Does Sex Boost Testosterone?
The question of the day…
Does sex boost testosterone?
It’s a good question to ask...
And one that might add a cherry to an already exciting time between the sheets.
So, let’s talk about sex.
The Conversation
There’s actually been some back and forth about whether or not sex increases or decreases testosterone levels in men…
For example, some of the greatest athletes and minds in history (Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, George Washington, William Shakespeare) have refrained from sex for a period of time in order to devote themselves to a greater good...
Like their performance in the ring, and for generally using their mind to think up great causes rather than how to get off.
The reasoning?
Well, the thought is that ejaculation can drain the testosterone out of you…
But even though you may feel a little tired after playing in the bedroom, you can rest assured that no testosterone left your body while you two were having sex…
In fact, the opposite is true.
To answer the question, “Does sex boost testosterone,” research says, “yes!”
Sex Studies
Sex with your wife (not masturbation like I already discussed at length here) is one of the best – and probably most enjoyable – ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally.
A recent study measured the salivary testosterone levels of 44 men before entering a nightclub and then waited for them to leave the club before taking a second sample…
The variables between the two groups were simple: One group watched sexual activity, the other group engaged in sexual activity.
And though I’m not a sex club supporter, the research from the study was clear: Sexual activity with another person increases testosterone levels…
18 of the men who entered the nightclub had sex while the other 26 watched sex…
Those who engaged in sexual activity had a 72% increase in testosterone levels, while those who merely watched sexual activity had a measly 11% increase in testosterone.
So, does sex boost testosterone?
Sure does…
But interestingly enough, not just for men.
Another study, published in Physiology & Behavior, measured salivary testosterone concentrations of 4 heterosexual couples for a total of 22 evenings – 11 before and after intercourse, and 11 where the couples didn’t engage in sexual activity…
Testosterone levels increased for both the men and the women after having sex and decreased on evenings that they didn’t.
According to another study measuring the testosterone levels of elderly men who engaged in sexual activity, found their testosterone levels increased after sex as well.
So what’s the connection here?
Why exactly does sex boost testosterone?
Well, clearly it has nothing to do with ejaculation in general, because like I’ve mentioned before there is no connection between masturbation and testosterone (except that it can harm your T in the long run).
The testosterone increase that takes place during and after sex is the result of the connection between the two people having sex…
A woman’s pheromone release has a major effect on the male body, which can cause up to a 150% increase in testosterone levels, according to a study conducted by The Department of Anthropology at the University of Vienna.
And ultimately, during sex, men get the effects of feelings of power and confidence, as well as a steady flow of dopamine.
The answer to your question of, “Does sex boost testosterone,” is scientifically, and also experientially proven to be true…
Yes. Sex boosts testosterone.
How To Have Better Sex
So here’s the deal…
Sex increases testosterone levels, but you also need high testosterone levels in order to have better sex.
And if overall health, energy, a better physique, and a generally better quality of life haven’t given you a reason to take your testosterone levels more seriously, maybe having better sex will.
So if you want a fast and easy way to get the job done I recommend trying our natural overnight testosterone boosting formula...
Anabolic Reload P.M. is packed with potent science-backed ingredients proven in studies to help boost testosterone while you sleep and also give your libido a lift.
Take this formula about 30-60 minutes before bed and it'll be a lock for better sex, better sleep and higher testosterone levels.
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