The Nofap Testosterone Connection Guys Need To Know
“Does masturbation lower my testosterone?”
It’s no surprise that this question has become prominent with the rise of the porn industry – an industry that profits more than professional baseball, basketball and football combined and gets more viewers than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined…
Something that was once considered taboo has become widely embraced as the new social norm, where, if you tell your buddies that you don’t masturbate, they’ll look at you like you have three eyeballs on your head before bursting out into condescending laughter.
The bottom line is that masturbation is no longer a hush-hush act (not that keeping it behind closed doors makes it any better for you psychologically)…
Questions about testosterone and masturbation are a trending topic, so I’m going to give you my 2 cents with about a few billion dollars of science’s cents as well (After all porn is a more than 10 billion dollar industry).
So here’s the nofap testosterone connection that you need to know about.
Masturbation and Testosterone
Let’s get straight to the point…
The question is, “Does masturbation lower my testosterone levels?”
Short Answer…
It can.
Long answer…
Buckle up.
There’s a common misconception that masturbation depletes your body of testosterone simply because your testosterone is created in your testicles, so when you ejaculate, you lose most of the testosterone you had stored up down there…
Sure the theory makes sense in a way…
And some of the best athletes and greatest minds in the world (Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, George Washington, William Shakespeare) have subscribed to this thinking in the past, abstaining from sex to stay focused and strong for the greater good of being victorious in the ring, or using their sexual energy for thinking rather than fapping.
But science says otherwise.
In a study recorded in the Journal of Endocrinology, researchers sought out 7 subjects to discover the relationship between plasma testosterone levels and human sexual activity, or in layman’s terms, the nofap testosterone connection…
Testosterone levels were taken before, and during masturbation as well as after orgasm, and the result was that masturbation had no significant change on testosterone levels…
No positive change and no negative change…
So, does masturbation lower your testosterone levels?
Well, when we simply look at the act itself, we can say that masturbation probably doesn’t lower your testosterone levels…
But let’s not settle for surface level answers to a topic that has loads of discussion surrounding it.
There’s more to the nofap testosterone connection than meets the eye.
According to a study published in the World Journal of Urology, you can see a major boost in testosterone if you practice self-control and abstain from masturbation.
This study examined how a 3-week period without sexual activity would affect the testosterone levels of 10 healthy men…
The participants’ blood was drawn before during and after this 3-week study (which concluded in masturbation) to monitor testosterone levels throughout the process of abstinence through ejaculation.
This study confirmed the results of the study I mentioned above, that masturbation itself doesn’t increase or decrease testosterone levels…
However, testosterone levels in the 10 test subjects were at their highest during the 3-week period of abstaining from masturbation.
Another interesting study sheds more light on the nofap testosterone connection…
Researchers at Zhejiang University asked 28 male volunteers to refrain from fapping for at least 7 days so that they could measure the effect of abstinence from sexual activity on testosterone levels.
The researchers recorded the testosterone levels of the men on day 2 and day 5, but saw no significant changes in testosterone levels…
Day 7, however, was a different story…
On the 7th day of abstinence, testosterone levels spiked, reaching a 145.7% increase, and then dropping close to baseline the following day.
So does masturbation itself lower testosterone levels?
It doesn’t.
Does abstinence increase testosterone levels?
Well, when you reach a certain point it does.
However, there’s still another stone left unturned here…
The increase in pornography hasn’t made masturbation a one-n-done act for those who participate in it…
Every few seconds a new piece of pornography is being uploaded onto the internet…
And because the options are many, many guys aren’t just masturbating once a day (which seems to have little to no effect on testosterone levels at all), but instead, are indulging in masturbation…
Sometimes several times a day…
Which is where we start seeing some problems with masturbation and testosterone levels.
According to one rodent study, anywhere from a single ejaculation to multiple ejaculations alter the body’s ability to utilize testosterone, with de-sensitivity being more common the more you masturbate…
Multiple ejaculations in short periods of time (common for porn users), weaken the response of androgen receptors, and thereby blunt your body’s ability to put your testosterone to good use.
But that’s not the only problem.
Frequent ejaculation doesn’t only decrease the number of androgen receptors available, but it also increases estrogen receptors as well, which will increase estrogen production and lower testosterone production.
So listen, even though the findings from these studies don’t necessarily call for you to hit the panic button, scientifically speaking, masturbation can lower your testosterone levels…
I’m convinced that masturbation can ruin your testosterone levels when we draw conclusions to their necessary ends and look at the clear negative impact that the porn industry and masturbation have had on men today.
Why Porn Will Ruin Your Testosterone
Pornography is addictive…
If you want some evidence to prove that statement, check out these 39 studies on the addictive nature of pornography and its neurological effects (they’re all on the same page so you don’t have to surf around either).
