Testosterone Replacement Therapy Risks
The testosterone market is categorically one of the highest markets for men in the world…
I know, because well, I’m in it.
And you know it, too, because you’re a human being…
Television commercials, blue pills at the local drug store, and even doctor’s offices are taking advantage of half the world’s population (men) by claiming that we need an expensive pill or therapy treatment in order to have healthy testosterone levels…
And so, what’s an impressionable guy (we all are in some way) supposed to do but seek out some help…
But I want to tell you that the massive upswing of testosterone replacement therapy solutions simply isn’t necessary.
And the prescriptions for blue pills are more due to financial plights than your actual testosterone health.
Sure, some guys may actually need some sort of testosterone therapy…
But it certainly isn’t true of most of us…
In fact, at the end of this article I’ll give you several ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally so that you can say no to expensive and dangerous gimmicks and instead, improve your testosterone levels like a man.
So lets take a look at testosterone replacement therapy risks, the dangerous side effects of it and what the real solutions to low testosterone are.
The Truth About TRT
Recently, a Food and Drug Administration panel of top doctors voted 20 to 1 to put a muzzle on testosterone treatments…
That’s right.
The overwhelming majority of top experts have decided that enough is enough on testosterone replacement therapy.
The group fears the pills, gels, and creams prescribed for better testosterone poses an adverse set of risks and is non-effective for testosterone health at the end of the day…
And if the FDA adopts these suggestions, doctors will finally be prohibited from prescribing these treatments to millions of men who don’t really need them…
See, when testosterone replacement therapy started achieving some status in the 1950’s, they were primarily used to treat serious medical conditions that were simply out of the men’s control to recover from naturally, such as testes that wouldn’t drop, and testicular damage resulting from trauma or chemotherapy…
However, these days, who is testosterone replacement therapy marketed towards?
Aging men (which constitutes as all of us at the end of the day)…
Primarily men between 40-64 years old…
For what reason, you ask?
Because they’re getting older…
That’s it.
The faulty (and greedy) logic goes a little something like this:
Doctor: “I see on your chart that you’ve been feeling like you have low energy lately.”
Patient: “Yes, doctor, more frequently than normal.”
Doctor: “Well, I see that you just had you 46th birthday last week. You’re probably beginning to see the symptoms of low testosterone.”
Patient: (Gasp!)
Doctor: “Here, let me prescribe you this testosterone replacement therapy gel. It’s a little pricy but you need it! Oh, and happy birthday!”
Or something like that…
See, between 2010 and 2013, the number of prescriptions passed out to men in this age group rose from 1.3 million to 2.3 million, according to FDA estimates…
But here’s the kicker…
Only half of these men had been diagnosed with hypogonadism…
A condition when testosterone levels fall below what’s considered normal for a young, healthy man – not an average “seasoned” man, mind you…
And 25 percent of these men didn’t even have their levels checked before starting treatment.
Listen, if you are rightly diagnosed with dangerously low testosterone from some external or internal circumstance that’s out of your control, then by all means, get the help that you need…
But that’s not most of us.
I don’t even think that’s 2% of us…
But doctors have made it out to be the majority…
These days, marketing for testosterone replacement therapy is a scam…
And the testosterone replacement therapy risks that come along with the scam make it even more sinister.
The Dangerous Side Effects Of TRT
So if you watched all of the commercials, listened to all the doctors, and read all of the blue pill labels in the drug store, what would you conclude about testosterone replacement therapy?
Well, you’d probably envision yourself with a set of shredded abs, untamable libido and sex appeal, and endurance in the bedroom that’ll keep you locked away with your wife for days on end.
But hold your horses, pal…
This clever marketing ploy is just that…
Clever… Sneaky…
Maybe even deceitful.
But the truth about testosterone replacement therapy risks has unraveled over the years, and here’s what we’ve found.
Without knowing it, a regiment of TRT can cause you to become infertile…
You’re probably thinking, “I thought having more testosterone was supposed to improve my fertility…”
Well, you’re right.
It does…
When you increase your testosterone naturally.
However, when you take a blue pill to increase your testosterone, your brain gets so used to the supplementation that it stops telling your brain to produce testosterone when it senses that you’ve got enough in the tank.
