The Truth About Gluten And Testosterone
So what’s the deal with gluten and testosterone?
After all, carbs are good for your testosterone levels… so why should you get rid of all the delicious ones?
…like pizza, paninis, triple-decker sandwiches, juicy hamburgers on a bun, and so much more…
Well, I’ll explain why in a second…
I’ll also reveal, quite possibly, the greatest gluten digesting breakthrough in history that allows you to eat this forbidden protein without all the nasty side effects.
What The Heck Is Gluten?
For the longest time, I didn’t know what gluten was.
…other than being a “bad word” thrown around the health and fitness world. To be honest, I thought it was a gimmick at first, but the research says otherwise…
Especially regarding gluten and testosterone… which we’ll get to in a second.
So here’s the gist on gluten…
Basically, it’s a protein found in wheat and other grains that gives them the pleasant mouthfeel…
(for example, the chewy goodness of bread)…
While you can thank gluten for adding a soft and crumbly texture to bread – you’ll hate gluten for its effects on your master male hormone, testosterone…
Gluten and Testosterone
Gluten can block your intestines from absorbing the essential vitamins and minerals you get from your food and supplements…
Basically, it acts as a gatekeeper keeping nutrients from entering your bloodstream through the small intestine.
…leading to nutrient deficiencies.
Which creates serious problems for your T-levels because nutrients like zinc, selenium, vitamin D, Vitamin C, and more are crucial for maintaining high and healthy testosterone levels…
(I mention more key vitamins and minerals for your testosterone health in this article.)
Obviously, that’s one point against gluten…
Plus, testosterone synthesis, transport, and signaling are weaker because gluten disrupts the hormone pathway for these processes.
Another neg for gluten.
Plus, according to a study published on Celiac.com, men who consumed a gluten-free diet had astrong boost in sex drive and energy…
Both are signs of increased testosterone levels.
So in one way or another you can see the negatives of gluten and the positives of a gluten-free diet (which I’ll dive into in a minute).
Now, other than vitamin and mineral deficiencies…
And interruptions in hormonal passageways…
Here’s one more simple way to look at the negative relationship between gluten and testosterone. You see…
Testosterone requires essential fatty acids to be made. Yet when celiac patients or those with gluten sensitivity eat gluten… the fatty acid absorption in the small intestines weakens.
Meaning your body isn’t getting the fatty acids needed to produce testosterone.
So you can see why it’s critical to understand why gluten is NOT ideal for your male hormones. However…
If you have a bun with your hot dog or hamburgers at the family cookout…
Or you want a slice of whole grain bread with your eggs and bacon…
Maybe heck, you just go crazy on a ton of gluten-filled sweets and you want to undo the damage, you’ll want to check this out.
The Antidote That Packs A Punch Against Gluten
Look, you can consume gluten…
However, consuming it without this antidote is setting you up for bloating, weight gain, lowered immune system, weakened testosterone production, a sluggish libido, and so much more…
Now the secret sauce to this destructor of testosterone breaks down the protein walls of glutenrendering it non-toxic (or at least, less toxic) in your system.
… the nutrient is called DPP-IV.
An enzyme that specifically breaks down gluten.
Think of this gluten breakdown like the unwinding of a ball of yarn. Ths casing around gluten begins to unravel so your body can digest it properly.
This is great news…
Especially if you love: pizza, red cheese, beer, (and nearly every food on the menu at restaurants).
So if you want to eat gluten and get away with it, go here.
Again, I wouldn’t recommend pushing the boundaries and becoming a gluten superfan…
However, for the times you “slip up” or just want to eat a burger with the bun without the guilt, Gluten Guardian will be your new best friend.
Want To Go Gluten Free? Here’s How…
So after reading about the dangerous gluten and testosterone connection, you may be wondering how to eat gluten-free…
Here’s how…
First, keep an eye on the packaged food you buy…
Look for the “gluten-free” label. If labeled gluten-free it’s likely safe to eat as determined by the FDA. However, be careful…
“Wheat free” does NOT necessarily mean gluten-free. And a lot of people get this mixed up. I just don’t want it to be you.
Next… check the allergen listings.
If the allergen list says “contains wheat” then that’s a surefire way to know you’re about to chow down on some major gluten…
And obviously, keep an eye out for the following ingredients:
– wheat
– barley
– rye
– malt
– Brewer’s yeast
– oats (unless specifically labeled gluten-free)
Next Up, What You Can Eat On A Gluten-free Diet…
Good news! There’s quite a bit.
Fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, seafood, some dairy, beans, legumes, and nuts. Just keep in mind…
Just because it’s gluten-free does not mean it’s testosterone-friendly.
So be sure to skim this list of testosterone boosting foods as you jot down your gluten-free grocery list.
At the end of the day… gluten-free carbs are the best for your testosterone levels.
However, I understand going “gluten-free” every meal of the week can be a challenge. By no means am I perfect so why would I hold you to the same standard. In those cases…
I recommend taking Gluten Guardian before your meal and after your meal if you do consume gluten.
So you can still enjoy a grass-fed burger on the grill sitting between a couple slices of hardy wheat.
To testosterone-friendly BBQ’s!
Train HARD and with NO REGRETS!
Joe LoGalbo