Is It Really Possible To Build Muscle While You Sleep?
Curious about how to build muscle while you sleep?Most guys train hard, eat right, get a long night's sleep, and still, don’t build muscle. The reason? Possibly catabolic sleep. Which leads to more than muscle problems. Maybe you wake up with low energy. Or your libido isn't what it used to be (nor is the "buddy" downstairs) One Key Giveaway Is Waking Up WITHOUT Morning Wood More Than... -
5 Best Exercises For Men Over 40 (Do These Today!)
Guys over 40 don’t have time to waste on inefficient exercises... By that I mean... Any exercise that doesn't build as much muscle as possible... and assist with fat burning in one big swoop—shouldn’t be a priority. At our age... You want to get in and out of the gym as fast as possible with the best exercises… You also don’t want to be reckless either... This... -
How To Get Fit Over 40 (Tips For Men)
Just because you’re approaching your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s doesn’t mean it’s too late to get fit, build muscle, chisel out a lean physique—or whatever other body shaping goal you have… In fact, you can relive your glory day, just at a different age… And here's where you can get started... Change Your Mindset In order to show off a killer physique... You need to realize... -
Best Workout For Men Over 40 (TriCon Training, Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
The Best Workout For Men Over 40... Don’t look the same as workouts for guys in their 20’s. And they shouldn’t. Because as we get older, our priorities change. And we want the biggest bang for our buck... Because as guys 40+... Focused, powerful and fast workouts are key to boosting testosterone levels. And when testosterone levels are high, building muscle and burning fat practically becomes automatic… So you get... -
How To Regain Sex Drive For Older Men
Your sex-drive and car are a lot alike… Think about it…The moment you drove your brand-new car off the lot, there was no end in sight. You thought, “I’m gonna drive this forever.”It had power. It had vigor. But 10 years later it’s become a whole new animal altogether. I mean, it’s aged just fine. It’s not like you haven’t taken care of it.... -
7 Foods That Boost Sex Drive For Men
If you’ve been around this site for a while, you know that boosting testosterone begins in the kitchen… And here, the old adage... “You are what you eat…” is as true as it’ll ever be. But did you know that you can also implement the same strategy to supercharge your sex drive? Here’s the deal, as you get older, you naturally lose some of... -
The Art Of Boosting Testosterone Naturally
Have you ever truly mastered something before? For me... I've mastered fixing up old cars and racing them on the weekends... (This is me tuning-up my 'Vette on race weekend) It feels great to know something inside and out... Or to continue to grow in your knowledge in a specific field... And in this article, I want to give you some key ways to master... -
Do Squats Increase Testosterone? These Variations Do
There are few guys who get a thrill from getting into the squat rack… Especially when you pass the Over 40 barrier and have to deal with unpleasant ramifications the next day… You know… The sore back, “cricked” neck and the occasional tweak right above your tailbone… Still, it’s common knowledge that squats are a major exercise for building major muscle… And more importantly,... -
Naturally Increase Testosterone With This Bodyweight Workout
Steel weights clanging back and forth on a bending barbell… Loud screams to get up one final rep… A slug of protein, a high five with your spotter and a wink at the ladies on the treadmill… That’s how you envision a testosterone boosting workout happening, don’t you? But then reality sets in… Along with a whole lot of back pain… And knee pain…... -
The Pomegranate Testosterone Connection That’s Too Good To Be True
A few years back research struck gold when they discovered the benefits of pomegranate… Because the pomegranate testosterone connection is pretty impressive… So let’s take a closer look at how pomegranates can boost testosterone levels. But that's not all... Stick around to the end of this article because I'm going to show you a simple way to boost testosterone (that's far easier than eating pomegranates every day)....