And because your gonads quick producing testosterone on there own, the effects are scary to say the least…
In this path, TRT can lead to testicular damage, cell death, and even visible shrinkage – like the kind that made George Costanza famously cry out when a potential lover walked in on him changing. “I was in the pool!”
The result of this testicular damage leads to stifled sperm production…
So men, if you want your children to carry on your family legacy, keep your loins far away from testosterone replacement therapy.
Heart Issues
Have you ever listened closely to the potential side effects of TRT when you’re watching the age-old commercial with the couple sitting in separate bathtubs and watching a sunset?
Have you read the warnings on the label of the topical cream you’re supposed to rub on your family jewels?
If you did, you’d notice that one of the great testosterone replacement therapy risks is heart damage.
One study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association discovered that older men who are taking TRT had a greater risk of developing plaque buildup in the arteries of their hearts over the course of a single year than men who didn’t take testosterone replacement therapy.
A year isn’t a lot of time, men.
That’s a fast moving risk that I caution you to stay away from.
Roid Rage
Or in other words, a grown man’s hissy-fit.
One of the many testosterone replacement therapy risks is a hormonal imbalance that causes mood swings and heightened anger and irritability.
As men, we want our testosterone levels to be high.
In fact, I’d say that it’s essential for our testosterone levels to be high…
And the right height can be achieved by natural means…
But when it comes to TRT, chances are you’ll experience a hormonal imbalance that makes you lash out irrationally…
Which could be destructive to your relationships with your wife, your kids, your coworkers and every other person in all other spheres of your life.
Also, you need to consider the possible under-swing if you cut TRT cold turkey…
The result could be periods of depression and anxiety that you wouldn’t have to deal with had you chosen to boost your testosterone levels naturally rather than experiment with TRT in the first place.
Which leads me to my next point…
You want real solutions to low testosterone?
Well, let me give you the gamut…
The Real Solution To Low Testosterone
I’ve devoted a large portion of my life to helping men like you boost your testosterone levels,naturally…
Meaning that I essentially try to help you play “keep away” from gimmicks like unnecessary testosterone replacement therapy prescriptions.
As a man, there are plenty of organic options that you can take advantage of to boost your testosterone because well, your T-count was meant to be built up by natural means, not a topical cream you rub yourself with.
Here are several of them:
Anabolic Running
When it comes to working out, the best form of exercise you can perform is running…
But not just any type of running…
See, if you’re running for miles on end for your workouts, you’re actually lowering your testosterone levels…
Instead you need to run like our hunter and gatherer ancestors ran after massive prey to feed their tribes with…
Short sprints, with all out effort.
Anabolic Running consists of running sprints for a total of 16 minutes per week and achieving a 530% increase in growth hormone as a result.
Check out Anabolic Running here so that your workouts will turn you into the testosterone hero you want to be.
Sleep Better
Sleep is crucial for healthy testosterone levels…
And it takes no effort at all.
Time and time again studies have shown that the more sleep you get at night, the higher your testosterone levels will be…
And the reason for that is pretty simple…
About 70% of your daily testosterone profile is produced while you sleep.
And that number is meant to carry you throughout your activities during the day.
Ironically, better quality of sleep is one of the most important avenues we can take as men to improve our T-counts, but oftentimes we fail to prioritize sleep…
Instead we work late, or get caught up watching late night television.
We need to do a better job of prioritizing sleep if we want top-notch testosterone levels.
I’ve written an article about 5 sleep disruptors that you need to get rid of to get better rest that you can check out here.
No more excuses.
Sleep more.
That simple.
Intermittent Fasting
One of the keys to testosterone success is to not eat…
Or in other words, intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting is a period of time in which you refrain from eating…
I personally recommend two types of fasting: A 16-hour fast and a full 24-hour fast, and here’s why…
A study conducted with nine men tested the effects of a short 16-hour Ramadan fast on their overall health…
And the study concluded that this short intermittent fast was enough to boost testosterone levels in participants by 180%, while also increasing luteinizing hormone (a necessary precursor to testosterone production) by 67%.
The testosterone levels of these men were instantly affected by intermittent fasting – and it can do the same for you, too.
I also recommend trying out a full 24-hour fast once a week or at the very least once a month.
