World’s Worst Foods For Your Testosterone
There are some foods out there that are on the prowl…
They’re hunting for your testosterone…
And they don’t take any prisoners…
Most guys don’t know about them…
I’m not sure that most guys care, either.
But you’re different…
You prioritize your health, and you know that healthy testosterone makes all the difference for the way you look and feel every day.
And sometimes knowing what not to eat is as important as knowing what to eat.
So today I’m going to focus on the foods you need to stay away from because, well, they’ll cut your testosterone off at the knees.
I go into more detail on these types of foods in my 97 Foods That Boost Testosterone course and also supply you with all of the foods that you should eat in order to take your testosterone to the next level.
I created the “97 Foods” resource just for you, and I hope you’ll take advantage of it.
Let’s take a look at the foods that are committing a crime against men’s testosterone everywhere.
Processed Foods
Processed foods lose plenty of nutrients in the “process” of making them processed.
(Say that 5 times fast)
So whether we’re talking about cuts of meat, like your favorite packaged turkey or ham, grains like white rice, sugar or really anything on the inner aisles of the grocery store, processed foods aren’t filled with as many of the nutrients that they claim to be.
A diet filled with processed foods won’t only provide you with half-baked nutritional content, but will also leave you feeling unsatisfied, and more likely to revisit the fridge sooner than you should…
Which will cause a cycle of unhealthy eating and overeating…
Both of which will take down your testosterone levels.
Soy Products
Stay away from your wife’s soymilk!
Soybeans are filled with phyto-estrogenic isoflavones (in the form of genistein, daidzein, glycitein), which can activate your estrogen receptors…
And as a result of your androgen receptors (which are beneficial in producing testosterone), become less prominent.
And that means lower testosterone.
Soy can also interfere with the production of thyroid hormones…
Which is a big deal because suppressed thyroid activity is one of the leading causes of low testosterone in men…
Soy itself is a weak source of protein compared to meat proteins…
I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you’re a soy lover, there really isn’t much, if any benefit, to making soy the hill that you die on if you’re looking to boost your testosterone levels…
I recommend cycling off of it and staying away from it for the most part.
Vegetable Oils
If you don’t know your way around your own kitchen, ask your wife what she’s been using to cook your food in…
Like most people, she’s probably gravitated towards vegetable oil…
The majority of cooking oils on the market today are refined vegetable oils…
And these refined vegetable oils are typically full of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs).
Research has shown that PUFAs are the most disadvantageous fat you can put into your body, as it actively reduces testosterone levels…
These fats are also high in Omega-6, which can boost oxidative stress and inflammation in your body…
Both of which will boost your cortisol levels, and as a result stunt your testosterone growth.
The good news is that there are a couple of good options when it comes to oil, and I cover them in depth in my 97 Foods That Boost Testosterone Course (coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil).
So, to get back to the front of this section…
If you aren’t actively cooking in your own kitchen for yourself (and your wife) you should probably do that more (I’m sure she’d appreciate it)…
But on nights when she cooks a meal for the both of you, ask her to try to cook your food in coconut, avocado or olive oil…
It’s a better option for the both of you.
I know that some of you are disappointed by this one…
But keep reading.
Drinking alcohol of any kind has been shown to decrease testosterone levels.
One rodent study even showed that rats that were fed a diet containing 5% alcohol saw their testicles shrink by 50%…
Oh, the horror!
Not an experiment I suggest testing yourself.
Also, guys who drink an abundance of alcohol tend to have higher cortisol levels when compared to their non-alcoholic peers…
Something as little as 2 glasses of red wine has been shown to lower testosterone by 7%.
Now, I’m not trying to tell you what to do…
If you like a glass of wine with your spouse for dinner, go for it…
A little bit of alcohol won’t reverse your testosterone levels.
But I do want you to know that it’s disadvantageous to your testosterone health.
But hey, that brings me back around to what you should eat as well.
Ultimately, you want to eat as many of the right things for your testosterone as you can…
And you want to stay away from eating as many of the wrong things as you can.
Being aware of what will boost at what will bum your testosterone levels is the first step to having healthy testosterone levels…
Again, to make the most out of your testosterone-boosting diet, check out my 97 Foods That Boost Testosterone.
I’ve got it all covered for you there.
Keep up the hard work!
– Joe LoGalbo