Chiseled Jawline Exercises For Men To Reverse Aging And Increase Attractiveness
Have you noticed a common theme among the men in Hollywood?
You know, the guys that star as your favorite action heroes…
Or general tough guys…
Brad Pitt in Fight Club... Hugh Jackman in The Wolverine... Jake Gyllenhaal in Southpaw... Chris Hemsworth in Thor…
You get the idea.
Besides their ripped physiques, what stands out most about these guys is their chiseled jawlines.
And the good news is, they don't need to be the only ones with rock-solid jawlines. You can get one, too... even if you aren't happy with the way yours looks right now...
Because today I’m going to share with you the chiseled jawline exercises to do just that.
But first, let’s look at why having a chiseled jawline isn't only important to you, but to your lady as well.
How Chiseled Jawline Exercises Make You Irresistible
Male and female faces differ in shape…
And these differences reflect the differences between a man and a woman…
According to many studies, women are more likely to be attracted to men with “manly” facial features (chiseled jaw and all) because our faces are indicators of our testosterone levels.
The higher testosterone levels you have, the better your jawline looks.
A chiseled jawline increases attractiveness, no doubt. But also...
As you age, your face can begin to “fill out” and get puffier due to a poor diet, lack of exercise, and slower metabolism…
And in all reality, most people expect this to happen as you age…
But when you strengthen your jawline and tighten up your facial features as you get older, you’ll look like you’ve been drinking from some sort of fountain of youth...
Because instead of your jawline looking puffy like all your buddies, yours is lean and rock-solid.
Check out the following chiseled jawline exercises to make it happen.
Jawline Exercises
Your face and neck are made up of a total of 57 muscles…
Which means the muscles in your face will respond to a workout just like any other muscle group in your body.
Consistently perform the following exercises to reverse aging on your jawline and increase attractiveness.
Steel Chin Curlup
- Begin in a lying position on the floor
- Bring your chin to your chest and then lift your head off of the ground about 2 inches. Don’t lift your stomach and don’t stick your chin out
- Start by doing 3 sets for 10 repetitions and gradually build up to more
Frankenstein Jaw Maker
- Slightly extend your lower jaw outward like the monster Frankenstein
- Slowly move your lower jaw in a circular motion, keeping your head in place
- Do this more 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Vowel Variances
- Say your vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in an exaggerated fashion, extending your jaw with each vowel and holding the vowel for 3 seconds apiece
- Say each vowel 5 times
Lion’s Roar
- Stand upright and inhale deeply through your nose
- As you exhale, roll your tongue out of your mouth and draw it down toward your chin and roll your eyes upward
- This exercise recruits every muscle in your face. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Your Next Step
Men, I know you probably haven’t considered working out the muscles in your face very often (if at all)…
But if you want to reverse aging and increase attractiveness, then these chiseled jawline exercises will do the trick.
Implement them a few times a week to get the best results. But hey...
Before you go I want to help you out even more...
Remember there's a connection between healthy testosterone levels and a chiseled jawline. So I want to give you an opportunity to boost testosterone levels in just 10-seconds each morning by taking our 100% natural testosterone boosting formula, Anabolic Reload.
Anabolic Reload combines the world's most potent herbs, vitamins and minerals... plus a unique ingredient that makes the other ingredients go to work almost instantly... so you can get noticeable testosterone boost right away in the morning.
This testosterone boost will help you lean out and chisel up your jawline like we've talked about in this article.