about it.
Stalled Sex Drive
If you’ve ever stalled out when driving your car, you know that no matter how hard you push down on the accelerator, you’re not going to get very far…
The battery simply isn’t putting out enough power to get you from A to B like you’d like it to…
Well, that’s what happens to your sex drive when you have low testosterone.
You can want to want to have sex, but your “wanter” (or should I say “want-her”) is broken…
A stalled out sex drive is one of the most common signs of low testosterone in males.
Naturally, as you get older your testosterone decreases, making it vital to your sex life to put some effort into maintaining and increasing your testosterone levels.
Fallen and you can’t Get Up
There is a difference between your sex drive and your ability to get a strong erection…
Your sex drive is necessary to start having sex…
Your erection is necessary to participate in the act of sex itself…
So even if you get some sparks out of your stalled out sex drive, you can still fall short of getting to your romantic destination…
Like a stalled sex drive, erectile dysfunction is one of the more common signs of low testosterone in males.
Erectile dysfunction becomes more common as you age because, well your testosterone levels are low.
And even though science has proved Jaheim’s “age ain’t a factor” theory untrue for your testosterone levels, it’s not uncommon for men in their mid 20’s to experience low testosterone and erectile dysfunction as well.
Sleep Walking
Okay, so let’s get out of the bedroom for a minute and look at some signs of low testosterone in males that scratch every surface of life…
Have you ever had that feeling of being low on energy and you aren’t sure why?
That “dragging” feeling that can only be described as mid-afternoon drowsiness, but is actually all-day drowsiness?
This general fatigue is potentially due to low testosterone…
I call it “sleepwalking.”
Bouts of fatigue are common among men with low testosterone…
And if you’ve ever had them, you know all too well that it steals from your quality of life.
Memorable moments become more of a drag and romantic evenings end with the lights out early…
And your head on the pillow while your wife is left with disappointment, a glass of wine and a wistful romantic comedy.
The Incredible Shrinking Man
You can train all you want, but if your testosterone is low you’ll shrink…
As a man, you need testosterone in order to build muscle mass…
In fact, it’s one of the most important elements to putting on slabs of muscle.
And not only will low testosterone cause muscle shrinkage but strength shrinkage as well…
Which eventually contributes to a cycle of setbacks and frustration in the gym.
So if you’ve noticed a stall in your physique progress, it may not be your workout routine that needs to change…
It may be that your testosterone is struggling with some shrinkage of its own.
Went Up a Cup
One of the more prominent and uncomfortable signs of low testosterone in males is “moobs.”
Otherwise known as “man-boobs.”
Clinically known as gynecomastia, more than 30% of men find themselves going up a cup in breast size at some point in their lives…
Which means that this sign of low-T is relatively common.
See, as a man ages, his testosterone levels lower, and his estrogen levels rise, which can cause one’s breasts to become swollen.
I’ve written at length about gynecomastia here.
But that’s not all lower testosterone does to your physique…
Low testosterone can cause an increase in body fat as well…
So if you’d pin yourself a bit on the pudgy side, the chances are your testosterone isn’t where you’d like it to be.
A Living Mood Ring
Low testosterone can make you moody…
And a moody man is an unpleasant man…
When your hormones are unbalanced, it only makes sense that your mood becomes unbalanced as well.
So if you find yourself as back and forth as Texas in the wintertime, you could be looking at low testosterone.
Down and Out
Even more than mood swings, one of the signs of low testosterone in males is depression…
And on a serious note, depression can drastically change your life…
It’s a low side of low-T that no one really talks about.
In fact, depression could be the cause of what many people call a “mid-life crisis” because as men age, so does their testosterone, followed by depression and a search for greater meaning (which isn’t always a bad thing)…
But like all of the other low-T indicators on this list, depression that results from low testosterone doesn’t only reach older men…
It can reach younger men as well.
So I’m not saying that all depression is caused by low testosterone, but I am saying that it could be an indicator of Low-T, which leads me to the next section…
What should you do if you’re experiencing these signs of low testosterone?
Your Next Steps
The answer to the question of what you should do if you’re seeing signs of low testosterone is simple:
Boost your testosterone.
That’s what I’m all about here…
I want to help you boost your testosterone so that you can have your best quality of life while you’re on this earth.
So here are some recommendations for you:
If you don’t currently have a fitness program of your own, check out my Anabolic Running program.
I designed it specifically for men with low testosterone after I found myself struggling with all of the warning signs I mentioned above.
You can also check out my Anabolic Eating program, which is also designed to get you the best anabolic advantage out of the foods that you eat…
Again, designed for guys who are looking to boost their testosterone levels.
I also want to encourage you to check out my Live Anabolic Blog.
It’s loaded with resources just like this article to help your testosterone health…
I hope these next steps don’t sound like I’m trying to plug myself…
Because that’s not my intention…
I’m just passionate about what I do, which is help guys boost their testosterone levels and I think I do a pretty good job of it…
And I’d be honored to help you do the same.
Until next time, keep up the hard work!
– Joe LoGalbo