Now, one of the problems with a pornography addiction, just like any other addiction is that, over time, you’ll begin to sacrifice things in order to feed into your need for that particular drug (in this case, porn)…
So what happens next?
Well, the high and satisfaction of masturbating to porn once a day feels great, but soon it won’t be enough…
Especially when you’ve got millions of videos and pictures literally 1-click away to choose from.
Ultimately, as would follow with every addiction model, you’ll become more and more engrossed in a porn addiction, chasing sexual highs, wasting time that could be better spent, and ultimately sacrificing the important things in life like health, marriage, relationships, exercise, work and so on…
For what purpose?
All so that you can get off…
How does this impact your testosterone (which, at the addiction stage becomes the least of your worries)?
Well, like the studies shown above, frequent masturbation will decrease your androgen receptors, increase estrogen receptors and thereby, lower your testosterone levels.
Also, you’ll sacrifice work, competition, accomplishment, sunlight, and exercise, all of which increase testosterone like I’ve talked about here.
Oh and by the way, you won’t be able to have real sex anymore, and real sex actually boosts testosterone…
According to multiple studies, porn addiction goes hand in hand with erectile dysfunction, low sexual stimuli, and impotence, and the only way to reverse the adverse effects of porn addiction is serious counseling and rehabilitation.
There have even been notable celebrities such as John Mayer, Charlie Sheen, and Kanye West who have come out as having suffered from impotence because of pornography addiction.
Men, there is a reason why the rise of pornography has also brought about a coalition against pornography…
And I think it’s important for you to consider that there’s probably a good reason why a large number of people are willing to put their reputation on the line to enter into a volatile conversation about what men and women are doing behind closed doors…
I mean, the only people who would be willing to stake the claim that what you do in private matters, are ones who genuinely care to put an end to something destructive.
But if you don’t buy that as a reason to consider turning off porn, then I suggest you take seriously the facts that I’ve given you throughout this post so far and the resources I’ve given you links to…
If you haven’t done any research on your own about how destructive pornography can be to your relationships, sex life, success, general well being, and at the very least, your testosterone levels, I recommend that you check out these resources and consider making a change…
That is of course if you’re viewing porn these days…
After you check out those resources, I’ve got a better, testosterone-boosting alternative to sexual activity for you…
And this is the meat and potatoes of the nofap testosterone solution.
It’s called having actual sex.
Have Sex Instead
Even though masturbation doesn’t increase testosterone levels, physical sex with another person does.
One study followed a group of 44 men into a sex club and noted that the men who had sex in the club had a 72% average increase in their testosterone levels compared to the men who watched the act…
The guys who watched had only an 11% increase in their average testosterone levels.
Another study measured the salivary testosterone levels of 4 heterosexual couples for a total of 22 nights: 11 nights before and after they had sex and 11 nights without sex.
The evidence showed that on nights the couples had sex both the male and female had higher testosterone levels than on nights when the couples did not have sex.
So what’s the difference between masturbating and having real sex?
Why does one act increase testosterone levels, while the other doesn’t?
Well, the testosterone boost you get from sex doesn’t have to do with ejaculation itself…
It has to do with the connection between you and a woman.
I’m going to say it again: The connection between you and another person is the reason why your testosterone levels elevate during and after sex.
This is most likely due to the release of pheromones that happens during sex.
In fact, one study showed a 150% increase in testosterone levels for men who were exposed to pheromones compared to a control group.
It’s pretty simple guys…
Your brain knows the difference between your hand and a woman.
Real sex will boost testosterone levels every time…
Fake sex, won’t boost your testosterone levels, and can potentially ruin a real sex life for you…
With the implication being that you can forget about a sexual surge of testosterone.
The solution for the nofap testosterone connection is a fun one…
Have sex with your lady.
Your Next Step
So there you have it, fellas…
The nofap testosterone connection that you need to know about.
Now, I’m sure that some of you guys reading have different opinions on what I’ve laid out for you here today…
And that’s okay.
I don’t need you to agree with me.
But I also hope that when you’re face to face with the facts, you’ll deal with the facts like men are supposed to do – because ultimately, you aren’t disagreeing with me if you refuse to believe what I’ve laid out for you in this post…
You’re disagreeing with loads of research.
We don’t live in a subjective fantasy world where we get to look at facts and decide that those facts “aren’t true to us.”
So I hope you’ll take a closer look at the information I’ve provided throughout the post.
Also, if you’re struggling with a pornography addiction, I want to encourage you that there have been many men before you who have struggled with these very same struggles and have come out on the other side addiction-free.
I care about the tribe of guys that are going to read this article, and I hope that comes through in the way I’ve written the post…
Turn off porn, live your life to the fullest, have real sex and boost testosterone.
No regrets.
-Joe LoGalbo