Because another study, which measured the testosterone levels of men who participated in a single 24-hour fast noted that participants saw a 2,000% increase in their growth hormone!
So how do you do it?
Well, a fast begins right after your last meal of the day.
So if you eat your last meal at 8pm on a Friday night, a 16-hour fast would end at noon the next day…
And of course, if you decided to make that 16-hour fast a 24-hour fast, you would refrain from eating until 8pm the following evening.
I’ve got more tips and tricks to become an intermittent fasting success here.
Pine Pollen
Pine Pollen is a natural herb that delivers a strong testosterone boost…
A natural testosterone boost, not the blue pill kind.
See, pine pollen is a phyto androgen – a reproductive spore that contains actual testosterone in it…
And not some half-bred or synthetic stuff…
Pine pollen contains the actual anabolic hormone that’s running through your veins and mine.
According to this Pine pollen testosterone study conducted by The U.S. National Library of Medicine, one variety of Pine pollen known as Pinus Sylverstis contains 80ng/g of testosterone, 110ng/g of epitestosterone, and 590 ng/g of androstenedione…
Meaning that this herbal supplement has enough testosterone-boosting power to make an immediate impact on your T-count.
I recommend checking out the pine pollen tincture here…
It’s the most effective way you can get all of the benefits of pine pollen because of how quickly the tincture (a couple of drops under your tongue) hits your bloodstream…
I’ve been raving about pine pollen for a while…
And it hasn’t let me down yet.
Grab some for yourself here.
Strength Training
Strength training is another building block for better testosterone levels…
But you may have to overcome some misconceptions before your next gym session…
For instance, most guys will say that the best way to boost testosterone in the gym is through long workout sessions…
This couldn’t be any further from the truth.
If you want to boost your testosterone, you need to cut your gym sessions down to about a half an hour and call it a day.
Also, your style of training will need to look a lot different.
Strength training that boosts testosterone is built around heavy compound exercises…
Compound exercises are ones that consist of multiple major muscle groups not just your biceps, for instance.
Some examples of heavy compound exercises are squat, deadlift, bench press, bent over rows and the like.
I have all you need for strength training workouts here in the Anabolic After 40 program.
It’s a proven program to help guys in their 40’s, 50’s 60’s and beyond increase testosterone levels, add muscle mass and look better than you did even in your younger years…
And of course, it’ll also ramp up your energy levels and confidence when you and your wife have some alone time.
Check out Anabolic After 40 for yourself here!
Lose Belly Fat
This one’s a bit of a “which came first, the chicken or the egg,” thing…
Belly fat is a stumbling block for your testosterone levels…
And low testosterone also causes belly fat.
See, as testosterone decreases, estrogen increases, which will cause your body to begin storing excess body fat.
And so the cycle begins of belly fat and low testosterone feeding each other back and forth until you finally become a shell of your former manly self.
The solution, then?
Burn the belly fat and boost testosterone at the same time with Anabolic Running.
Quit running marathons to try and move your belly fat around…
Because long distance running will only add to the damage.
Instead, 8 minutes of sprints, 2x a week will do the trick…
It did for me and many other guys just like us…
Try out Anabolic Running here.
Red Light Therapy
This one may be new to you…
Red light therapy is a means of boosting testosterone that you can use to boost testosterone in minutes using a giant red light (a JOOVV light).
Basically, you stand in front of this red light for anywhere between 5-20 minutes and it’ll stimulate ATP production, increase leydig cell activity (a precursor to testosterone production), and as a result boost testosterone.
One study, which involved a 670nm to 808nm red light and rat testicles revealed that the rats who received red light therapy had an increase in T-count between a 32%-564% compared to a controlled group of rats who did not.
There have been some interesting testimonials about the helpfulness of red light therapy that you can check out here.
Your Next Step
So I hope you see it pretty clearly at this point…
Testosterone replacement therapy isn’t necessary for you to boost your testosterone levels.
There are plenty of ways you can do it without the price and testosterone therapy treatment risks that I mentioned above.
So what’s your next step?
Go through the list of real testosterone solutions that I mentioned above and have at it…
They’re all proven, simple, and sustainable ways to take your testosterone to the next level.
Until next time, stay manly!
– Joe LoGalbo