Revealed: 5 Foods That Kill Testosterone And Cause Belly Fat In Men
High testosterone levels go hand in hand with a lot of great benefits…
Like more muscle mass, better sex, clarity of mind and mood and getting that shredded 6-pack you’ve always wanted…
But unfortunately, the same can be said on the other side of testosterone as well…
Low testosterone levels go hand in hand with negative consequences…
Like less muscle mass and strength, erectile dysfunction, a fuzzy mind, wild mood swings…
And also…
Belly fat.
See, as a man, when you hit your late 20’s, your testosterone levels begin to dip…
Which is one of the reasons why your physique seems to take a quick and ugly mudslide into flab-ville.
Unfortunately, most guys just embrace belly fat as a side-effect of age, not one of low-T.
But the good news is that even though age can’t be reversed…
Low testosterone can be.
Which is why it’s important that you eat a diet rich in testosterone-boosting foods…
And, that you stay away from the foods that will ruin your T-count.
So today let’s cross some foods off of the grocery list for good…
Here are 5 foods that kill testosterone and cause belly fat in men.
Spearmint and Peppermint Gum
“Chew more gum,” they said…
“It’ll keep you from overeating and putting on belly fat,” they said…
I have to admit…
This one is a heartbreaker for me.
I used to enjoy chewing a good piece of spearmint and peppermint gum…
Especially in the gym…
It inspired a calming effect on my anxiety, gave my jawline a decent workout, and kept my breath smelling minty fresh while I’d talk with some lady friends about my bodybuilding workouts…
But not anymore (plus, I’m married now).
Most of the mint and testosterone studies that have opened the worlds’ eyes to the flab-causing failsafe, spearmint gum, have been conducted on rats (which have a similar DNA structure to humans).
One study, recorded in Urology, divided 48 rats into 4 groups:
- Group 1 received commercial drinking water (control)
- Group 2 received 20g/L peppermint tea
- Group 3 got 20g/L spearmint tea
- Group 4 got 40g/L spearmint tea
The results:
- Group 1 didn’t change (obviously, as the control group)
- Group 2 (20g/L peppermint tea) reduced testosterone by 23%
- Group 3 (20g/L spearmint tea) reduced testosterone by 51%
- Group 4 (40g/L spearmint tea) reduced testosterone similarly
The bottom line here is to keep away from spearmint or peppermint products: including in your chocolate, hand soap, and shampoos (which I’m sure is your wife’s doing, not yours).
So the next time a 5 Gum commercial tries to seduce you with how much their gum tinges in your mouth, just remember that tingling is probably your testosterone getting beaten to a pulp.
One day soy won’t need to be on the list of foods that kill testosterone and cause belly fatbecause generally speaking men will stop eating it…
I hope.
Let’s take a study involving a poor 19-year old boy (man?) for example…
He consumed copious amounts of soy in his otherwise healthy diet and lost interest in sex (again, at 19-years old) had erectile dysfunction, and had low levels of testosterone, too.
At a time when this young man’s physique, libido, and testosterone, in general, should have been nearing its peak, it was instead pathetically low.
Thankfully after a full year of “quitting” soy, he regained healthy testosterone levels, libido, and erectile function.
Men, stay away from soy…
And if there’s some milk in the fridge that your wife bought, but you aren’t sure exactly what’s in it, don’t chance it.
Alcohol easily ranks among the top foods that kill testosterone and cause belly fat.
I’m not just talking about cheap beer, here…
According to multiple studies, drinking alcohol of any kind will lower your testosterone levels…
Especially if you drink a lot.
Hence, why you get a beer belly…
But it could get worse than a beer belly if you aren’t careful.
According to one rat study, when rats were fed a diet that contained 5% alcohol, their testicle size decreased by 50%!
Also, alcohol increases estrogen levels in men, which won’t only lead to a beer belly, but also to man boobs.
Now, I’m not trying to tell you what to do here…
But I suggest that if you want to keep your testosterone high, and get/keep a shredded 6-pack, you need to get the 6-pack of Bud out of your fridge…
Yes, even the light kind.
Vegetable Oil
Do you know what kind of oil your wife cooks dinner in?
Maybe you should ask…
Or cook for her every once in a while.
Vegetable oil is one of the most dangerous foods that kill testosterone and cause belly fatbecause it’s so easy to splash into your meals – when you cook eggs, baked potatoes, or even make a power salad.
Vegetable oils are high in polyunsaturated fats…
Which are the worst kinds of fats you can consume for healthy testosterone levels…
In fact, one study, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, revealed that even though overall fat intake is astronomical for elevating your T-count, PUFA’s will bring it down from the stars.
Avoid all oils except olive oil, argan oil, coconut oil and avocado oil.
Put your hands in the air and step away from the Twizzlers.
The main ingredient in licorice – glycyrrhizic acid – is a proven testosterone killer.
One male study that tested glycyrrhizic acid on human subjects showed a major depletion of testosterone levels…
In the study, seven healthy male subjects were given 7g/day of licorice through candy tablets (containing 0.5 grams of glycyrrhizic acid)…
And just four days into the study, the subjects’ total testosterone levels had decreased from 740 ng/dL to 484 ng/dL.
Nearly half of the testosterone in the room vanished just like that.
Now, I’m not a big licorice guy, but keep in mind that licorice isn’t only found in the candy aisle at the local retailer…
It’s also found in tobacco, chewing gum, tea and other candy.
Keep an eye out for licorice, and keep it off the menu.
Your Next Step
Men, when your testosterone levels suffer, your physique suffers with it…
Beer bellies, man boobs, muffin tops…
Really, carrying extra fat around is no way to spend your years on earth.
Stay away from these 5 foods that kill testosterone and cause belly fat…
And instead, start making your grocery list based on my 97 Science-Backed Foods That Boost Testosterone course…
Once you lose the flab, you’ll never want to go back.
– Joe LoGalbo