Naturally Increase Testosterone With This Bodyweight Workout
Steel weights clanging back and forth on a bending barbell…
Loud screams to get up one final rep…
A slug of protein, a high five with your spotter and a wink at the ladies on the treadmill…
That’s how you envision a testosterone boosting workout happening, don’t you?
But then reality sets in…
Along with a whole lot of back pain…
And knee pain…
And you realize, you’re not the young stud you used to be.
But here’s the deal…
You don’t need to break your back to naturally increase testosterone with your workouts…
In fact, in this short article, I’m going to give you a bodyweight workout that you can do anywhere to naturally increase testosterone.
Let’s get to it.
Of any workout you can do to naturally increase testosterone, sprinting ranks among the cream of the crop.
According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, sprinting doesn’t only increase testosterone levels in men, but it increases the most potent form of testosterone – DHT (dihydrotestosterone)…
14 healthy men were recruited for the study and were given the task of sprinting with an all-out effort for 30-seconds and then resting for 90-seconds… Five minutes after the exercise, total testosterone levels increased, free testosterone levels increased, and DHT increased.
So for this bodyweight workout run 8 sprints for 30 seconds, giving an all-out effort. Take a 90-second rest in between.
Box Jumps
Box jumps are next in line for this bodyweight workout…
A study published in the Japanese Journal of Physiology tested the effects of “strenuous jumping” on the hormone levels of men…
Immediately after these jumps, the 16 participants were tested for their testosterone levels. Total testosterone increased by 12%, free testosterone by 13%, and thyroid response was elevated, too.
The reason for this initiation in anabolic hormone response is due again to the all-out nature of a box jump…
Jumping as high as you can requires maximal output, and maximal output results in a surge of testosterone, because, well, that’s what testosterone is there for…
To help men survive when maximal output is required…
So for this bodyweight workout that’ll naturally increase testosterone, follow your sprints with 3 sets of 60-second box jumps.
Next, head over to the pull-up bar…
Pull-ups are known as “the mother of all upper-body exercises” and are an excellent testosterone-boosting bodyweight workout simply because you can’t give any effortless than your best on a pull-up…
And like I’ve covered already, anaerobic exercises with short rest intervals initiate a natural Human Growth Hormone response…
Plus, it recruits muscle groups that are high in androgen receptor density like your lats and traps. In fact, simply doing pull-ups can increase the number of androgen receptors you have in your muscles…
The more androgen receptors you have in your muscles, the more binding sites will be available for your testosterone— which means more testosterone in your bloodstream can enter your DNA.
So for this bodyweight workout that’ll naturally increase testosterone, complete 3 sets of pull-ups until failure (do as many as you can for 3 sets).
Burpees are one of the best exercises you can do to boost testosterone because they recruit muscles in your entire body, and require your all-out effort.
Your chest, shoulders, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core are all involved in this movement.
To get the most anabolic hormone response out of your burpees, breathe in through your nose throughout the exercise, and exhale through your mouth.
This breathing technique will give you a bigger pump, increase nitric oxide production for better muscle growth.
To finish off this workout add 3 sets of burpees at 1-minute a piece.
Action Step
So there you have it: The bodyweight workout that will naturally increase testosterone.
Add this workout to your weekly routine and you’ll notice a massive surge in your testosterone levels.
For more workouts like this check out Fit After 50...
Which uses the exercises above plus many more to get you ripped and pumping with fresh testosterone with every workout. You can even complete the whole program from home.
Mark Mcilyar
Trainer at Live Anabolic
"Over 50" Muscle Building Expert