7 Signs Of Low Testosterone In Males And What To Do About it
Small testosterone levels pose a big problem for men… A big problem that literally seeps into every area of your life… From your sex drive to your mood, to your production at work, your performance in the gym, and everywhere in between, low testosterone will bring you down. Now I can warn you about the dangers of low testosterone all I want… But if... -
How To Fix Low Testosterone Naturally
When something’s broken… You fix it… That’s the way of the man, isn’t it? After all, who else is going to take care of it? And when it comes to your testosterone, the same principle applies. No one’s going to fix low testosterone for you… It’s on you to do it. But if you’re like most guys, you probably don’t know what tools you... -
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Risks
The testosterone market is categorically one of the highest markets for men in the world… I know, because well, I’m in it. And you know it, too, because you’re a human being… Television commercials, blue pills at the local drug store, and even doctor’s offices are taking advantage of half the world’s population (men) by claiming that we need an expensive pill or therapy... -
The Red Light Therapy Testosterone Connection You Won’t Believe
Red light. Bad, right? Keeps you stopped in traffic… Flashes when something deadly goes down at the CDC… But when it comes to your balls… Red lights are far from a disaster… In fact, red lights are a testosterone remedy. The red light therapy testosterone connection is a fascinating one… So put a red light on anything else you’re doing right now and let’s take a... -
Low Testosterone And Sleep Apnea
Have you ever stopped breathing in your sleep? Or maybe found yourself taking shallow breaths of air that you’d normally consider insufficient breathing patterns if you’d heard them? Do you stop breathing up to 30 times per hour while your off frolicking somewhere in la-la land? Oh, you don’t? Well, here’s the deal… Most people who exhibit these patterns while they sleep don’t actually... -
The Scary Dangers Of Cell Phones On Your Testosterone And Manhood
The technology evolution has grown to almost miraculous proportions over the last 20 years or so… Think about it… Snail mail has become cheetah mail through instant messenger… Landline phones grew legs and started walking with us everywhere we go with the introduction of cell phones. And you basically have a laptop cooking away in your crotch pocket… With access to any bit of... -
How To Use Intermittent Fasting To Increase Testosterone Levels
One of the most important questions you can ask yourself in regard to your testosterone levels is this: What does an average morning look like for you? If you’re like most men, it probably looks something like this: Wake up. Eat breakfast. Hit the gym. Go to work. Does that sound pretty close? Well, there’s one part of your morning that’s causing you to... -
Probiotics And Testosterone: Unlock Higher T-Levels Doing This
Your body is made up of 100 trillion bacterial cells… Basically, there are more bacteria inside of you than there are stars in the galaxy… So I hope you’ll agree with me when I say that bacteria are important… Not just because they make up your body. But because they manipulate your testosterone levels, too. The bacteria in your body have a major influence... -
The Truth About Protein And Testosterone
You need to eat protein to build muscle… Pretty simple… You’ve heard that one since your first woosy meeting with a barbell and a bench press. You also need testosterone to build muscle… Common sense, right? But this is where the conversation gets tricky… There’s a lot of distress in the relationship between protein and testosterone. They’re like a couple of friends that, if they... -
Cold Showers, Testosterone, And The Farmer Who Invented Hydrotherapy
I’m not sure that anyone gets thrilled with the idea of a cold shower… But I hope this article will change that… Because when it comes to your testosterone, there’s a thrill in the chill. Cold showers are fast and effective ways to boost your testosterone levels… Fast, because there’s no such thing as a long shower when the bath handle is pointed to...