The Dark Side Of Low T No One’s Talking About: Low Testosterone And Depression
Low testosterone has many negative, physical side effects for men…
Increased body fat, fatigue, and hot flashes…
Decreased muscle mass, sex drive, and body/facial hair…
However, there’s also a hidden side of low testosterone that no one is talking about…
In fact, low testosterone and depression are mutually exclusive.
What’s interesting about their relationship is that low testosterone can be both a cause and a symptom of depression, and vice versa…
Or in other words, doctors have yet to pin down how the two are related to each other in a linear way…
However, low testosterone and depression have a clear relationship to one another in a cyclical way, both contributing to the other without a clear starting point.
So with that understanding of their relationship, let’s take a closer look at the symbiotic nature oflow testosterone and depression.
The Relationship Between Low Testosterone and Depression
You can throw a stone in any direction and hit a study that draws a link between low testosterone and depression…
But let’s get the ball rolling with some of our own reasoning and experience.
Are you familiar with the term “mid-life crisis?”
It’s typically used to describe a middle-aged man who is struggling to find his life’s purpose and as a result, joins a biker gang or starts an ACDC cover band.
Now, don’t get me wrong, if you want to get a bike (and your wife’s cool with it) then go for it!
If you want to start a rock band, get that guitar out of the garage and get to it!
But don’t let it be out of depression…
Do it out of a genuine passion!
See, even though it’s not a medical term, “mid-life crisis” has been a known and even anticipated period of depression for men…
But why is it often marked at the mid-life point?
It’s likely due to the fact that as men age, testosterone begins to decrease.
This 2004 study shows as men get older and their testosterone declines, depression and irritability become more prominent.
But depression isn’t only found in older men…
All men are within reach of depression’s grasp…
Unfortunately, suicide is becoming a silent epidemic for men.
And it’s no surprise that depression is the number one cause of suicide.
The following studies are encouraging for men of all ages.
A 2009 study revealed a correlation between low testosterone and depression using a simple HAM-D test, a 21-item clinical-administered multiple-choice measure of depression symptom severity.
While some participants in this study were given a placebo, others were given a testosterone replacement…
The men that participated in testosterone replacement therapy scored higher on the HAM-D than those that did not.
One final study that I’ll add to the mix (though there are much more to choose from) is this onethat seeks to answer the question, “Why does testosterone relieve the symptoms of depression?”
Though tested on rats, this trial revealed that testosterone positively affects the part of your brain that gets stressed out…
Testosterone treats stress, and as a result, treats symptoms of depression that are correlated with high levels of stress.
Why Don’t Men Talk About It?
I’m only going to scratch the surface here, but there are several reasons men don’t talk about depression…
Some men simply find it hard to express what they’re dealing with, not knowing how to put words to their feelings (And that’s okay, although it is important to learn how to communicate what you’re feeling to others)…
Other men don’t want to look like a “softy” (to use an appropriate term) by admitting they have a sensitive side…
A handful of men were taught by their fathers not to express feelings of sadness or vulnerability, but rather to cover them up and in doing so, become calloused to them.
Simply put, men, these are lies that only you can overcome.
Whether you overcome them on your own or get some help from a friend or doctor, it’s important that you learn how to articulate what you’re feeling…
The stone-faced man is a thing of the Stone Age.
I’m all about you living the fullest and healthiest life you can live, and in order to do that, you need to talk about what you’re feeling in a healthy way, with problems as well as solutions on the table.
Talk to your wife. Talk to your buddy. Talk to a counselor.
Whatever you decide to do, open up.
Beating Depression
It would be pretty pointless for me to end an article that described a polarizing problem without offering a semblance of a solution…
But first, it’s important for you to know that I’m not downplaying the seriousness of depression.
There are different forms of it.
Some of you will only deal with short bouts of depression in your lifetime…
Others of you have been carrying depression for as long as you can remember, even since childhood…
I’m not insisting here, that by implementing some of the following steps you’ll magically be cured of depressive thoughts.
But my hope is that if you’re struggling with depression as a result of low testosterone, these avenues will help you to find some light.
So here are some ways to kick low testosterone and depression that results from it.
The right kind of exercise will boost your testosterone…
I recently posted a list of exercises that’ll boost your testosterone as you do them, instructions included.
If you’re short on time and can’t make it to the gym, here’s an 8-minute indoor cardio workout to get your testosterone pumping.
The foods you eat have a major impact on your testosterone levels…
I’ve formulated a list of 71 foods that will raise your testosterone naturally.
If you want to me to meet you in your kitchen, here’s a video of 5 testosterone-boosting foods for you.
This one, too.
Dude, you need to sleep…
If you aren’t finding yourself in a healthy pattern of sleep each night, your testosterone will suffer.
Cut out some of these things and your sleep habits will benefit.
When you begin to implement these patterns into your life on a consistent basis, you’ll notice an increase in your testosterone, and as a result, your mood.
Low testosterone and depression don’t need to be the hinges on the door of your well being.
If you find yourself struggling with depression, own it, and venture out into trying these natural testosterone-boosters, keeping in mind that the short list I closed this article with is geared towards depression that stems from low testosterone.
It may help relieve your symptoms, and I hope it does…
But if not, reach out to a medical professional, counselor, or even a local church pastor and pursue some other options that’ll be tailor-made through someone who has a more intimate understanding of your personal trial.
– Joe LoGalbo