‘No Exercise’ Natural Testosterone Enhancement Routine
Naturally, when you think about building bigger testosterone, you think about exercise…
And there’s reason for that…
Healthy amounts of exercise are important for healthy testosterone levels…
But exercise isn’t the only catalyst for building bigger testosterone.
In fact, you can build up your testosterone without hitting the gym at all.
And you can do it in a way that’s simple, convenient, and you might even say, “effortless.”
I call it the “no exercise” natural testosterone enhancement routine.
And it’s made up of 3 components: Sleep, Status, and Fasting.
1. Anabolic Sleeping
Sleeping is the effortless staple of natural testosterone enhancement…
You can’t and won’t build testosterone without sleep…
Time and again studies have found a direct correlation between the amount of time you sleep and your testosterone levels.
But if you’re like many men, you probably aren’t getting enough of it.
According to recent studies, 40% of Americans are sleeping less than the recommended 8-hours…
And if you find yourself punching in for a snooze at 10 pm and punching out at 6 am (like a good ole boy) your sleep still runs the risk of being insufficient.
Because when it comes to your testosterone, your quality of sleep is just as important as your quantity of sleep is…
And in the 21st Century, there are plenty of disturbances trying to keep you from getting a good night’s sleep.
But if natural testosterone enhancement is your goal, you need to forgo the distractions and get some rest.
Because most of your testosterone is produced while you sleep, as long as you are getting quality REM sleep.
This study, which involved over 500 healthy men, discovered that every hour of extra sleep added about 15% in overall testosterone production.
You know the old saying, “You snooze you lose?”
When it comes to boosting your testosterone, when you snooze, you win!
In fact, sleep is so important to your testosterone health that I developed an entire program to help you sleep better and boost your testosterone, called Anabolic Sleeping.
I encourage you to check it out and get your best testosterone-boosting sleep yet.
2. Blue Star Status
This one is simple but still astonishing because of the anabolic boost it offers…
And it could be something worth giving a shot…
My friends over at Blue Star Nutraceuticals developed a natural testosterone enhancementproduct called Status.
And like I said, the numbers are astonishing…
When coupled with a workout regiment, this all-natural testosterone booster is scientifically proven to boost testosterone levels by 434%…
I know it goes without saying, but that’s a huge boost.
And according to my Blue Star pals, there aren’t any natural testosterone enhancementproducts on the market that work as quickly to boost testosterone as this one does.
“But how?” you ask.
Status contains zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6, which, if you’ve been around the fitness community for a while, you know is a three-headed monster for your testosterone levels…
This combo increases luteinizing hormone (LH), a necessary precursor to testosterone production…
Status also contains KSM-66, a natural herbal extract that lowers stress on your hormone production glands, and as a result, boosts your testosterone…
KSM-66 is the key to the 434% boost that Status offers you when paired with exercise…
On top of these components of natural testosterone enhancement, Status blocks estrogen so that your hormones won’t swing out of whack, and free up some of the 98% of your testosterone that is bound up by Sex Hormone Binding Globulin…
So what I’m trying to say is that Blue Star Status could be a solid product for you to try out…
I mean, 434% is 434%, right?
3. Intermittent Fasting
I know when you hear the term “fasting” you probably shutter a bit…
But hear me out…
Intermittent fasting is a simple dieting trick to boost testosterone…
And you can do it every day.
A 16-hour fast, followed by 8 hours of eating is a solid way to boost testosterone by almost 200%.
In my Anabolic Eating program, I call it the 16/8 protocol…
It’s important to note that an anabolic fast doesn’t begin when you wake up each morning…
It begins when you finished your last meal before you went to bed the night before.
So let me give you an example…
Say you eat your last meal at 8 pm on Monday evening…
And then you go to bed at 10 pm.
When you wake up at 6 am on Tuesday morning, you’ve already fasted for 10 hours (from 8 pm to 6 am)…
So now, you only have to hang in there for 6 more hours…
Which is pretty simple…
Especially if you like to drink an appetite suppressing and testosterone boosting coffee or tea in the morning.
And then, when noon rolls around you will have completed your 16-hour fast, and now you can eat…
Eat plenty of healthy fats and gluten-free carbohydrates, with a moderate amount of protein for the best results for your testosterone.
Eat up between noon and 8 pm and do it all over the next day.
Like I said, it’s simple and practical and effective if your goal is natural testosterone enhancement.
It’s important to remember that testosterone isn’t only built on the back of exercise…
And as advantageous as a good workout is for your testosterone health, a daily “no exercise”natural testosterone enhancement routine will do you some good, too.
And hey, who says that you can’t follow these 3 testosterone enhancers on a day that you workout?
Honestly, anabolic sleeping and intermittent fasting should be on the ground floor of yournatural testosterone enhancement goals…
And Blue Star Status could be a cool natural supplement to add to the mix.
Implement this routine and keep up the hard work!
– Joe LoGalbo