How To Fix Low Testosterone Naturally
When something’s broken…
You fix it…
That’s the way of the man, isn’t it?
After all, who else is going to take care of it?
And when it comes to your testosterone, the same principle applies.
No one’s going to fix low testosterone for you…
It’s on you to do it.
But if you’re like most guys, you probably don’t know what tools you need to get the job done…
Your knowledge of how to fix low testosterone probably involves a Cialis commercial, an elderly couple sitting in separate bathtubs and a sunset…
Which I’ll never understand…
It’s just not helpful or, well, real.
But today, I want to give you the real, practical tools to patch up what’s broken.
I want to show you how to fix low testosterone naturally.
So let’s open up the toolbox and I’ll show two of the finest tools you can use to repair, and even skyrocket your testosterone.
Anabolic Sleeping
You’ll be hard-pressed to find me talk about repairing and boosting testosterone without mentioning your sleep habits…
When wondering how to fix low testosterone naturally, sleep is always the foremost step.
But not just any sleep…
Anabolic sleep, summed up in a few words, is when you sleep for a sufficient quantity of time with a superior quality of testosterone production during that time…
Which actually becomes less and less common as you get older.
So I want you to think about the average amount of time you clock in sleep over the course of a week…
Where do you fall on the sleep spectrum?
5 hours?
What’s your over/under?
Because your goal should be at least 8 hours of sleep a night…
A 2007 study involving 12 healthy men, ages 64-74, showed a direct correlation between the amount of sleep and healthy testosterone levels upon waking up in the morning.
The more sleep, the better the testosterone…
No disputes.
But you young guys aren’t excluded from the necessity of sleep either…
Even though you can function better on less sleep than an elderly man can, your testosterone will suffer all the same.
A 2011 study involving men with a mean age of 24.5, revealed the same correlation between little sleep and low testosterone…
And also that each extra hour of sleep boosted testosterone by about 15%.
So when asking how to fix low testosterone, the analysis is pretty simple…
And effortless really…
Sleep more.
But you need to understand that sleep quantity doesn’t mean a thing if you’re waking up every hour or two…
Or if you’re constantly tossing and turning…
Because if this is the case, you won’t hit rapid eye movement sleep, which also generally decreases as you age.
Rapid Eye movement sleep (REM) is basically that part of your sleep when your brain is functioning at its best, you’re having more dreams, your heart rate and breathing increase, and your eyes are going bonkers in the back of your head (not a bad thing, but a little weird).
Why is a cycle of REM sleep important?
Because that’s where your biggest bout of testosterone production happens.
A study involving healthy men showed that your testosterone is at its peak right as you hit your first cycle of REM sleep and then remains at that level throughout the night.
So how do you improve your quality of sleep?
Here are a few examples: Don’t look at your phone an hour before bed. Don’t watch television while you’re trying to sleep. And keep your room chilly…
You can also check out my article titled, 5 Sleep Disruption Causes That Are Killing Your Testosterone Production.
Anabolic sleep.
If you want to know how to fix low testosterone naturally, that’s the place to start…
I even have a resource for you to check out and get the most anabolic activity out of your sleep…
It’s simply called Anabolic Sleeping (creative right?) and I developed it for guys like you who are looking to fix low testosterone.
Check it out…
I guarantee you won’t only fix low testosterone, but you’ll gain freakishly high testosterone when you implement Anabolic Sleeping into your day-to-day life.
Anabolic Reload
This one just sounds intense, doesn’t it?
Anabolic Reload is the second tool for how to fix low testosterone naturally…
And it involves your workout routine…
No matter what age you are, understand this…
Your body wasn’t created with the capacity to hit the gym for a couple of hours a day…
Or to even to hit the gym 5 days a week for that matter…
At least, not when it comes to having healthy testosterone.
As a man, your testosterone levels start to decline once you hit age 30…
And that’s simply biology…
You can’t do anything to prevent that…
You can only repair it.
But overworking yourself in the gym is only going to flush your testosterone levels even further down the toilet…
Which is why I want to recommend you my gym workout routine of choice…
The Anabolic Reload program…
It’s probably a little different than what you’re used to doing in the gym…
But is proven as an effective workout method for men in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s to put on slabs of muscle mass as they get older.
See, testosterone is your primary muscle-building hormone…
But when you have a marathon type training session in the gym, you raise your cortisol levels and lower your testosterone levels, essentially cutting yourself off from both more T, and better muscle.
The Anabolic Reload program is designed to help you fix (and even boost) low testosterone through a 3 day a week, full body workout routine…
These workouts are efficient, muscle building and testosterone boosting workouts that will cut your gym time down, and give you better results than the hour-long workouts you’ve been told you need…
And I want to emphasize again that Anabolic Reload is beneficial for both the youngster and men with their crown of wisdom (gray hair, if you’re unfamiliar with the metaphor)…
If you want to take your testosterone seriously, you need to make an adjustment to the way you train…
It’s as simple as that.
The Anabolic Reload program is my recommendation as one of the best ways to do so.
You can check it out for yourself here.
Your Next Step
Men, when something is broken, we fix it, don’t we?
You wouldn’t overlook a leaky faucet for days on end…
Don’t overlook leaky testosterone levels either.
Fix them.
Follow the tips that I mentioned to you in this article.
Anabolic Sleeping and Anabolic Reload are some great resources to help you get the job done as well…
You have the tools to take your testosterone to the next level…
Get started today.
– Joe LoGalbo