Boron, Testosterone And The Magic Mineral That’s Dirt Cheap
Has your wife ever sent you out to pick up a few things from the store and you come home with a “gem” of a product?
Maybe it was a piece of equipment you could use to fix up the house, a car part, a gumball machine or even something as simple as a shirt…
Well, in order to convince your wife that your new find is a gem, it needs to qualify in two ways…
It needs to be cheap and valuable at the same time.
It didn’t cost much, but the value far outweighs the cost anyways.
Then (maybe) she won’t shake her head in disapproval…
Well today, we’re going to take a look at a gem of a testosterone booster.
It doesn’t cost much and the value is impressive.
Check out boron, testosterone and the magic mineral that’s dirt-cheap.
What is Boron?
Your body needs plenty of vitamins and minerals in order to function properly…
And there are certain ones that you need in order for testosterone synthesis to be at its best…
Among them are vitamins A, C, D, K2, zinc, and magnesium…
But there’s another mineral that could have massive effects on your testosterone levels…
But unfortunately, it’s often overlooked.
It’s called boron.
Before we get to the boron testosterone connection, let me introduce you to this T-boosting gem…
Boron is a rare trace-mineral that is vital for various functions in your body.
And what’s kind of bizarre about boron is that it originates from space matter like meteoroids, and can be found in small bits and pieces in the earth’s soil…
However, over time, this space rock is becoming less and less accessible…
In fact, many experts believe that we’re getting far less boron through our diets than our ancestors did…
Because modern day, machine-based farming techniques quickly deplete the soil in which our food is grown, which leaves us with less boron when the final product is put on the shelves in our grocery stores…
Which is a bummer because the boron testosterone connection is a big deal…
And speaking of, let’s find out what this rare T-boosting gem is all about.
The Boron Testosterone Connection
So, are you familiar with all of those products on drugstore shelves that call out to guys with low T and claim they’re the end all be all solution?
Well, guess what…
Boron beats all of them.
According to this study, published by the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, the boron testosterone connection is incredibly impressive.
Researchers gave 8 male participants 10mg of boron every morning over the course of 7 days…
They took blood samples before and after boron supplementation from day 1 and day 7…
After the week was over, these were the results:
- Free testosterone levels had increased by 28%
- Free estrogen levels had decreased by -39%
- Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels rose by 10%
- Inflammation biomarkers dropped significantly
Here’s why this is huge news…
Boron didn’t just increase testosterone levels in general…
It increases the number of free testosterone levels by releasing testosterone from Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, a glycoprotein whose life goal is to wrangle up the testosterone in your bloodstream and render it ineffective.
This way your testosterone will actually do what you need it to do: improve muscle mass and strength, burn fat, increase your sex drive and bedroom performance, give you clarity of thought and a sense of adventure, and all of the other great benefits that come along with having healthy testosterone levels.
Boron also increases Dihydrotestosterone, which is the most powerful form of testosterone that your body can produce.
Along with the offensive perks of improving your testosterone levels, boron also helps to decrease estrogen, which will keep you from effects such as gynecomastia (man boobs), a big gut, and erectile dysfunction.
And finally, from this study, we can conclude that boron supplementation also lowers cortisol levels as it decreases inflammation in your body – one of the main causes of cortisol…
See, cortisol is your body’s stress hormone…
So it responds to inflammation by “coming to the rescue” when in reality, when cortisol is elevated for too long, it lowers your testosterone levels.
Boron reduces inflammation so that your cortisol levels can remain low and your testosterone levels can stay high.
Boron and Vitamin D
But we’re not done with boron yet…
This gem boosts your testosterone levels another way…
Remember the vitamins and minerals that I mentioned above that increase testosterone levels?
Vitamin D was one of those essential vitamins…
And boron has been shown to increase vitamin D production.
A study conducted by Mjilkovich et al. sought to understand the impact boron has on vitamin D and found that this magic mineral improves vitamin D metabolism.
Which naturally translates into higher testosterone levels.
The study also confirmed what, we learned from the first study in this post…
That boron increases free testosterone levels (a whopping 29.5% on average for participants in this study).
Your Next Step
The evidence is clear…
This space herb is something special – a true gem that costs nothing and is packed with uncanny value for your testosterone levels.
So I recommend trying out the boron testosterone connection for yourself.
It’s a proven testosterone-booster in more ways than just one, playing both sides of the ball, as it were, to take your T-count up a notch or two.
And better testosterone will make a big difference in your overall quality of life as a man…
Take advantage of what you know about this mysterious space rock and grab some for yourself.
And until next time, train hard with no regrets!
-Joe LoGalbo