What’s Causing Your Low Testosterone?
“They can’t win if they can’t score”…
My dad was the head coach of my Peewee football teams for practically every year that I played…
And every week he would remind those of us that played on the defensive side of the ball that the opposing team couldn’t win the game if they couldn’t score…
It was simple wisdom.
And really it’s what drove our defense for every year that we played…
And we were pretty good if I do say so myself.
They can’t win if they can’t score.
But that saying doesn’t only ring true in between a set of sidelines and some stands…
It goes beyond that…
Even into your testosterone health.
A big part of boosting your testosterone involves knowing what causes low testosterone…
And then staying away from it.
In other words, one of the best ways to have consistently high testosterone levels is to defend against those everyday things that could be causing low testosterone.
So what are the testosterone opponents that you need to defend against?
I’ve got 4 for you in this article.
So find your opponent on the list and don’t let it score on you.
You’re Ingesting Plastic
One thing I want you to keep in mind is that our consumer market produces merchandise the cheapest way possible, not the healthiest way possible…
Well, to get a better return on their product of course.
And I’m not blaming them for that…
As a businessman I get it…
But that’s not what I’m about here.
And men, this low-cost packaging can be debilitating your testosterone levels…
Particularly, food or beverage products wrapped in plastic of some sort.
For example, bottling companies use polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins made from BPA in your water bottles.
BPA is a type of xenoestrogen…
(Notice the word “estrogen” tagged in the word).
And it’s very absorbable.
Xenoestrogen exerts a weak estrogenic activity, stifling your testosterone as a result of blocking androgen.
So if you’re drinking your water from plastic water bottles, you’re ultimately poisoning your testosterone health, not because the water is poison in itself, but because the container is.
So ditch the plastic water bottles…
Ditch the slices of turkey that come in plastic containers.
Don’t ingest the BPA that these plastic containers, well, contain.
The Use of Statin Drugs
Stain drugs are typically used to help lower cholesterol…
But it lowers something else in the process…
Your testosterone.
Recent studies have shown a link between taking statin drugs and low testosterone levels, with the defect being anywhere on the spectrum between small and large…
But regardless of where it lands on the spectrum, it’s a defect nonetheless.
Simply put, statin drugs lower testosterone levels.
Dr. Giovanni Corona, a researcher at the University of Florence in Italy says, ”Current statin therapy is associated with a twofold increased prevalence of hypogonadism,” a condition in which men don’t produce enough testosterone…
The number of people who bought statin drugs rose 88% from 2000-2005 according to the federal agency for Healthcare research and quality.
Men, if you find yourself on a statin, I’m not recommending you quit cold turkey…
But I am recommending that you see your doctor ASAP and tell him you’d like to quit cold turkey…
And then ask him for some other options.
Healthy testosterone is as important to a man as healthy cholesterol is.
Consuming Too Much Soy
Soy is one of the most consumed foods on the planet…
And if you look closely at the nutritional content on a lot of the foods you consume, you’ll probably find soy snuck in there somewhere…
Especially on foods marketed as being high in protein…
And just about any oil that you want to cook your eggs in…
Well, just like plastic bottles, soy comes cheap…
And it’s become even cheaper in recent years because soy is easily genetically modified (GMO)…
There have been plenty of studies to point to the negative effect of soy on testosterone levels.
One study followed a 19-year old man around after he decided to consume a lot of soy…
It wasn’t soon after his increased soy intake that this young man lost interest in sex, had erectile dysfunction, and also scored some pathetic testosterone levels.
This is a 19-year old, whose testosterone should have been about as healthy as any young man…
The good news is that a year after he stopped with the soy-heavy diet, he regained balanced hormonal health.
Men, let’s learn from the kid on this one…
Don’t consume a bunch of soy.
You Aren’t Sleeping Enough
5 hours a night won’t cut it…
Sure, your body can function as a whole on short stints of sleep…
(If functioning is what you want to call it. I call it “dragging.”)
But your testosterone won’t.
And it won’t be long until you notice a foggy mind, low energy, muscle loss and more negative effects as a result…
See, your body produces most of its testosterone while you sleep…
So naturally, if you aren’t sleeping enough, you’re chopping down your own testosterone…
And you’ll start every day at less than your best.
You need to clock in some more hours of sleep so that your body can work to make you more testosterone.
If you need some help getting the best anabolic boost out of your sleep, check out my Anabolic Sleeping program…
I designed it to help guys like you get longer bouts of sleep and better quality of sleep.
Seriously guys…
This defense against low testosterone doesn’t even involve you doing anything.
Just sleep.
It’s that simple.
They can’t win if they can’t score.
Keep that in mind on your testosterone-boosting journey…
Stay away from the 4 shrinkers that I mentioned above.
Spend some time around the Live Anabolic blog to find some more ways play defense against opponents to your testosterone, and also how to play some offense as well and really get your T-levels to a healthy place, consistently.
– Joe LoGalbo